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32 Cards in this Set

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Which of the following is NOT an accurate statement about the steel Industry?
the steel industry did not strive on the Great Lakes because there was no transportation for the iron ore
The Wright Brothers tested their airplanes in what state?
North Carolina
Put the following events in chronological order. 1. Pullman Strike, 2. Great Railroad Strike, 3. Creation of the AFL, 4. Creation of the Knight of Labor
4, 2, 3, 1
Which of the following was the first company to create a corporate laboratory?
General Electric
Ellis Island opened in _____ as an official immigration station.
Which of the following is NOT an idea of "Taylorism"?
have workers complete tasks without machinery
The assembly line enabled business owners to...
decrease production time which led to decrease in product costs.
Limited liability means that
stock holders are responsible for their investment and not the debt of the corporation
a monopoly is
exclusive control of a commodity or service in a particular market
all of the following accurately describes most business tycoons EXCEPT
most of them began with nothing and worked their way to the top.
"Let us remember that there is not a poor person in the United States who was not made poor by his own shortcomings."
Only the lazy and stupid will not succeed
who founded the National Labor Union?
William H. Sylvis
who is associated with the American Federation of Labor?
Samuel Gompers
what name is associated with a militant labor organization?
Molly Maguire
who led the Knights of Labor?
Uriah S. Stephens
Which of the following presidents took action to stop strikes?
who led the American Railway Union?
Eugene V. Debs
which of the following was gained during this era?
8 hour work day and workers compensation for injuries
Labor Contracts were outlawed in...
75% of workers were
Under 25 Years old
George Bissell
Introduced ways to use petroleum
Horatio Alger
Was a minister in Massachusetts and wrote over 100 stories about a poor boy from a small town making a fortune in a big city
John D. Rockefeller
Owner of Standard Oil Company
Andrew Carnegie
Write the Gospel of Wealth and believed that the wealthy should give to charities and owned a large steel company
Nicolas August Otto
Developed the gas powered, four stroke engine
Wilbur Wright
Owned a bicycle shop
Russell H. Conwell
Gave a lecture titled "Acres of Diamonds"
Cornelius Vanderbilt
Railroad tycoon who believed he had more power than the government
Herbert Spencer
Believed that society benefitted from the elimination of the unfit and weak
Charles Darwin
Developed that idea that the strong will survive in nature and evolution
Henry Ford
Introduced the assembly line in production
J. Pierpont Morgan
Banker that consolidated with big businesses