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153 Cards in this Set

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Blitzkrieg Warfare
When Germany invaded Poland. Coordinated use of tactile air power, quickly gaining command of the skies, large amount of tanks, to hold ground they needed infantry (troops) to come in, 4 –wheel drive trucks, motorcycles.
Denmark and Norway 1940
Hitler invaded Denmark and Norway 1940 because he didn’t want to be attacked from the north. Denmark and Norway were defeated in a month.
Belgium, Netherlands & Luxembourg 1940
In a move that made the French Maginot Line irrelevant, the Germans attacked the low countries. The Netherlands surrendered in four days, after massive German attacks on Rotterdam.
France May 17- June 22 1940
unleashed Blitzkrieg invasion on France, the French army kept fighting but got heavy losses, Marshall Petain announced that the French had to surrender. He became very unpopular and when he died his widow didn’t get any pensions.
Dunkirk was when Hitler’s army (Germany) was winning against France even with the help from more than 300,000 British troops. The German army had surrounded and trapped most of the allied forces in the northernmost corner of France, so the British troops could not escape because their escape routes were all blocked. Vice Admiral Bertram Ramsay organized a rescue operation called Operation Dynamo. They had to be rescued within a week because the beach was being shelled, this didn’t work because it was too slow, so Ramsey called for public help to get anyone who had small boats to help out.
Erwin Rommel
the best known German field marshal of WWII., Hitler was nearly killed, when a bomb, placed in his headquarters by an officer of the German Army, exploded. The plot involved many of the highest officers in the Army. Rommel was one of those implicated in the "20th of July plot", but, as he was a popular hero, a public trial could get embarrassing, even for the Nazis. Instead, he was told that if he killed himself, his participation in the plot would be overlooked and his family would be safe. Rommel accepted and was given a hero's funeral.
Vichy France
was the unoccupied part of France, the Southern part where the Germans built their air bases.
Battle of Britain 1940
Hitler said “We can bomb her to her knees.” Everyday 1,000 planes went over. We helped them by using the TVA to ship bombs and war supplies to Britain.
Radar and ULTRA
advances in technology (microwave), The British captured a German spy who had a programmable computer ULTRA, so they figured out exactly where the Germans were going to go.
OSRD (Office of Scientific Research and Development) 1941
developed the proximity fuse which was like a bomb that took down kamakazi pilots and the sonar which found submarines under water.
Lend Lease Act 1941
Britain was broke, so the U.S. would lend or lease anything to fight against Hitler. 1 million tons of food was shipped to Britain. We put the full capacity of the U.S. economy behind this, so it was important to keep Britain in the war.
Operation Barborossa
This was Hitler’s plan to invade Russia because he wanted their oil, there were 6 massive armies. The Germans developed the jet airplane but they didn’t have the fuel to use it, so this was his plan to attack Russia.
Battle of Stalingrad 1942-43
Stalingrad became the turning point of WWII. A lot of the troops in this battle were women. Germany was killing all the Russians because they needed Russia’s oil to fly. Largest battle of WWII. Hitler’s largest army surrendered.
Treaty of Repalo
Treaty between Russia and Germany, they would share their war techniques.
Pacific Theatre
a name for one of the four major places of the war.
Japanese Invasion of Indo China 1941
The Japanese were told by Hitler they could take French Indochina, so they took it and that’s when we started drifting towards war.
Atlantic Charter 1941
Roosevelt and Churchill met in Atlantic Charter and discussed the U.S.’s plan to go to war because Japan had invaded Indochina. During the same month we started the U.S. Draft 1941.
U.S. Embargo of Japan 1941
where the U.S stopped sending oil to Japan because they attacked China.
Malaysia-Dutch East Indies, Phillipines
The Japanese needed oil so they attacked the Philipines.
Pearl Harbor Dec. 7 1941
until 9/11 it was the largest loss of life on American soil- 25,000 Americans were killed.
