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131 Cards in this Set

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Master of strategic retreat; first larger-than-life American hero; first president
George Washington
Scottish author; and the father of modern capitalism
Adam Smith
First lady during War of 1812, saved artifacts from presidential mansion
Dolley Madison
Italian explorer after whom cartographers named the new world
Amerigo Vespucci
Chief justice of Supreme Court who fought to preserve the dignity of the court
John Marshall
Spanish monk who described the brutality committed by Spanish Conquistadors
Bartolome de las Casas
3rd president said "the tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants"
Thomas Jefferson
Confessed to charges of witchcraft and accused others while on the stand
Author of Two Treaties on Government, stressed the importance of inalienable rights
John Locke
American general who plotted with the British against the Americans
Benedict Arnold
Leaders of the War Hawks in congress
John C. Calhoun and Henry Clay
Puritan minister who wrote "Sinners in the Hands of an Angry God"
Johnathan Edwards
Boston Lawyer who defended the British troops after the Boston Massacre
John Adams
One of the most radical patriots; better at brewing dissent than beer
Samuel Adams
Southern gentry man who led American troops at the Battle of New Orleans
Andrew Jackson
Native resistance leader, called for the Pan-Indian Confederacy (military alliance)
Tenskwatawa ("Prophet")
Mentally-instable abolitionist, responsible for violence at Pottawatamie and Harper's Ferry
John Brown
President of the Republic of Texas, fought for Texan Independence from Mexico.
Sam Houston
Combined for both slaves's and women's rights; first American female public speakers
Grimke Sisters
Senator from SC who savagely beat a northern senator for his views on slavery
Preston S. Brooks
The President of Mexico; led troops in Alamo, "President for Life"
Santa Anna
wrote Liberator, voice of "radical white abolitionism"
William Lloyd Garrison
Sued in order to acquire his freedom from slavery after he lived in a free state
Dred Scott
Author of Uncle Tom's Cabin, altered American popular opinion about slavery
Harriet Beecher Stowe
President of the Confederacy
Jefferson Davis
Nurse and founder of the American Red Cross
Clara Barton
Made fifteen trips into the south in order to help slaves escape to freedom
Harriet Tubman
Professor of rhetoric at Bowdoin College; spoke seven languages
Lawrence Chamberlain
President of the United States during the Civil War
Abraham Lincoln
Got his leg shot off, killed his wife's man
Daniel Sickles
Second in command of the Confederate Army; nicknamed "Old Pete", "The Dutchman", and "My Old War Horse"
James Longstreet
Commander of the Confederate Army; "a white-haired man with the build of an ape"
Robert E. Lee
Confederate General nicknamed "Stonewall" for his courage and determination under fire
Thomas Jackson
A sense of national identity that comes from a commonality of language and culture
Jeffersonian term to describe the group known as the "the backbone of America"
The practice of a slave owner freeing a slave on an individual basis
Tax on the manufacture, sale, or distribution of a product
Excise Tax
General search warrants used by the British against the colonists
"Writs of Assistance"
Playing of peoples fears in order to gain power, usually political
the term used to describe civilian soldiers in local militias
A written document, photo, or artifact directly from an event or time period
Primary Source
written document based on a primary sources after an event or time period has occurred.
Secondary Source
Process of federal courts reviewing legality and constitutionality of lower courts
Judicial Review
the practice of selling scarce goods for a profit
Line drawn along the Ohio River that seperate free states and slave states
Mason-Dixon Line
put in place to ensure that one branch of the government does not become more powerful than others
Checks & Balances
term for a person who supported the British during the American Revolution
This Established the practice of electing President and Vice president by seperate ballots in the electoral college
12th Amendment
the belief that all people should share equal rights and are equal in status
to carry a boat and supplies between two navigable rivers
Networks of communication used to spread word of threats to American liberties
Committees of Correspondence
The idea that blacks should be sent back to Africa in order to solve the slave problem
the belief that Americans have a special mission to spread from coast-to-coast.
Manifest Destiny
process of making a territory a state
group of people who wanted the end of slavery in the U.S
the illegal act of leaving the army in secret, often punishable by death or flogging
War which affects all aspects of society and govt. because all is directed to the war effort
Total War
food and supplies that are needed for an army
supreme court case that determined that the govt. cannot restrict the movement of property
Dred Scott v. Sandford
a place for mass storage of guns and ammunitions
mandatory military service
War strategy of burning everything no utilized by the invading army
"Scorched Earth"
policy of continuous aggression in order to eliminate or outlast the enemy
constitutional right that guarantees that an arrest must have adequate cause
Writs of Habeas Corpus
the feelings or attitudes of a group; it is especially important during wartime
Womens roles in Incan society....
they served their society as the leaders and warriors, as well as wives and mothers
Characteristics of the Anasazi....
-agriculturally based
-lacked rigid social structure
-warfare only in self defense
-little evidence of sacrifice
Native American adaptations to European invasion...
-European tech. and weapons
-forging of alliance w/other tribes
-conv. of Europeans to culture
Before the discovery of the New World in 1492, most educated people believed the earth was....
a sphere
First civilization besides Native Americans to discover new world
the Norse
European trade in the Renaissance stimulated efforts for exploration due to....
-rise of merchant class that engaged in international trading and business
-rise of corporations
-find an all water route to the Orient
Goals of the Spanish Empire
-gold and silver
-displacement of pagan civilization
-establish Catholic-based culture
Spanish advantages in empire building....
