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28 Cards in this Set

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Christopher Columbus
Italian sailor persuaded King Ferdinand and Queen Isabella of Spain to fund expedition across Atlantic to discover new trade route to Asia. instead, reached Bahamas 1492
strategy nations can increase power through obtaining as much silver and gold or establish a favorable balance of trade
sought to purify Church of England. founded Massachusetts Bay Colony under John Winthrop 1630.
Mayflower Compact
1st governing doc of Plymouth Colony. Pilgrims fleeing from religious persecution by King James of England
Society of Friends
Quakers, faith that emerged as new Christian denomination on England during religious termoil mid 1600s
Bacon's Rebellion
Unsuccessful 1676 revolt let by planter Bacon. Against Virginia governor William Berkeley's administration, BC it failed to protect settlers from Indian raids
William Penn
early Quaker and founder of province of Pennsylvania
King Phillips War
resented English efforts to convert Indians to Christianity. He was killed.
Great Awakening
religious revival movement 1720-40s that was spread throughout colonies by ministers(NE John Edwards & George Whitefield)
George Whitefield
catalyst of Great Awakening, sought to reignite religious fervor in American congregations.
John Locke
English philosopher & physician regarded as most influential of Enlightenment thinkers and known as "father of classical liberalism"
Benjamin Franklin
epitomized Enlightenment for Americans and Europeans. Contributed in the writing of the DOI
Navigation Acts
English Parliament to control colonial trade and bolster mercantile system 1650-1775; enforcement of acts led to growing resentment by colonists
Dominion of NE
Connecticut, Plymouth, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, Rhode Island, east and west Jerseys (or Pennsylvania) super colony James II 1688
Glorious Revolution
1688, Protestant Queen Mary and her husband took British throne from James II in bloddless coup. After, parliament greatly expanded power and passed Bill of Rights and the Act of Toleration, which would piss off colonists
French and Indian War 1754-63
British and French, natives aided French cause. Disputes over Ohio river valley
Proclamation of 1763
decree that warned colonists not to cross line west of the Appalachian mountains to avoid conflicts with Native Americans
Sugar Act April 5, 1764
revenue raising, colonial merchants had been required to pay tax (6pence per gallon) on the import of foreign molasses
Stamp Act
1st direct tax given by parliament on colonies; required special stamp on goods..
writs of assistance
court orders authorizing customs officers to conduct general searches of premises for contraband
Sons of Liberty
organized by Samuel Adams with militant view against British governor's control of colonies. protests like bonston tea party
Townshed Act
levied colonial imports of glass, lead, paint, paper, &tea. Townshed wanted to bring NY's assembly to its senses.
Coercive Acts 1774
4 punitive laws passed by Parliament after Boston Tea Party. To punish Massachusetts colonists. Boston closed ports until paid for.
1st Continental Congress
governed during Rev War and under Articles of Confederation
2nd Confidential Congres
Jefferson, Franklin, Adams etc.. resulted in the DOI
DOI 1776
declaring independence of colonies July 4
Battle of Saratoga 1777
major defeat of British general Burgoyne New York Oct 17
Yorktown surrender 1781
last battle of Rev War, Gen Cornwallis, Oct 17