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112 Cards in this Set

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why is the name middle east ethnocentric
it is only middle in relation to Europe-- its like europe is the center of the world-- its actually south west asia
who controlled the daily lives of the sumerian civilization
the priests-- collected food taxes-- prayed to the gods to make them happy (so good harvests, rainfall)
what type of writing did the sumerians have and what did they write on?
had cuneiform like pictographs-- wrote on clay tablets
who invented the wheel
who was the king of the babylonians who conquered a lot of the fertile crescent
king hammurabi
explain hammurabis code
made a distinction between major and minor crimes-- made the punishment fit the crime

"eye for an eye tooth for a tooth"

displayed his code (laws) in public places
conquered the fertile crescent (came from asia) and adopted cuneiform and other Babylonian ideas-- carried mesopotamian culture back to asia where it later influenced the greek s
who were the carriers of civilization and why?
the phoenicians b/c they spread ME culture everywhere (n america spain) through trading
what did the phoenicians invent that is uber important
the alphabet
who was the ruler of the persian empire and what did he do?
Darius I--- had an efficient government system-- empire was divided into provinces and each province had a ruler that was responsible for collecting taxes n stuff--- eyes and ears of the king were ppl who were sent by darius to make sure the satraps were doing their job
zoroaster founded what religion
priests of ancient persia who were responsible for pleasing the gods
what was zoroasters mission and what did he find
wanted to know why suffering existed--- realized that the world is a battleground between good and evil and a person had to choose what path they took
who were the leaders of the forces of good and the forces of evil in zoroastrianism
good- ahura mazda

evil- ahriman
who wrote down zoroaster's findings?

what were the writings called?
king vishtaspa

Alexander the Great (Macedonia)
set out to conquer the world

defeated the persian empire and got as far as the indus river valley
how did Alexander the Great (macedonia) spread culture?
as he was conquering the world he spread greek culture to the Middle East and created a new culture called the Hellenistic civilization
Romans ruling the middle east-- what good thing happened?
they encouraged lots of trade which means lots of cultural diffusion
when the roman empire split into two which one ruled the middle east for 1000 years
byzantine empire-- capital Constantinople
where did the hebrews first emerge? and where was the kingdom of israel?
sinai peninsula

Caan-- between mesopotamia and egypt
what caused the jews to scatter around the world?
when the jews decided to revolt against roman rule there was a big war which lead to a diaspora (scattering)
who were the two famous leaders of the jews
david and solomon
why were the jews the chosen people?
b/c god gave them the ten commandments
religious teachers
ethical world
the belief that people and their rulers should lead moral lives
who influenced the jews?
where was jesus born?
palestine (bethlehem)
recorded the life and teachings of jesus after death
jesus' followers
one anointed by god
t or f jesus was the messiah for some jews

jewish prophets predicted that a mesiah would deliver the jews from foreign rule (Romans) and restore Israel
why did the romans sentence jesus to death?
he was seen as a rebel and a threat b/c jesus refused to see the roman ruler as a god
short stories with simple moral lessons
where was jesus' teachings recorded in?
new testiment
people who suffer or die for their beliefs
who was the first roman to convert to christianity
roman emperor constantine
when did the persecution of christians end?
when constantine converted--- eventually Christianity became the official religion of the romans
father of the christian church
when the roman empire split so did christianity (sects)--- what two sects did christianity split into
roman catholic church (centered in Rome)

Eastern Orthodox Church (centered in Constantinople)
who believes in the old testiment?
new testiment?
old--- jews christians and muslims

new-- christians and muslims
what are some similarities between islam Judaism and Christianity
all are monotheistic

all believe in the same God
what are the three holy cities of islam Judaism and christianity
Jerusalem --- christianity and judaism

Mecca-- Islam
what are the two major sects in islam
Sunni and Shia (shi'ite)
who was the angel that spoke to muhammad
islam holy book
where did islam start?
arabian penninsula
sacred shrine that houses images of Arab gods -- in mecca--- houses the black meteorite that was sent by god
who is the islamic prophet
the migration of muhammad and his followers from mecca to medina
what marks the first year of the muslim calender
the hejira
what happened when muhammad returned to mecca
he destroyed the images of the gods in the Kaaba and took Mecca
islam means..
what are the five pillars of islam
1) Muslims proclaim their belief in one god (Allah) and that Muhammad was the prophet
2) Prayer--- five times a day facing towards mecca
3) Charity to the poor
4) Fasting during Ramadan
5) Pilgrimage at least once to Mecca
what is the 6th pillar of islam that only some muslims belief in?
Jihad-- struggle in God's service--- holy war-- this pillar is optional
how did arabic become the universal language that unites the muslims?
the koran was written in arabic-- but since the Muslims weren't allowed to translate the koran they learned arabic which became the language
people of the book
Christians and Jews-- b/c they followed God's teachings in the Bible
who had to pay a nonbeliever tax?
people of the book (christians and jews)
successor to the prophet
what caused muslims to split into two sects?
when Muhammad Ali died (Muhammad's cousin) people started arguing over who should be the next caliph
what is the major difference between sunni and shia
sunni--- any devoted muslim can be caliph--- majority of muslims are sunni

shia (shi'ite)--- only descendants of muhammad can be caliph
what are the two major arab empires and which one ruled for longer
umayyads and abbassids

abbassids ruled longer
umayyad dynasty
encouraged arab culture

arabic--- national language

highest jobs and army only went to Arabs-- discrimination

eventually the shias overthrew the umayyad dynasty
Abbassid dynasty
baghdad was the capital

