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46 Cards in this Set

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Blood Libel

Jewish people drained the blood of christians and used it for rituals. This was based on superstition and was untrue.

The Enlightenment

The Englightenment was a shift to a secular world view. Reason and scientific thought was to replace irrational thought that was based on religion and supersititon.


Nationalism reoriented individual loyalty from the clan or tribe, religion or monarchy to the nation state. Nationalism was a product of the French Revolution.

Pale of Settlement

The highest concentration of Jews in Russian which was the furthest west provinces which included what was parts of Poland, Lithuania, Ukraine and other small provinces acquired from the Ottoman Empire.


Unity of all citizens regardless of religion. Jews were granted civil equality in 1791. The French were the first to grant them this civil equality. The Jews were required to assimilate and break with the historical conception that they were separate.


An ideological and political movement dedicated to the resurrection of Jewish political independence in Israel, which at the time was loosely known as Palestine.


Improvement of the human race by better breeding. It's goal is to eliminate hereditary disease. It was the primary interest if US, Britain and Germany.

Emperor Constantine

Converted to Christianity in the early 4th century.

St. Augustine

Described Jews as blind to spirituality and corrupted by hatred of non-Jews. He said although they deserve death, they should be spared as a living example in their sufferings and degradation of the truth and superiority of Christ.

Sephhardic Jews

The Hebrew word for Spain. Jewish people who were from Spain were called this. They were from Western Europe. They assimilated better than the Ashkenazic Jews.

Chmelnicki massacre

Was a Ukranian uprising due to economic, religious and national tensions and was led by Bogdan Chmelnicki. It was a Russian Orthodox Ukrainian uprising against Polish nobility and the Catholic Church. The Jews were caught in the middle and a target of Ukrainian rage because they were "killers of christ" and collected taxes on behalf of the Polish landlords who were largely hated. This caused many Polish Jews to head westward back into German territory.

French Revolution

Brought the Jews into the modern world as it created an atmosphere in which groups could not live separate from the rest of society. This was the introduction of nationalism. People were to assimilate to the nation state rather than religion, class, regional or ethnic groups.

Tsar Alexander II

More Liberal than Nicolas I. He was assassinated by a group of revolutionaries, on who happened to be a Jewish woman. This allowed for the tsarist government to blame all Jews for the killing of the tsar. Those who had an interest in gettin rid of the Jews, like peasents who owed them money jumped on board.

Panama Scandal

Close to a billion francs were lost when the French government took bribes to keep quiet about the Panama Canal Company's financial issues. This made way for more anti-Semitism in France because although they did not take the bribe, two Jews were in charge of distributing the money. Also, many of the middlemen between the business sector and state were almost all Jews. This info was released to the public and paved the way for the Dreyfus affair.

Protocols of the Elders of Zion

Is one of the most anti-semitic pieces of literature tha was probably created at the court of Tsar Nicholas II. It painted a picture of an international Jewish leadership bent on world domination and using all the forces of the modern world to get it. It held no ground in Russia but was brought to the western world by White Russians fleeing the Bolshevik revolution. It was printed in several different languages and gained popularity.


Is the transmission of characteristics from parent to offspring. There were 2 main theories on it in the 19th century by Lamarck and Mendel.


Described intelligence in relation to brain size and shape of skull. If you had a large round head then you were thought to be greatly intelligent.

Herbert Spencer

Applied the idea of natural selection to human socieities. He also coined the term "survival of the fittest." He believed that aiding programs such as welfare inhibits natural selection.

Fransic Galton

Founded the eugenics movement which was about the improvemet of the human race by better breeding. This made way for the introduction of sterilization and other ways to cleanse the human race. These methods were biological manipulations that were used as tools of social planning.

Jean-Baptiste Lamarck

His theory on heredity suggests that characteristics were inherited and the environment could influence development.

Gregor Mendel

His theory on heredity suggests that characteristics were inherited but they were not influenced by environment. Therefore inferior groups would remain as such.

Theodor Herzl

A Hungarian who worked in Paris for a Viennese newspaper. He founded the Zionist movement which was the goal to have a Jewish state established in Palestine. He wanted to purchase land from Turkish authorities and provide aid to new settlers.

Armenian genocide

They lived close to Rusia and were Christian. During the time that the allies were fighting against the Germans, Austrians and the Ottomans (Turks), the Turks didn't think they could trust them because of their location and religion. They were seen as seperate from the Turkish culture. They were harassed, imprisoned and eventually marched out to the dessert and left to die. This was considered the first genocide of the 20th century.

