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73 Cards in this Set

  • Front
  • Back
What is the importance of bronze Zhou bells?
Music, taxes, and show technical ability
What dynasty came up with the idea of the "mandate of heaven"?
Who began Confucianism?
When was Confucianism invented?
500 B.C.
What did Confucianism teach?
that people should put the needs of their family and community first
Who began Daoism?
When was Daoism invented?
300 B.C.
What did Daoism teach?
that people should give up their worldly desires and live in harmony with nature
Who began Legalism?
When was Legalism invented?
200 B.C.
What did Daoism teach?
that people should give up worldly desires and live in harmony with nature
What did Legalism teach?
that laws must be followed (similar to Hammurabi's code of laws)
What are the 11 dynasties?
Pre-dynastic, Xia, Shang, Zhou, Qin, Han, Sui,Tang, Song, Ming, Qing
What is the most skilled warring state?
the Qin
When does the Qin conquer China by?
221 B.C.
Who is the Qin's leader?
Qin ShiHuangdi
What are the legacies of the Qin dynasty?
standardizations, Legalism, civil service exam, great buildings, road that connects major cities
W/hen was proto-writing invented?
6000 B.C.
Was proto-writing true writing?
No, it is Paleolithic pictographs
When do Chinese legends say writing was invented?
2650 B.C.
What was the first true writing?
oracle-bone script
What dynasty was oracle bone script invented in?
the Shang
What was oracle bone script written on?
shell and bone
What oracle bone used for?
What dynasty was seal script invented in?
Began during Zhou and codified during the Qin dynasty
When did people stop using seal script?
Never, still used today
What is an artistic, but legible script?
When was paper invented?
105 A.D.
What dynasty was paper invented in?
the Han
Who invented paper?
Cai Cun
What was the earliest surviving printed book?
the Diamond Sutra
When was silk first made?
1000 B.C.
What is silk made from?
silkworm cocoons
What is the silk process called?
What do silkworms feed on?
mulberry tree leaves
What were silks use?
clothing, to write or paint on, trading
When was porcelain first made?
400 B.C.-A.D. 200
Can porcelain be made with any type of clay?
no, knolin
What temperature is porcelain made at?
What dynasty was porcelain first invented in?
the Han
What dynasty made porcelain with two and three color glazes?
What dynasty made green and blue porcelain with a cracked glaze?
What dynasty made blue and white porcelain?
Which dynasty made the first compass?
Which dynasty first used the compass as a navigational aid?
What did people use for navigation before the compass?
stars and landmarks
Which way did Chinese compasses point?
What makes the Chinese junk advanced?
the rudder and movable sails
What do the movable sails allow the junk to do?
sail into the wind
Who led the famous junk fleet?
Zheng He
What dynasty was Zheng He's junk fleet in?
How many voyages did Zheng He take and what years?
7 between 1405-1433
How many ships were there?
How many sailors were there?
How long were some of the junks?
430 feet
What was the point of Zheng He's fleet?
to show the world how powerful China was, to trade, to communicate
How long was the silk road?
from the Yellow River to the Mediterranean Sea
When did the Silk Road begin?
the Han dynasty
What physical feature made it possible to travel?
What made travel dangerous?
What are the three most important items traded on the Silk Road?
silk, porcelain, tea
When was the Great Canal begun?
the 6th century B.C.
How many workers worked on the Great Canal?
5 million
How long is the Great Canal?
What 2 cities does it connect?
Bejing to Hangzhou
Why was gunpowder discovered?
alchemists were looking for the elixir of life
When was gunpowder created?
800 A.D.
In which dynasty was gunpowder created?
800 A.D.
What percentage of China's land is arable?
What did the chain pump allow to be done?
allowed to go uphill
When was rice domesticated?
c. 7000 B.C.
What is the scientific name of rice?
Oryza Sativa
When do Chinese eat rice?
at all meals