Repeal of Neutrality Acts 1941
Roosevelt went to Congress and asked to amend the neutrality acts that hadn’t been amended so that the U.S. could send supplies to Europe to help them.
Battle of Midway and Battle of Coral Sea 1942
in these battles the chiefs didn’t get close enough to exchange fire. After this the Japanese were running out of good naval pilots so they turned to Kamakazies which were suicide bombers. These were two turning points in the war.
Island Hopping
The U.S. started this, the goal was to get closer to Japan, build airfields, and bomb Japan.
Greater East Asia co-prosperity sphere
Japan wanted all Asian countries to be united and joined and under one power so that they could be free from western (us) colonization and domination.
Battle of Leyte Gulf 1944
largest battle in the history of the world, after this we had naval supremecy
Iwo Jima & Okinawa 1945
these were the last two islands in our island hopping, in both of these the Japanese fell almost to the last man, they were relying on Kamakazies.
North African Campaign 1943
U.S.’s first involvement in the war
Operation Overlord
the code name for the invasion of western Europe (D day) during World War II by Allied forces., Eisenhower was the designer
D Day 1944, Normandy
On June 6 we invaded Normandy, Rommel was not on the scene because he was celebrating his wife’s birthday. Hitler thought it was a fake, Eisenhower considered cancelling but he didn’t . We moved 60 miles inward in the first week, Rommel brought Ponzers.
Omar Bradley and George Patton
Bradley was one of the main U.S. Army field commanders in North Africa and Europe during World War II and a General of the Army in the United States Army. Patton was a United States Army officer most famous for his leadership commanding corps and armies as a general in World War II.
Battle of the Bulge 1944
Patton wanted to cut the german army off but Eisenhower said no, this delayed us getting into Germany.
VE Day 1945
the night before Hitler got married, they both committed suicide on their honeymoon. Victory in Europe day.
Atomic Theory 1803
discovery of the atom
Dimitri Mendeleev 1869
Russian who made the periodic table, he left spaces for the new elements.
Ernest Rutherford 1900
discovered the atom was not the smallest, discovered the electron- negatively charged surrounding the nucleus.
Albert Einstein E=MC2 1905
this is the basis of the atomic bomb, discovered you could split the atom and get a chain reaction.
James Chadwick 1932
discovered the nucleus also contains neutral neutrons.
Enrico Fermi isotope U-235
rare isotope, average isotope was U-238, the U-235 was unstable enough that you might be able to form a chain reaction. Using the U-235 under a football stadium proved there could be a chain reaction.
Glen Seaburg
plutonium 1941, discovered you could turn U-238 through two different processes and get plutonium.
Manhattan Project
General Lesli Groves was in charge of the two labs to create the atomic bomb- Oakridge TN and Hanford WA.
Oak Ridge, TN, Hanford, WA
had a nuclear power plant where bombs were made, Hanford made Plutonium
Chinese Invention 1232
gunpowder, bottle rocket
William Congreve 1805-07
given credit for perfecting the western rocket
Konstantin Tsiolkovsky 1935
Russian rocket scientist, wrote the book Beyond Planet Earth, researched if rockets could work in vacuums
Robert Goddard 1945
layed the basis of the rocket, paranoid genius, refused to let anyone know what he was doing. He wrote A Method for Reaching Infinite Altitude 1919. He theorized a rocket would work better in space than in regular air. Invented the bazooka which was a tube that fired rockets. He set up his base at Rosewell, NM in 1930 and built an 11 foot rocket, it went two miles into the air.
Herman Obert
german dreamer, drew on some of Goddard’s ideas, Goddard didn’t let him cooperate with him because he didn’t want him stealing his ideas but the Germans ended up stealing Goddard’s ideas anyway.
Wernher von Braun and Walter Domburger
told Hitler they could create a good war weapon so they built the V2 Rocket 1942. Domburger was a buddy of Hitler. They became a part of NASA after the war.
town where German rocket lab was located.
