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25 Cards in this Set

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Why was Africa able to win its independence?
After WW2, the Euro countries were now vastly exlipsed by two new super powers: The US and the Soviet Union And both were opposed to the continuation of colonial empires
By 1945, Most Euro nations and most euro public had simply had it with colonialism. They were convinced that colonial empires were not necessary to play an important role in world affairs.
3. It very quickly became apparent that while some euro want to hold onto their colonies, that it was an illusion. You would never extract from the colonies to get the abundance of wealth. The econ answer was no longer convincing
4. The Africans were no longer willing to allow colonialism to go on
Why is it important to note that Africa was controlled by 5000 euros?
E. controlled A. because Africans had found it not worth their while to get rid of European rule. Once they reached that poing, colonialism was doomed. Remember, it was THE AFRICANS WHO ENDED COLONIALISM AND THE SPEED IN WHICH IT WAS DISMANTLED.
Garfield's Law
If the colonies total population is made up of more than 5% Euro settlers, than independence is slow and violent.
If there is less than 5% of Euro settlers, Fast and Easy.
Two Colonies wehre there is a large amount of euro settlers and violence with slow independence
Southern Rhodesia
Colonies that are Fast and Less Violent:
Nigeria, Gold Coast (Ghana) Sierra Leone, The Gambia
Uganda, N. Rhodesia, Malawi, and Tanzania
After WW2, B. debates upon giving up their colonial empires. What is the final issue that causes B. to let go of their colonial empire?
1947= British India becomes independent. THIS MARKS A BREAK IN BRITISH IMPERIAL HISTORY
Why is letting go of India so important?
The B. Empire WAS India. had more wealth, ppl, and more mystical standing than the rest of Britain's colonies combined. Once they gave it up, the rest of the empire didn't matter
In 1945, the Parliment had its first election in ten years. Who wins the election?
The British Labor Party
The British Labor Party
B. socialists part. They want to undertake a massive program of domestic reform with B. itself. Rebuild the country. They will get this money by... NOT SPENDING THE MONEY HOLDING ONTO THE EMPIRE
Leader of the British Labor Party
The British Labor party was also imposed to what?
Why is Ghana the first to become independent?
1. No Euro Settlers
2 Substantial African Middle Class, lived in a moder money econ, grew crops for sale rather than consumption
Edu was widespread. Literacy over 70%
4. Africans were apart of LEGCO, so they were apart of the gov't
1923 B establish the Gold Coast the Legislative Council. Over the years included Africans and Europeans. Over the year, LEGCO began to include africans. Gov. doesnt do anything w.o approval of LEGCO
What does Ghana lack?
1. Legco still appointed, not elected
2. Needs a leader who could mobilize public opininion outside the Legco and point out to the Bgov't that they were ready for self gov't
edu in US
Spend time in england as an organzier
Kind of person to take Ghana and move it to its conclusion He wanted independence much more quickly than it woudl occured otherwise
United Gold Coast Convention
Kwame Nkrumah was secretary. in 1948, they were soft core lobyist who just had tea with the govenor. Nkrumah didn't like it.
Convention Peoples Party (CPP)
Nkrumah organizes his own party
Political Party
Raises issue: Gold Coast doesn't ahve elections. The believe at least part of the Legco should be elected
Brit agrees, 1949 Legco partly elected by the ppl
New kind of political party found in Africa. Its designed to have branches in every segment of the population, in every town in every village. The Idea is to mobilize the masses to get the entire population to get involved in political issues under the leadership and direction of the CPP
Constantly get ppl involved under the leadership of the party. Nkruma saw that by making these things so unsettled to make the B. see that it is easier and chepper to let Nkruma get what he wants.
Nkruma has to convince Ghana that they are...
In 1954 Ghana was....
Given complete internal self gov't
March 6th, 1957... the Gold Coast...
Was granted full soverign independence. Ghana was the first, and became the modle for every other british colony in africa. Almost reduced it to a formula or script.
Nigeria and Great Britain
Another example of how the Brits were more than willing to give up their empire as long as it was peaceful.
The issue of Nigeria's Idependence:
The state came first rather than the ethnicity.
In Nigeria, the fear that ther was a country but not people, resulted in some usual things
In Nigeria, the fear that there was a country but not people resulted in some unusual things
1. B offers self gov't in 1954... but doesn't become independent until 1960.