ruled by many different people of different nationalities

set up by the shias
why is the mid east considered the crossroads
it crosses over three continents-- so its a trading crossroad
why is the mediterranean sea so important
it is in the middle of all three continents

it allows transportation between three continents
what are three unifying characteristics in the middle east
religion-- islam

climate-- dry and hot

language-- arabic
farmable land
what protects a country from invasion
physical boundaries like deserts mountains
four reasons why the middle east is strategically important
1) Economically-- oil
2) Military-- lots of water and sea routes
3) Suez Canal-- connects red and mediterranean sea-- extremely important transportation agent
4) Straits of Dardanelles-- in turkey-- small water passageway that provides important transportation into the mediterranean sea-- important to control
what are the five regions the middle east is broken up into and roughly where are they?
1) Northern Tier-- iran and turkey
2) Arabian Peninsula-- peninsula where saudi arabia is
3) Fertile Crescent-- between tigris and euphrates river-- mesopotamia
4) Nile River Valley-- egypt along nile river
5) Maghreb-- north africa
northern tier-- geography countries other
mountains mountains!!! and plateaus!!!

iran and turkey

Iran sits on the Iranian plateau
Turkey sits on the Anatolian plateau
Arabian Peninsula-- geography people
lots of oil oil oil around persian gulf OIL OIL OIL OIL

most ppl live where the water is (around persian gulf)

mostly desert

OIL OIL OIL-- the world's oil exports from Saudi arabia are 49%

Mecca is in Saudi arabia
Fertile Crescent-- geography people blah
breadbasket of the middle east-- lots of rivers fertile soil=food!

land between two rivers=mesopotamia which is where the earliest civilization started

between tigris and euphrates rivers
nile river valley-- geography people etc
egyptians started here
axum and kush

most of it is desert-- people live in the 4% (around the nile) where it isn't desert

Aswan Dam--- hydroelectric power

desalinization plants-- converts salt water into fresh water
all the countries in north africa (in the sahara desert)

sahara desert-- completely desert-- which makes it more the Middle east rather than africa

most of the capitals are around the mediterranean sea
less than ____ of the land in the middle east is arable
what creates a lot of economic difference between countries in the middle east
oil-- b/c it is unevenly distributed
people who's native tongue is arabic
submitting yourself to god
money that is given to the poor in islam
siyaam (or sawm)
fasting during ramadan
end of ramadan
what happened during ramadan?
the hejira
legal verdict given using islamic law

ex. no women in public without a veil-- no driving if your a woman...etc
pice of cloth that covers the face and head of a muslim women
the person who runs the mosque
extremist views--- orthodox/conservative form of islam
a fertile desert area that has enough water to support plant and animal life
what made the ottoman empire the sick man of europe
nationalist groups were rising and were revolting for independence

many countries successfully revolted while France and Britain wanted the empire to stay together

Russia was encouraging countries to revolt
what did the sultans do to try to modernize and why didn't it work?
they brought reforms to modernize the government and army-- they set up secular schools to teach western ideas

but some sultans refused a constitution and corrupt officials opposed change that would threaten their power
young turks
small nationalist group that wanted to overthrow their government and strengthen the ottoman empire

overthrew sultan and replaced him with another

did not tolerate other cultures/religions--- started a genocide against armenian christians
what did the end of WWI mean for the ottoman empire and the young turks
since the ottoman empire was sided with Germany they were on the losing side-- the treaty of versailles took away all the arab provinces in the ottoman empire

young turks have no arabs left
a territory that was administered but not owned by member of the league of nations

when the league of nations gave the arab territories to another country-- mandate
encouraged turkish resistance against Greeks

grew strong enough to overthrow the sultan and abolish the ottoman empire and make a turkey republic

president of turkey

tried to modernize turkey with more western ways-- abolished fez's and veils in public-- took away islamic law and replaced it with western law

tried to modernize, make a secular state, and westernize

why did some muslims oppose kemal
they feared that his attempts at modernizing would damage their traditional way of life
why did Britain and france fight over egypt
they both wanted to build a canal that connected the med sea and the red sea --- whoever owns this canal will control trade between europe and asia
napoleon bonaparte
invaded egypt and stayed there for a while until the british and the ottomans threw him out
muhammad ali
became governor of egypt -- improved agriculture and modernized egypt
egypt and debt
egypt was borrowing money from other countries in order to modernize--- their huge debt gave Britain and France an excuse to but in and make the Suez canal

Ismail (ruler of Egypt) sold his shares in the canal to Britain so he would clear up debt--- so now Britain controls the canal and the economy of egypt
muslims and egyptian christians

supported efforts to end british influence in egypt
people who ruled iran
why was russia and britain fighting over iran
they wanted access to the persian gulf
Reza Khan
seized power of iran set up the Pahlavi dynasty and made himself shah
why were the arab nationalists betrayed by the british
since they fought with the british they had a deal that when the war was over the british would set up independent territories for the arabs---- but instead Britain gained control over arab territories
why did the british and the french not want to give up the arab territories in the ottoman empire even with arab nationalism growing
they wanted the oil
jews wanted to reestablish a jewish state in palestine b/c the romans had kicked them out in ad 70

Theodor Herzl--- jew--- formed an organization that promoted zionism (migration of jews to palestine)

jews began to migrate to palestine b/c of growing anti-Semitism in europe
balfour declaration
issued by the british to palestine--- created a national home for jews but favored the arabs b/c it said "no harm shall be done towards the existing non jews (arabs)"---- it didn't protect the rights of the jews
arab jew conflict
arab tenant farmers were forced to leave b/c the jews were stealing their jobs---- they got made and a war broke out
muslim leader

crier who calls for the five times a day prayer
another word for koran
governor of a province in persia