Russia Sputnik 1957
1st man-made satellite
Explorer 1 1958
first U.S. satellite
Viking and Vanguard Programs
Viking was a rocket to replace the V2, and the Vanguard was the U.S. first attempt to create a satellite but the program was abandoned
NASA 1958
created by Eisenhower, he didn’t give it a very big budget
Yuri Gagarins orbit April 12, 1961
first man in space to orbit the earth, he was a Russain
Mercury Program 1961-63
Alan Shepard 1961 –was the first U.S.. man in space
John Glen 1962
U.S.’s first man to orbit the earth
Gemini Program 1965-66
two man capsule, involved putting two geminis into orbit and then docking so people could land on the moon.
Sergei P. Korolev 1966 vs. Valentin Glushko
–Russian, they hated each other, Korolev was head of the rocket program and Glushko built the rockets. Glushko got Korolev thrown into a slave labor camp, Korolev wanted liquid nitrogen but Glushko didn’t agree. This put Russia behind the U.S.
Apollo Program 1967-1972
3 man spacecraft, included all of our missions to space
Apollo I 1967
caught on fire and burned three astronauts
Soyuz I 1967
Russians developed first to get spaceship to the moon and take pictures of it. Crashed on the way back to earth and killed the astronaut.
Zond 5 1968
sent animals around the moon and back
Zond 7 1968
sent more animals around the moon but it depressurized and they all died
Apollo 8 1968
first flight to escape the gravitational field of earth, orbits moon and comes back
Neil Armstrong July 20, 1969
took the first step on the moon on the Apollo 11 1969.
Jons Berzelius 1848
swedish chemist, discovered the elements selenium (reacts to electrical waves, to light, resists the passage of electrical current) , silicon, and thorium as well as selenium screen.
the politically motivated practice of making accusations of disloyalty, subversion, or treason without proper regard for evidence
Joseph McCarthy
senator in Wisconsin, drank 1/5 a whiskey everyday, accused people in positions of power of being communists (pinkos) and of being too politically left.
HUAC 1947
House of Un-American Activities Committee, Richard Nixon was the head
Richard Nixon
The head of HUAC, a brilliant lawyer who got the goods on Alger Hiss (a german spy). Whitaker Chambers was also a spy and involved in espionage, Chambers hid documents in pumpkins for Nixon to find.
Loyalty Investigation
Truman launched this investigation against federal employees, he did this to cover the administrations butt.
"Red Dean", Dean Acheson
He called everyone who went to Harvard a communist, he made people feel guilty by blacklisting them
thousands lost their jobs because they were associated with certain organizations, Lucille Ball was blacklisted
Klaus Fuchs
he was convicted in England for espionage, he was head of the whole spy range.
Julius and Ethel Rosenburg
they were Soviet spies who were executed in 1953 for conspiracy to commit espionage. The charges related to passing information about the atomic bomb to the Soviet Union.
McCarran Internal Security Act 1950
federal law that required the registration of Communist organizations with the United States Attorney General and established the Subversive Activities Control Board to investigate persons suspected of engaging in subversive activities or otherwise promoting the establishment of a "totalitarian dictatorship," fascist or communist.
Army-McCarthy Hearings 1954
He started to interview army individuals on live t.v. and accuse them of being communist.
Voices of Dissent: Prelude to the 60's
after the war many African Americans who had served in the war thought that now was the time to get African Americans to be able to vote. This led to many arrests and hangings.
Presidential Commission on Civil Rights 1946
Truman created this to see if the gov. should do away with poll tax and public hangings
Desegregation of the Military 1948
Truman ordered this
Gaines Case 1938
this was a major gain by the NAACP, Lloyd Gaines wanted to go to law school in MO (it was segregated) so he was denied. It went to the Supreme Court and they voted that he could get in. However, he dissapeared that summer. This was the start of integration.
