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23 Cards in this Set

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Beginning of Chinese Civilization
built walls and dug wells
pottery and weapons
Shang Dynasty
they developed a writing system, believed in oracle bones, and invented the lunar calendar
Zhou Dynasty
they believed in the mandate of heaven (philosophical concept), the lords lost loyalty to emperor, rebellion is how they fell
Warring States Period
500 states, fighting, mold-o-rama, coax, broke apart
Qin Dynasty
Shi Huangi (Emperor Qin)- he made roads and canals, expanded China, unified warring states, great wall of China
Liu Bang
was a commoner, led revolt of Han, lowered taxes, gave land, everyone trusted him
Emperor Wudi
took back the land, raised taxes
u had to pass a test to get a job,
1. emperor/court
2. peasants
3. artisans
4. merchants
it was based on what you could do
it emphasizes the importance of ethics and moral values
Han Achievements
accupuncture, and sundial
Sui Dynasty
grand canal linking the north and south of china
Tang Dynasty
it was the golden age because everything was good
empress Wu- very pretty, everybody didn't like her, strangled her baby to blame in on his wife, she improved the agriculture and gave woman more power
Trade and Beyond
lots of food grown, made porcelin
Important Invention
woodblock printing, gunpowder, and compass
Genghis Khan
"universal ruler", ruthless, had a strategic army, and created the largest empire ever
Kublai Khan
allowed Chinese customs, taxed them, expanded Great Canal, built roads- good for trade
Marco Polo
Italian-wrote a book, tried to get to Japan but he failed, to much land to control, chinese rebels
Invasion of Japan
they tried to invade Japan and spent all there money on lots of nice boats and then there ships sank from violent storms
Fall of Yuan
to much land to control and chinese rebels
Ming Dynasty
sea voyages, forbidden city
Forbidden City
no commoners allowed, a society within itself, all buildings red, yellow palace for emperor, black library, 9999 rooms
cut off from the rest of world, (+)control, protect, and no outside influence, (-) no trade, no technology
4 from the eightfold path
know the truth
resist evil
practice meditation
respect life
How long is the Silk Road
7000 miles