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46 Cards in this Set

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--1) What revolutionized early Native American culture?

-Spanish conquest of Central and South America

2) What aggressive Native American people occupied the valley of Mexico when the Spanish arrived?


3) What was the single greatest factor that caused the destruction of the Native Americans after contact with Europeans?


--4) What did Columbus try to prove?

-Circumference of Earth / it was round.

--6) Where did the English try to make a settlement in the 1580's?

- Roanoke, coast of present-day NC.

--7) In which colony were religious reasons least important in founding it?

- Indians

---8). why did Jamestown succeed where earlier attempts did not?

Found tobacco

---9) What ensured Jamestown's prosperity?


10) What was the headlight system?

-System of land distribution in which settlers were granted a 50-acre plot of land from the colonial government for each servant or dependent they transported to the New World. It encouraged the recruitment of a large servile labor force.

12) What colony was to be a "city upon a hill"


13) What were indentured servants?

-Persons who agreed to serve a master for a set number of years in exchange for the cost of transport to America.

---14) Why is the Mayflower Compact considered so important?

-Was to preserve the struggling community from anarchy. Agreement among the Pilgrims aboard the Mayflower in 1620 to create a civil government at Plymouth Colony.

--15) What was the Puritan attitude toward the Church of England in the early 17th century?

- negative, wanted to purify church and beliefs.

-----16) What was British colonial commercial policies based on?

- Commercial assumptions

17) What was the intention of the Navigation acts?

-attempted to eliminate the Dutch, against whom the English fought three wars in this period.

18) What was the peaceful ousting of James II by Parliament in 1688 known as?

-Glorious Revolution

19) what was the result of the Salem Witchcraft trials?

-After the Salem nightmare, witchcraft ceased to be a capital offense.

20) What does this statement mean, "The elements that spark a powerful sense of nationalism among colonists dispersed over a huge territory would not be evident for a long time".

-It would be a mistake, therefore, to anticipate the coming of the American Revolution.

21) What was the largest group of white, non-English immigrants to the colonies?


22) what was the first permanent European settlement in the U.S.?

-Spain colonizing in St. Augustine (FL)

----23) What wars were colonial wars between France and England?

-Seven years' war

24) Who was the leading figure and designer of the Albany Plan?

-Ben Franklin

25) Which war between England and France had greatest political and economic impact on colonial America?

-Seven YEars' War

27) Where did colonists get the information from?


28) What prohibited colonial settlement west of the Appalachian Mountains?

-Articles of Confederation

29) What radical American Group emerged during the Stamp Act crisis?


30) Who did the Stamp Act effect?

-Placed a tax on news-papers and printed matter produced in the colonies, causing mass opposition by colonists.

31) What was the fundamental issue that led to the Boston Massacre?

- The army sent to peaceful place

32) What were the Suffolk Resolves?

-a statement drawn up in Suffolk County, Massachusetts, that encouraged forcible resistance to the Coercive Acts.

33) Who was the author of the Declaration of Independence?

-Thomas Jefferson

34) What American victory led to the French alliance?

-The American Revolution

35) What was the most important responsibility facing the Second Continental Congress?

-mediating conflicting states' claims to rich western land.

36) What was the significance of Thomas Paine's Common Sense?

-Called for independence and a republican government in America.(convinced colonists republican > monarchy)

37) What was the law allowing a man to pass his entire estate to his eldest son?

-Laws of primogeniture and entail.

38) What did the Articles of Confederation guard?

Guarded the sovereignty of the states

----39) What was the most important accomplishment of the Articles of Confederation?

-Denied Congress the power of taxation.

40) What did Shays' Rebellion involve?

-Involved farmers. Prevented state courts from foreclosing on debtors unable to pay taxes.

41) What were the Federalist Papers?

-a brilliant series of essays written by Madison, Hamilton, and John Jay in 1787 and 1788.

42) What did the Judicial Act of 1789 do?

- Created a Supreme Court staffed by a chief justice and 5 associate justices.(provided federal court system)

43) What happened during Washington's second term in office?

-war in Europe thrust foreign affairs into the forefront of American life. External enemies eager to compromise the independence and prosperity of United States.

45) Who contributed to the birth of the factory system in America?

- Samule Slater

46) What did the Lewis and Clark expedition do?

-Traveled up Missouri River to Pacific North West

47) What did Chief Justice John Marshall believe?

-believing that the strength, security, and happiness of the American people depended mainly on economic growth and the creation of new wealth.

48) What happened at the Battle of New Orleans?

- War of 1812. Andrew Jackson defeated British forces with his troops.

49) How does Marbury vs. Madison influence legislation today?

Established présidence for Supreme Court to judge constitutionally of congressional acts.

50) How can Jefferson's foreign policy best be characterized?

- He issued Embargo Act, stopped trade. Bad for America. More harm than good.