Strom Thurman & Dixiecrats
The Dixiecrats or the States Right's Party was a new party under Strom Thurman
Brown Case
"separate but equal", chief justice of the Supreme Court had nominated Earl Warren
Little Rock Nine 1957
they chose 9 smart African Americans to be integrated into Central High School
Rosa Parks 1955
Montgomery, Alabama- she wouldn't give up her seat to a white man so she was arrested, this started the bus boycott.
Martin Luther King Jr. SCLC 1957
Southern Christian Leadership Council
SNCC 1960
Student Non-Violent Coordinating Committee, started going into all white diners and sitting down.
called beat nics, they were looking for an experience through marijuana, drugs, and hallucinogenic experiences
Aldous Huxley, "Doors of Perception" 1954
he wrote this book about different organic hallucinogenics.
Jack Kerouac, "On the Road" 1957
book about drugs, sex, and rock n roll, about a quest for something more.
Sam Phillips, Sun Records, Memphis
he signed up Elvis Presley and Johnny Cash, he was looking for a white man who had an African American sound.
Paul von Nipkov
developed the scanning disc 1886 which was a device that aimed an image onto a screen, the first t.v. system.
Karl Braun
he thought we could not afford to invest in t.v.s, invented the Cathod ray tube 1897 – which allowed images to be recorded.
Alan Cambell
Swinton 1911 –first man to envision a completely electronic television
John L. Baird 1926, 1st image
BBC 1932 –the first broadcast, by the british
Vladimir Zworykin in RCA
Kinescope 1924 – first all electric television system which produced an image of a 1 inch square.
RCA New York World’s Fair 1939
RCA invested 50 million before they made a dime off of it. When RCA introduced television to the public.
Truman & the Cold War
The cold war was a conflict in third world countries between Korea, Soviet Union, Afganistan, and Vietnam. It developed during WWII when we were working on a bomb.
Tehran Conference, Nov. 1943
The first wartime conference between the Big Three, Stalin was pushing for an advance on western fronts. The British were always concerned about Russian invasion on the eastern front. Stalin wanted as much land as he could get, eastern European satellite states.
Spheres of Influence
Russians, Japanese, British, French, German
Yalta Conference Feb. 1945
The US was not on German soil, we were behind because of the Battle of the Bulge. We needed Russia to get in the war with Japan. Russians invaded Manchuria. We agreed that after the war the Russians could have the Kurile Islands which originally belonged to Japan.. We wanted Stalin to agree to the United Nations which was an economic system. Nearly every country (50) were involved, it gave responsibility of remaining peace to a security council who were responsible for preserving world peace and security. We told the Russians if they agreed to enter the war they could have $20 billion of reparations from Germany. They could also participate in slave labor. Stalin agreed that there would be free elections in eastern Europe but they had to be friendly to the Soviets.
United Nations
We wanted Stalin to agree to the United Nations which was an economic system. Nearly every country (50) were involved, it gave responsibility of remaining peace to a security council who were responsible for preserving world peace and security
Potsdam Conference, July 1945
Roosevelt was dead, Truman, Stalin, and Clement were in attendance, this is where they met to draw the boundaries of the occupation zones of Germany. While this was going on Truman got word of the Trinity test (bomb test) that it worked, so we didn’t need the Russians anymore, but they invaded Manchuria anyway. Truman took back his promise about the reparations agreed at the Yalta Conference, but Truman said they didn’t hold their free elections.
Iran 1946
Truman told Stalin to get his troops out of Iran
Truman Doctrine March 1947
led to the global forwarding of containment of communism.
National Security Act 1947
created the National Security Council and the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA). The head of the CIA was a member of the NSC. He created the office of Secretary of Defense.
Marshall Plan 1947
The U.S. had $12 billion of capital we could invest. The European common market grew out of this plan. Stalin turned this plan down because they had a closed system.
Berlin Air Lift 1949
Truman announced the U.S. would supply Berlin by air, he sent bombs to England
(North Atlantic Treaty Organization) –This was the first peace time alliance for the U.S., the Russians never withdrew their army, this organization never achieved the separate army it hoped for, or total integration.
