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67 Cards in this Set

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Served 1 year term to limit abuse of power, their main duties were to adminster gov't and lead armies
At the battle of ______ Hannibal impressively defeated a roman army of 40000
Originally_____held a monopoly on magisterial positions and descended from original senators of ROman republic
Powerful senators accumulated huge estates of land, these____
were worked by slaves captured through roman conquest
Brothers who attempted to help landless poor by redistribution of public lands
Gracchus Brothers
Talented military leader of Carthage who nearly conquered Rome after crossing the Alps into Italy
Powerful city which had developed into a major trade power in western mediterranean
Had no official power however the ____held considerable political influence because of their wealth and prestige.
The roman general____recruited his army from the landless poor and they swore an oath of allegiance to general not senate
In the____Rome took advantage of a breach of treaty by Carthage and finally destroyed their longtime rival.
3rd punic war
A member of the 1st Triumvirate_
ignored the senates command to give up his army and eventually declared dictator for life, end republic
Julius Caesar
Made up military officers the ____ elected magistrates and passed laws.
Centuriate Assembly
Varying widely in wealth and occupation____made up the majority of the Roman population, who could vote but could not get office.
Although primary job was to execute justice______ could also had imperium in some cases
The roman historian___recorded stories of the virtuous heroes of Rome who made republic great.
Set up to govern Italy the ______
integrated loyal allies into society to share in the success of Rome.
Roman Confederation
Through class struggle common Romans gained representation in the ____ which eventually gained right to pass laws.
council of plebs
Part of Rome's war with carthage, the___was a struggle for control of Sicily most of fighting was in naval battles.
1st punic war
The new ruling class which resulted from struggle of orders of intermarriage between most wealthy and powerful of patrician and plebian classes.
Member of the 1st triumvirate whose death ended the balance of power thus leading to civil war.
After death of ALexander the Greek controlled territory was divided among four of his generals, these governments were known as______
Hellenistic Kingdoms
The _____was established by Phillip II in order to govern the Greek states.
Corinthian League
___Believed that happiness was achieved by living in the harmony of the will of God.
Decisive battle in which Macedonia conquered Athens and its Greek allies
Battle of Chaeronea
They were looked upon by Greeks as barbarians, however the___developed strong military and conquered Greece.
Literally meaning to imitate greeks this term refers to other people accepting greek culture
Was established in Egypt by the Macedonians became a cultural center, particularly known for its library which contained over 400000 documents.
Macedonian king, who organized an efficient army and conquered Greece.
King Phillip II
Alexander confronted the Persian army on a narrow field, which offset the Persian army's advantage in numbers allowing Greek and Macedonian army to win.
Battle of Issus
___was the persian king whose empire was captured by alexander the great and was killed by his own men.
Darius III
___held that happiness was found through the pursuit of pleasure
Alexander's army crossed over___to confront the persian army, and won in stunning fashion with only 34 casualties compared to thousands for the persians
Granicus River
One of the most significant leaders in Athenian Democracy____ opened up politicla positions of alll classes.
Believed form was only present in matter itself and that in order to find universal principles you must analyze the physical objects themselves.
The persian king whose pride and sincere belief in his own divinity was repeatedly revealed in his campaign against the Greeks, who he hoped to punish for defeating his father.
His writing played a major role in creating common religious culture and human ideals of bravery honor and duty.
Athenian aristocrat responsible for instituting a new gov't in athens reestablishing aristocratic rule being out of the question, he settled on an unprecedented system democracy.
Believed the physical world was only a shadow of ultimate reality which he believed to be a non material and timeless ideas or forms
athenian who was given extensive powers by the aristocrats to reform the economic systesm, one of his most significant contributions was freeing the slaves who had ben sold into slavery because they failed to pay back loans
Athenian tyrant who was believed to have the support of the goddess athena, gained approval of merchants by trade and lower class through public works projects
at___Octavian defeated Antony and Cleopatras armies eliminating any competition for control over rome.
Extending from Augustus through the five good emperors the ___was a time of peace stability and order throught out roman world
Pax Romana
BY the 1st century___had become prolific through out rome and taught the atonement could be achieved by being united to a deity who had been raised from the dead.
mystery cults
The roman poet___used the traditional didactic form to mock traditional roman values of love.
The___was composed of 9000 roman soldiers and its main function was to protect the Emperor, however it often played a major role in deposing and installing new emperors.
Praetorian guard
a pharisee and hellenistic jew the ___was escpecially suited to bring the gospel to the gentiles
the roman historian______believed historians should record merit and confront evil.
His power was undermined when Octavian claimed he was a traitor and allianced with cleopatra of Egypt.
the title___meaning revered one had typically been reserved for deities.
the _____ended arbitrary execution and gained the cooperation of the senatorial class, however they continured to grow the power of the position of emperor
five good emperors
Jewish____resented roman rules and used violence in hopes of establishing a jewsih kingdom
The senate often deified roman emperors after their death by voting them into the ___which gave a strong foundation for the extensive powers Emperors held
imperial cult
IN the ___order and stability were restored by the reforms of diocletian and constantine which held the empire together for another 100yrs
late empire
the____in 66 ad resulted in the eventual destruction of the temple
jewish revolt
the___were relatives of octavian or his wife julia and included emperors such as nero who used their extensive authority to eliminate political enemies.
julio claudian dynasty
widely recognized as the greatest ancient historian___gave a rational and logical analysis of the events of the pelopenissian was using eyewitness accounts
Philosopher who taught by using leading questions and said that unexamined life is not worth living
persian king who saught revenge on the athenians at the battle of marathon for the part they played in the ionian revolution.
____were an ancient warlike people which the illiad is based on
motivated by new ideas about the nature of universe encourages by athensians greek colonies rebelled against persia
Ionnian revolution
religious shrines thought to be able to predict the future
group of philosophers who were skeptical of man's ability to understand nature and truth therefore encouraged greeks to use rhetoric to pursue their own interests
___is the process of exiling an over ambitious politician in athenian democracy
the greek god's were___ in that they were immortal powerful and yet had human flaws
the___was used by athens to expand their power and create a trade empire
delian league
in___the main character has a fatal flaw which leads to suffering and commonly explores the relationship between humanitis free will and the power of fate
_____ultimately left greece vulnerable to attack from external powers
Peloponnesian War