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11 Cards in this Set

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Medici Family
Rich banking family that took control over Florence, helped fund the Italian renaissance
Cesare Borgia
son of Alexander the V, a pope. He killed hundreds when he conquered Bologna. According to Machiavelli, would be the perfect type of prince. Later killed for being viewed as too much of a threat
Was credited for making the renaissance an international movement. Promoted his love for God through writing, and believed that the bible was everyones key to being religious, because everyone had access to it.
A former French monk with liberal ideas. Stated that certain church services should be co-ed. "Do what thou wilt" meaning, do what you want.
Essay: Humanism
Humanism was an educational and cultural program based on the study of ancient Greek and Roman literature. The study was to achieve self cultivation---to write well, to speak well, and to read well.
Essay: Machiavelli
A prince should resemble a Fox and lion. Foxes are quick to think and a Lion is feared. Princes should be more feared than loved. When you are feared, people respect you. If people love you, they would take you for granted.
Essay: Renaissance Outlook on Life
Liberal and Free. During the time, thinkers had theories that defied Italy. Many humanists or other participators of the Renaissance opposed the church. Italian painters made art that depicted the renaissance such as "Venus on a Clam Shell" which represented love and joy. During the renaissance, people showcased their artistic talents freely, which led to a relaxed outlook on renaissance life.
Essay: Political and Socioeconomic effects of the Thirty Years War
Political effects include a) Hapsburg loses power and b) Netherlands gains independence
Socio economic effects include 40% of the population was killed. The govt. decided to make "Rules of war" to make wars more civil.
Essay: Lutheranism
Luther didn't believe in church indulgences, like giving money. He made the '95 Theses' which challenged this. He believed that an individual achieved salvation from inner feelings. The Germans followed Luther because they also opposed money going from their land to Rome in church taxes. He also believed that one had a direct relationship with god through oneself.
Essay: Calvinism
They believed in predestination. They also thought if you had too much free time, that would lead you to do something sinful. They believed in the importance of community. Emphasized the power of God over sinful and corrupt humanity. Thought that God demanded obedience and that Human emotions must be strictly controlled
Essay: How did the Price Revolution stimulate the development of agriculture?
Price revolution started because of growing population in France, England, and the Netherlands. Growing Population=Growing demand of stimulation. This meant farmers had to produce more food for the growing population. Farmers made their prices higher, which stimulated agriculture. Also, during the price revolution, farmers used enclosure system. This system was where farmers shared a piece of land and all the other farmers invested in it to make more money. More money=more agriculture=more money.