-1st to new world
-discovered good land
-national unity
Factor that proved most deadly to Native Americans after arrival of Europeans....
Explain the Mayflower Compact...
-colonists would elect own reps.
-reps. allowed to govern colony
Who were the Gentry?
Landowning aristocracy in the south
Mercantilism stresses....
-favorable balance of trade
-self-sufficiency in country's econ.
-increase imports decrease exports
-decrease reliance on foreign goods
Virginia company goals...
-produce commodities
-trade with natives
-products for the Navy
What happened during the Great Awakening?
-higher education
-develop.of Christianity in colonies
-revival in congregations
Rationalization for the enslavement of Africans in the 17th century....
-Less restrictive slave codes
-outlaw of indentured servants as workers
Greatest effect of European Enlightenment on the colonies...
-emphasis of observation, experimentation, and new thinking
What country started the slave trade?
Why did private enterprise's sponsor the founding of Massachusetts?
an explosion of the "lower sort" in England made it so many wanted to get rid of them and send them to the New World
Causes of Salem Witch Craze...
-local feuds
-negative look on spinsters
-weather patterns
Most important cause of the French and Indian war...
-Competition over the Ohio River Valley
Voyage that brought Aftricans to the West Indies and America....
The Middle Passage
Importance of the Sugar Act of 1764....
Marked first time parliament established taxes on imports and exports
The Proclamation of 1763 was...
-an attempt to postpone further settlement west of the Appalachian Mountains
-Drew an imaginary boundary
-ineffective in stopping colonial attempts at settlement
The Quartering Act...
-forced colonies to provide provisions and barracks for British soldiers
Declaratory Act....
- followed the repeal of the Stamp Act
-Parliament says they still have full power to make laws in the colonies
Boston Tea Party came as a result of the...
-colonists fear of a monopoly of tea by the East India Trading Co.
Results of the Battle of Bunker Hill....
-British Generals more cautious
-continental congress calls for more troops
-people now must choose sides
Virginia Resolves
-asserted colonists
-entitled to the rights of Englishmen
-colonists said they had always been self governed
Declaration of American Rights
-recog. parliments right to gov. imperial affairs in the colonies.
Olive Branch Petition
-colonists said they would stay loyal to the King if Britain would end hostilities.
Declaration of the Causes and Necessities of Taking up Arms
-rejected colonial independence
-stated colonists would fight for rights
Thomas Paine wrote....
-Common Sense
-The American Crisis
Desires of America before there could be peace with Britain....
-Removal of all British troops
What caused desire for the Alien and Sedition Acts?
-outbreak of rev. in France
-International war in Europe
-a "quasi-war" with France
-News of the XYZ affair
Northwest Ordinance of 1787
-divided N and S based on slavery
-established annexation
-Allowed 2nd cont. cong. to sell land to pay for war debts
-Opened the Ohio River Valley for white settlement
Body of gov. based on population
House of Representatives
Body of gov. with equal representation regardless of population
The Senate
Indian Intercourse Act of 1790
-Native Tribes are foreign nations
-Gov has to make treaty with Natives before taking land.
Who supported the War of 1812?
Westerners and Southerners who wanted expansion
Virginia and Kentucky Resolves
stressed federal authority over state authority in determining the constitutionality of laws
The "Great Compromise" involved...
-legalized slavery where it existed
-established checks and balances
-established census to determine proportional representation
Alexander Hamilton's fiscal program called for...
-a national bank
-new economic philosophy based on manufacturing
-protective tariffs
Federalist No. 10 said primary function of Fed. Gov was...
to mediate between factions
Jeffersons desire for discovery in Louisiana territory...
-extend authority over tribes
-civilize tribes
-land for crops
Election of 1800 effects on politics....
-political parties
-more competitive
-campaigning tactics
-est. modern electoral system
A protective tariff is created in order to....
promote local businesses at expense of international competition
What was said about slavery in the Constitution after the Great Compromise...
-slavery legal where it existed
-slaves were considered 3/5 of a person
-runaway slaves returned to south
-outlawed external slave trade
Henry Clay's American System
-greater infrastructure
-re-charter banks
-connect west to east
Missouri Compromise (1821)
-Missouri made a slave state
-Maine made a free state
Monroe Doctrine (1823)
European invasion seen as act of war
Cherokee Nation v. Georgia
-cherokees find gold
-state of Georgia says they cannot mine it
-they refer to the indian intercourse act
-john marshall rules that they are their own nation
-jackson says do something about it
-Trail of Tears
Andrew Jacksons over use of the veto
over use of power
Results after discovering gold in California..
-greatest mass migration in American History
-California applies for statehood
Compromise of 1850
-Ca=Free state
-popular sovereignty in all other w. territories
-slave trade abolished in D.C
Fugitive Slave Act
-allowed US marshalls to capture runaway slaves in the north and take them back down to the south.
Pottowatamie Massacre and Harpers's ferry
-causes great panic and violent slave revolts
Free soil coalition
-slave expansion prevented
Border Ruffians
-slave owners who rigged the elections for slavery
Reasons for secession of the south
-threatened by Lincoln
Significance of Bull Run ( Manassas)
realization of long term war
-place of peace
-23000 dead
single bloodiest day in the civil war
Union mutiny; Slaughter pen
Lees son killed
turning point of the war
Anaconda strategy
-North strategy
-cut off suppliest to south