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31 Cards in this Set

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Ptolemaic model of the universe
everything orbits around the sun
Challenged Ptolemaic model of the unverse; said everything orbits around the sun instead
Tycho Brahe
Said everything orbits around the sun except for the earth
Made the Copernicus model simple.
Came up with the Keplar's laws of planetary motion
Thomas Kuhn
Scientist > everything works under a paradigm
Deductive vs. inductive logic
Deductive: (decrease) go from general to specifics. Pre-enlightenment thinking
Inductive: (increase) go from specifics to general.
Result of scientific awakening.
Francis Bacon
Pushed inductive reasoning, made the "idols" (preconceived ideas), and invented scientific method.
Bacon's idols
Idols of the tribe: flaws from being a human
Idols of the cave: personal/individual flaws
Idols of the marketplace: flaws from culture
Idols of the theatre: flaws from philosophy systems
Rene Descartes
"I think, therefore I am."
Came up with Reductionism (breaking down a problem to understand it)
Isaac Newton
Wrote "Principia Mathematica"
"Law of Universal Gravitation"
3 laws of motion
Developed calculus
"If I have seen further, it's because I have stood on the shoulders of giants."
Isaac Newton
Consequences of the scientific awakening (2)
Determinism: there is an ordered universe
Deism: God no longer is involved in the world
Wrote "Pensees": pro-religion and God.
Wrote the Wagers on Faith
Wager on Faith (4)
Written by Pascal
4 outcomes from believing in God.
1. He exists and you don't believe
2. He exists and you believe
3. He doesn't exist and you believe
4. He doesn't exist and you don't believe in him.
Best outcome: God exists and you believe in him.
Enlightenment theory
Scientific method can be applied to society as well as nature.
Enlightenment years
1650 - 1800
Enlightenment characteristics
1. Glorifies reason
2. Humanistic view of the world
3. Rising middle class
4. Optimistic about humankind
5. Applying science laterally - science can be applied to EVERYTHING.
Enlightenment and Religion (3)
1. Reason beats faith.
2. Science guides better than religion
3. Humans are naturally good
God makes the universe and it is then governed by natural laws
Thomas Paine
"Believe in God, and there it rests."
Thomas Hobbes
English philosopher
"All that is real is material, and what is not material is not real."
State of Man
Locke vs. Rousseau vs. Hobbes
Locke: man existed in a natural state.
Roussea: Noble savage (inherently good)
Hobbes: man is a bad savage.
Role of Government
Locke vs. Rousseau vs. Hobbes
Locke: Social contract to protect individuals
Rousseau: Social contract for the benefit of society
Hobbes: We need a king
Corrupt Government
Locke vs. Rousseau vs. Hobbes
Locke: Corrupt government results when it doesn't protect the individual rights
Roussea: Corruption comes when people see another who has more; unequal sharing
When should people revolt?
Locke vs. Rousseau vs. Hobbes
Locke: Individual thinks gov. isn't protecting rights
Rousseau: The society together decides to rebel
Hobbes: any rebellion is wrong
Alexander Pope
Wrote "Essay on Man" and "Essay on Criticism"
Cautioned enlightened thinking
"A little learning is a dangerous thing"
Alexander Pope
Adam Smith
wrote "Wealth of Nations"
Free-enterprise system
Invisible hand
Market forces are better than gov.
Wrote "A Modest Proposal"
Edward Gibbon
Criticized Christianity's influence in politics
Separation of Church and State
Wrote "Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire": Christianity made Rome fall
French Enlightenment Philosopher
Wrote "Treatise of Enlightenment"
Wrote "Candide" about Lisbon's earthquake