Warsaw Pact 1955
Russia formed this with the eastern European countries
Chinese Civil War 1927-37, 1945
a war against the communists, Chiang Kai-Shek 1976, MaoTse Tung 1976 –he earned more victories, more aggressively fought the Japanese, the economy of China was in shambles, he was Confucian, he had better guns/ammunition, and was more popular in China.
Marshall Mission 1947
General Marshall was sent over and said “The U.S. must avoid a land war in Asia.” Because they had so many people he thought if we got into a war with them we would lose. He got the two to agree to a coalition ___, but this only lasted two weeks then they went back to shooting each other. The U.S. gave a lot of aid.
Seventh Fleet
protected Japan and China. Korea was left out.
North and South Korea, 38th parallel –
a boundary that divided them during the war.
Korean War 1950-1953
In June of 1950 the North Koreans poured over the border of South Korea. Truman went to the USC(United Securities Council) in the UN.
a place in Korea that served primarily as an airhead supply and reinforcement
Inchon Landing 1950
McArthur was in charge, we caught Korea by surprise and cut their line of supplies off from Soviets and China
Yalu River
the river bordering china and north korea, China and Soviets gave Korea supplies across it.
Armistice Line 1953
South Korea and U.S. force off with North Korea, no treaty ever signed, just an agreement to cease the fire.
William Levitt, Levittown
he worked in naval housing, he bought a giant potato field in NYC and built the first Suburbia, tract housing. It had cookie-cutter houses, streets, playgrounds, 750 sq. ft in each house, and all for $6,590.
(Universal Military Training) –this was like bootcamp to get men ready for war, it was shut down by Congress.
(Reserve Officer Training Command) –this was where you got paid to go to school if you joined and got trained.
Servicemen’s Readjustment Act 1944
the army decided that if you served in the military that you could have your college paid for when you came back, this was to keep from high unemployment rates.
Bretton Wood’s Agreement 1944
established the dollar as national currency
GATT (General Agreement on Trade and Tera), IMF (International Monetary Fund), and World Bank
Created under the Bretton Woods act
Highway Act 1956
Eisenhower imitated Hitler, the highway system was built incase the Russains invaded, so that we could get placed easily. Interstate Highway System – the largest public program in the U.S.
Taft- Hartley Act 1947
Passed over Truman’s veto, outlawed closed shop, banned secondary boycotts (you couldn’t go on strike in support of someone elses strike). It also said that if the President determined that a strike was too big, he could send you back to work for 80 days called the 80 day cool off period.
Eisenhower Brinkmanship
he was concerned we would lose the Cold War if we were bankrupted through being involved in other wars, so he developed brinkmanship- which stockpiled nuclear weapons. This is when the B-52 and H bomb were stockpiled.
has 8 engines, still our big bomber today
H Bomb
we stockpiled it under Eisenhower
Operation Chrome Dome
the U.S flew over the Soviet Union for 24 hours a day, we were showing the Soviets that we were ready to attack them. We called it off in the 1960's because one of them went down, and we started developing ballistic missles.
Covert Operations
Covert operations are military or paramilitary operations that are carried out in secret and often involve activities which are legally if not ethically questionable. During the Cold War both sides needed a way to strike at each other without diplomatic interference or public inquiry yet without sparking a major war, so they used the CIA.
Battle of Dien Bien Phu 1954
Battle in North Vietnam, Its purpose was to cut off Viet Minh supply lines into the neighboring Kingdom of Laos, a French ally, and tactically draw the Viet Minh into a major confrontation that would cripple them. Instead, the Viet Minh, under Senior General Võ Nguyên Giáp, surrounded and besieged the French
Geneva Peace Conference 1954
After the Battle of Dien Bien Phu, the French and Ho agreed that the French would be temporarily divided along the 17th parallel.
