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87 Cards in this Set

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In the history of medicine, the year ? is exemplified by the statement "here eat this root"
2000 B.C.
Describe the progression in the history of healthcare from 2000 bc thru 2000 AD
2000 - eat root, 1000 AD-prayer, 1850- potion, 1940- pill, 1985-antibiotic, 2000-eat root
Medicine is a science of ? and an art of ?
uncertainty, probability
? were the forerunner of surgeons
midievel barbers
? laid the foundation for modern diagnostic techniques
ancient greeks
da Vinci's statement about how one learns about the human body
dissection of the human body was done to learn how it works
Prehistoric period
8000 BC
in prehistoric pd, humans believed in ? and the first doctors were ? that performed ? to treat the sick
spirits and supernatural forces; shamens, ceremonies
? pd was the 1st to dispense medicine (plants); drugs like ? and ? were discovered this way
prehistoric; digitalis and morphine
? is a prehistoric procedure done to allow spirits to leave a sick person
Egyptian Period =
2000 BC
in egyptian period, the goddess ? was believed to cause or cure diseases and ? played a large part in the medicine of the pd
Sekhmet; priests
1st records of medicine were written on ?, during which period?
papyrus; egyptian pd
egyptian views of healing was dominated by
religious beliefs
the first pharmacists were from what period and used what?
egyptian; ointments, inhalers, pills, potions from plants
Egyptian god of medicine
"Imhotep" means? and is ?
"the one who walked in peace; the eqyptian god of medicine
? were the first medical textbooks
papyrus writings from the eqyptian period that included detailed records of symptoms and trmts of illnesses
Mummies came from which period
egyptian, 2000 bc
the presence of mummies indicate what about the egyptian period
that they had detailed knowledge of the internal structure of the body, (although they did not use this knowledge in treatments)
although the eqyptians had detailed knowledge of the body, they did not ?
apply this to treatment methods
Greek and Roman period =
400 BC to 300 AD
Greek and Roman god of disease and healing
Apollo was replaced by ? in the 5th century by the greeks/romans
? and ? are still the symbols of the medical profession. came from which period?
Staff and Holy Snake; greek and roman period
Temple of ? are all over greece still
Greek medicine was connected to ? initially
Asclepius is a contemporary of ?
5th century = (years?)
500 BC to 401 BC
greek physicians learned through
Hippocrates was from which period
greek/roman 400bc-300ad
greek philosopher, the father of medicine
hippocrates was the first to separate ?
medicine from religion/superstition
hippocrates emphasized
pt's symptoms w/ season of the year, living conditions, diet and exercise habits
Hippocratic Oath
I will use treatment to help the sick according to my ability and judgement, but never with the view to injury and wrong doing...Into whatsoever houses I enter, I will enter to help the sick.
who's is the 4 humor theory
what are the 4 humors?
blood, phlegm, black bile, yellow bile
? humor gave a person a lively personality and energy; enjoy life and arts
? humor made a person fell lethargic/have dull personality
? humor caused depression and sadness
black bile
? humor influenced a person's temperment; caused anger
yellow bile
? is a book (treatise) on hippocratic trtmts
corpus hippocraticum
corpus hippocraticum included several books on
diet, prognosis, climate and water, naturalistic approach, inspection and palpation and physis (nature), observation of the disease process, aphorisms
? was a greek physician who emigrated to Rome and became the principal doc to many gladiators
Galen was one of the 1st physicians to use ? to understand the human body
? were the 1st to realize the importance of hygiene by linking dirt and disease and took steps to improve sanitation
middle ages =
500-1400 AD
hallmarks of the middle ages
roman empire collapsed, lost public hygeine practices, emphasized religion for healing, preists and religiious scholars were considered doctors
aka for the middle ages
dark ages
in the middle ages ? were banned as witchcraft
herbal remedies and potions
in the middle ages, ? was used as anesthetic
in what year was the outbreak of the bubonic plague
1347 AD
bubonic plague =
fatal pneumonia
what may have been the cause for the reemergence of hippocrates and galen's practices in the middle ages
bubonic plague
in the middle ages, ? was thought to heal by touch
arabic period
700-1500 AD
who wrote the "laws of medicine" and in what period
Ali al-Husayn Abd Allah Ibn Sina (aka Avicenna) in the arabic period
Avicenna's "laws of medicine" were translated into ? in the 12th century
the canon of medicine by ?
the canon of medicine contained 5 books detailing;
formulation of medications, dx of disorders, general medicine and detailed therapies
? was a great influence in the development of medicine in medieval europe
Avicenna's canon of medicine
arabic pharmacists used what for anesthetics
sponges soaked in narcotics
the renaissance period =
1400-1700 AD
revival of greek and roman culture occured during which period
in the renaissance pd, medicine was under the control of ?, the ? theory dominated, and ? and ? mastered anatomy
churches, 4 humor theory, Versalius and Da Vinci
origin of western medicine was in ? period where the development of it was in ?
greek/roman pd, arabic period
development of university medicine first occured where
norther italy, then france and england
by ? year did many areas of western europe have their own institutions of higher learning?
1400 BC
who wrote the "Circulation theory" and in what year
william harvey, 1628
new medicines from the renaissance period
quinine - opium based pain killer, and tobacco leaves
new disease of renaissance period
bubonic plague and small pox
? was used in the renaissance period to arrest bleeding
18th and 19th centuries =
1700-1900 AD
? discoverd vaccinations in the ? period
Jenner, 18/19th cent
xrays in 1895 by
? made 1st microscope
Van Leeuwenhoek, 18/19th cent
? - germ theory, microorganisms, microbiology
? emphasized the importance of hygeine in the 18/19th cents
? were used as anesthetic in the 18/19th centuries
chloroform and cocaine
? discovered antiseptics and these brought the mortality rate down to
Joseph Lister, 4% from 60%
20th century =
penicillin discovered by
fleming, florey and chain (1928)
insulin disc'd by
banting and best (1922)
1st heart transplant by ? in what year
christian bernard, 1967
1st successful in vitro birth was when
period in which the following happened; human genome project started, life expectancy increased, CT, MRI came out, HIV/AIDS developed, malari, cholera and TB mostly 3rd world issue
20th century
what should the future of medicine be?
a balance between the art of medicine and the science/technology of medicine w/ imagination, ingenuity and a little luck