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77 Cards in this Set

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ellected officals who command armies and oversaw legal system
officals who regesiter peopel according to there health
members of the powerful aristocratic class
commoners regulary citizen
the ealry people who evtually became known as romans were called
which group was not apart of the roman goverment
those who owned latifunddias formed a society class called enties true or false
the first two elected officals that sought reformes in roman goverment were
tiberus and gaius gracchus
which of the following persons was not part of the second triumvirate
what was the name of the orginal set of laws established by the romans
code of twelve tables
what roman physician summarized all the medical knowledge of the day into several books
what part of the roman army was selcted specifically to protect the headquaters of the commander in chief
praetorian guard
after the roman distrcution of the second temple of jeruslaem what portion was left standing
western wall
what was the name of the jewish scholars who replaced temple preits in juadsim
what emporer was born into a poor family and became a general of the roman army
what roman emperor became a christian
true of false the roman empire was known for violence
which of the following is not one of the four primary charcteritics of greek art
displaying pride in city states
greek value of beauty
vast knowledge of nature
glorify human body
greek values modeeration
vast knowlegdge of nature
what does the word philsopher mean
lover of wisdom
what is another name for public speaker
who is considered the frist greek philospher
thales of miletus
what greek philsopher developed formal rules of logic philosophical debate
parmenides of elea
what motto di socrates constantly repeat
know thyself
who is consider the founder of modern day medicne
who is known as the father of history
in what order did the greek philspohers come
socrates plato aristole
true or flase socrates wrote the dialogue named the republic
true or flase the greek orator demosthenes opposed phillip 2
at what event was phillip the second assaiansted
his daughter wedding
which of the following would not be considered a personalitly trait of alexander the great
he greatly disliked poetry and music
true or flase alexander the greats empire stretched from greece to the himalayain mountains
true or false alexandria became the largest city in alexandria the greats kingdom
who invinted the compound pulley and lever
calculated the cirumfrance of the earth
who invinted a steam engine
according to chinese legend, who created the univrse in 18,000 years
what was not a contribiter to the shang dynasty
stringed instruments
orcale bones
interpet the god's answers to questions
why was there an eastern zhou dyansty
the zhou capital was deystoryed and therefore they had to move their capital
true or false the zhou dyansasty belived that when rebles or invader overthrew
asa a result of the zhou dynasty losing its power, what occured in china
the warring states
who overthrew the qin dyansty
liu bang
the name of the collection of kong fuzi sayings called
the analects
true or false kong fuzi is known in the west as conducter
why did kong fuzi develop his philsiophy of life?
he wanted to end the potical choas of his time
who developed daoism
what does the term dao mean
way of nature
which of the following is not true regarding chinsese family and socail life
sons were free to choose their careers
with what did chinese peasents have to constanly contend againsnt life
nature and goverment
which of the following was not a contribution of the chinese
calculation of the earth orbit
ancient chinese sailboats were called
according to ancient chinese philsophy why would harsh goverment rule not be able to last very long
dualsim would seek to balance this power out resultining ina dimishing or complete removal of that harsh punishment
daoism was particaullary appealing to pesants becoming
it was consired with nature and natural forces whitch so often effected the lofe of a peasent
what is meant by the term weastern civilaztion
the civilaztions that began in greece that later spread to the amercian and eruope
what is acropolios
a hill or mountian upon which temples or bulidings are ercted
true or false greek and phoeican tarders introdueced an aplhabet to ther eraly dorian greeks
what ancient peopel group became the primamary forrunner of modern greeks
which of the following people groups settled primarly in peloponnesus
true or false the myceaneans buried their dead in a cone shaped stone chamber
what is not true about the ways the greek treat there life
the poor soil limited the framers
what would be considerd an epic
a long poem describing herioc actions
true or false oracles are greek gods that rule each city state
i am the daughter of zeus
who where the helots
servents of the athenians
the three primary social groups in sparta wre
helots half citizens equals
true or false athens males were inspected at birth to determine wthere or not they woud be fit for milaitry duty
true or false atheleians ate very little meat
who was peisitratus
a weatly aristocrat who seezied power as a tyrant in athens
who is crieted for brining direct demcoarcy to athens
when greek framers left certian fields empty during the rowing season this is known as
the name of one of the most famous athean artists
during the persians wars why did the persians focus their attacks on athens
athens help other city sates fight
true or flase the athenians initalitly defeated the perians at the battle of marthaon
true or false athens refused to join sparta in defending grecce against the persians
true or false when xerxes died in 465 b.c. the therat of persian invasion agaisnt greece ennded
true or false the greeks rebelled against the persians because the leader of the perisans did not accept king mericles
through what territoers did xerxes army travel on its way towards athens
thrace and macedonia