SEATO (Southeast Asian Treaty Organization)
This was an alliance to protect South Vietnam. It was primarily created to block further communist gains in Southeast Asia. The organization's headquarters were located in Bangkok, Thailand.
Ngo Dinh Diem 1954-63
the conflict that became the 'American war' in Vietnam began as a revolt against Diem's South Vietnamese regime
Guatemala Coup 1953
planned to take fruit land from the U.S.,we sent the CIA in to overthrow the government because it was almost communist. E. Howard Hunt created this.
Iranian Coup 1954
this was a democratically elected government, Iran wanted to renegotiate the oil contract with the oil companies, they signed a trade treaty with the Soviet Union.
Israel 1948 War
British were fighting with Israel but they had to pull out because there was no way they could win of , Jewish people had begun immigrating more to Palestine, this got opposition from everyone except for Truman.
Gamal Abdul Nasser 1954-70
ruler of the most populist Muslim state- Egypt. He condemned Israel. He wanted to purchase weapons but no one would sell them to him because he was going to use them against Israel because he wanted the Suez Canal. British and French went to Israel and they all invaded Egypt. The Russians then loaned Egypt enough money to keep the Suez canal.
Eisenhower's Farewell Address
he kept a bunch of his missile plans a secret, his speech was to warn the country against building an economy for military production/ military-industrial complex.
Flexible Response
we wanted to make our army bigger and better,suggested ways in which nuclear weapons could be used, together with conventional weapons, in battle without invoking nuclear Armageddon. Created green berets, H-Bombs, B52's, and minutemen missiles.
Green Berets
they were deployed to carry out specific operations, they were trainers in the army.
Nuclear Triad
in addition to B-52's he mass produced more minutemen missiles.
Polaris and Minutemen Missiles
32 Polaris submarines that held minutemen missiles
Berlin Crisis 1961
the last major politico-military European incident of the Cold War, about the occupational status of the German capital city, Berlin, and of post–World War II Germany. The U.S.S.R. provoked the Berlin Crisis with an ultimatum demanding the withdrawal of Western armed forces from West Berlin — culminating with the city's de facto partition with the East German erection of the Berlin Wall.
Fidel Castro 1959-2009
His revolution was to overthrow a dictator, he wanted a big Marshall Plan package. The Soviet Union offered cut-rate oil but the communists said they couldn't refine the oil. Castro then nationalized the refineries and said he had always been a communist.
Bay of Pigs 1961
an unsuccessful attempt by a CIA-trained force of Cuban exiles to invade southern Cuba, with support from US government armed forces, to overthrow the Cuban government of Fidel Castro. The exiles were defeated in three days.
Cuban Missile Crisis 1962
a confrontation between the United States, the Soviet Union, and Cuba during the Cold War. In September 1962, the Cuban and Soviet governments placed nuclear missiles in Cuba. When United States military intelligence discovered the weapons, the U.S. government did all it could to ensure the removal of the missiles. The crisis ended 2 weeks later when Kennedy and the UN secretary agreed with the Soviets to dismantle the missiles in exchange for a no-invasion agreement- including us removing the missiles in Turkey.
Naval Quarantine
a blockade Kennedy ordered to stop the Soviet Union ships to see if they had weapons.
Buddhist self-immolations
South Vietnamese troops went in a beat Buddhists, then the Buddhists started burning themselves alive.
Assasination of Diem 1963
Diem was the president of South Vietnam, he was arrested and assassinated. Diem and his adviser, younger brother Ngo Dinh Nhu, were arrested after the Army of the Republic of Vietnam (ARVN) had been successful in a bloody overnight siege.
The New Frontier
Tax cut bill- Congress wouldn't pass it
Civil Rights Bill- didn't get passed either
Birmingham Riot- MLK led this march to protest public segregation
Peace Corps- encouraged youth to go to the less developed world and help out
Alliance for Progress
Castro came up with a large aid package for Latin American countries, the goal was to get $10 million, had to buy American goods, 2.6 million came from private sectors.