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19 Cards in this Set

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return to normalcy
america wants isolationist presidents
next 3 presidents focus on diplomacy and avoid confrontation
want booming ecenomy
warren g. harding
ohio senator
helps end post-war depression
stabilize inflation
cut wartime taxes
puts friends in office-results in scandal
cut national spending
dies when president
foreign policy: end involvement in WWI, disarmorment and diplomacy
washington naval conference
world conference on disarmament
focuses on pacific and japan
4 and 5 power treaties
open trade in canada
bureau of veteran affairs
what to do with ex-soldiers
ohio gang
thomas miller caught taking bribes
Jess Smith shred evidence of malpractice
made up of harding's friends in office
charles forb embezzled veteran's money
harry daughtery selling confiscated liquor and taking bribes
teapot dome
albert fall
in charge of oil reserves
he chooses who gets tracks of land
was taking bribes while making decisions
spent money immediately so he got caught
first gvt. agent to spent time in prison while still employed
when american lose faith in politicians
national petroleum reserve
in alaska
takes up over 23m acres of land
calvin coolidge
gvr of masachusetts
known as silent cow
first president to give speech over radio
first president to star in a movie
depressed because son died
ZERO inflation
kellogg-briand pact
renounces warfare as a tool for coolidge's foreign policy
doesnt work for long at all
herbert hoover
believes in volunteerism
nanny state
SF bridge
Hoover Dam
retirement pensions
good neighbor policy
good neighbor policy
US can't use military force to intervene in Latin America
hoover plan
removes roosevelt corrollary
disarms navy
if LA does something we don't like, we won't use military, we'll use embargos
Hoover-Stimson doctrine
Japan is invading other countries and building a huge military, but we wont acknowledge this.
china will still be a free country even though japan is there
japan saw this as a green light and completely invaded china
great depression
starts in late 1920's in US, spread to rest of the world.
no economic movement
farmer sales drop 60-70%
happened b/c everybody invested everything in stocks
people take out loans to invest in stocks
all stock prices went down, people are in debt
mostly happened because people were living on credit
black tuesday
stock prices went down 40%
stock holders panicked and sold all stock
smoot-tawley tariff
raises tariffs from foreign countries by 50% so they can't sell here
other countries then create the same tariff
results in a trade war
bad for farmers because they cant sell
dust bowl
people moving west in dust storm
hoover moratorium
1 year halt on fees/loans from WWI to try to stop depression from going worldwide