Treaty of Versailles

The Treaty of Versailles was created after WWI. It was a demand that Germany give back all occupied land, demilitarize the Rhineland, give up all her colonies, reduce its army to 100 000, accept war guilt and they were prohibited to create weapons of war including u-boats, air crafts, tanks and poison gases.

Ruhr occuptation

The Germans were ordered to pay reparations to France for WWI. The Germans defaulted and sent payment to France in the form of goods (such as coal). This prompted France to occupy the Ruhr. When the French soldiers moved in, the German workers in the Ruhr went on strike which choked off French production.

Balfour Declaration of 1917

Was an attempt to sway international Jewish support and keep Russia out of the war. British support for Jews to have territory of their own in Palestine. The Brits did this because they wanted to break up the Ottoman Empires population while getting support from Jews everywhere.

Weimar Republic

Was the republic put in place after WWI. The republic could not gain enough support to hold power. It could not deal with the unemployment because it was paralyzed by memories of hyper-inflation. The republic eventually crashes.

Arthur De Gobineau

Is known as the "father of racism." He wrote "An essay on the inequality of human races" where he developed the idea of an Aryan master race. Inherent racial genius accounted for the rise of civilizations and decline was due to mixed breeding.


Was a Polish corridor, part of upper Silesia. After WWI the Germans were ordered to give it back to Poland in the Treaty of Versailles.

Enabling Act

The act was an Amendment to the Weimer Constitution in 1933. It gave Hitler the power to enact laws without the involvement of the Reichstag. It was to last for four years. It was passed in 1933 and signed by Paul Von Hindenburg.

Nuremburg Laws

Consisted of two main parts:

1. Reich Citizenship Law: You had to be part of German blood to have German citizenship. If you were not then you were stripped of your citizenship.

2. Law for protection of German blood and honour: Marriage between Jews and non- Jews was forbidden


The night of November 9 to 10 the night of broken glass took place. The state sanctioned anti- Jew riots where thousands of homes burnt, Jewish stores looted and destroyed, 99 Jews killed and hundreds of synagogues set on fire. Police and firefighters stood aside and thousands of Jews were arrested and sent to concentration camps.

Evian Conference

Was initiated by US President Roosevelt in 1938 to respond to the mass amount of Jewish refugees fleeing the persecution of the Nazis in Europe. Ultimately the US and Britain refused to take anymore Jewish refugees and they were left subject to Nazi persecution and extermination.

Munich agreement

A settlement permitting Nazi Germany to forcibly take portions of Chzechoslovakia along the country's boarder mainly inhabited by German speakers. The new territorial designation was called Sudetenland.


Was a product of the Munich agreement. It was created when germany forcibly took territory from the Czechs that was mainly inhabited by German speakers.


Taking business shops away from Jews and turning them over to the ownership of Germans.


Is German for "living space" or "habitat". The Nazi's supported territorial expansion to gain living space as being a law of nature for healthy and vigorous people of superior race to displace people of inferior races. Especially if the superior race was overpopulated.

Joseph Goebbeles

Was the German Minister of propaganda. He controlled all of communications media, radio, film, newspaper, theatre and books. He organized all of these outlets in accordance with Nazi ideology and played a big part in conditioning the German people to Nazism.

Alfred Binet

Was a French Psychologist who was the first to invent a practical test of intelligence called the Binet-Simon Scale. It was used to identify students who needed extra help.

Alfred Dreyfus

Was wrongfully accused of treason when French Intelligence found that someone was giving info to the German Embassy about military secrets. He was sentenced to life and sent to Devil's Island.

Emile Zola

Worked for a newspaper article and published an article called j'accuse which accused the highest ranks of the army of injustice and anti-Semitism. He was a major figure in the exoneration of Dreyfus.


A Jewish family of bankers who established their banking business in 1760 in Frankfurt. In the 19th century it was believed that their fortune was the largest in the world.

Franco- Prussian War

Was caused by the unification of Germany under Bismarck. Prussia annexed a number of territories to create the Northern German Confederation. This upset the French, they wanted compensations in Belgium and the left bank of the Rhine but Bismarck refused.


Were founded by Lenin and Bogdanov. They were a major organization by 1905 and consisted of workers under a democratic internal hierarchy governed by the principal of democratic centralism, who considered themselves the revolutionary working class of Russia.

Ernst Haeckel

Was a German Biologist, naturalist and philosopher who promoted Darwins work in Germany. He was also the first to use the term WWI.

Wilhelm Marr

Was a German publicist who popularized the term "anti-semitism."