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42 Cards in this Set

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Wrote some of the first dictionaries and spellers in the U.S.
Noah Webster
Philadelphia Convention
produced the present Constitution of the United States
The Spirit Laws
don't skew from the people
English philosopher
his hobby was to
James Madison
Virginia Plan
Pennsylvania militia routs Congress, 1783
Unpaid Revolutionary War verterans staged a protest
Northwest posts
British fur-trading posts
Northwest Ordinance 1787
Set up the framework of government in the Northwestern Territory
Shay's Rebellion
indebted landowners in Massachusetts blocked access to courts and prevented the government from arresting or repossessing the property of those in debt.
Annapolis Convention, 1786
A precursor to the Constitutional Convention of 1787
Judiciary Branch
interprets laws
Interstate relations
No state is allowed to form a compact with another state or with forgein power without consent of Congress
Amendment process
proposed by 2/3 of hte members and added to the Constitution by a 3/4 vote
Supremacy clause
all federal laws and treaties were "supreme law of the land" which overrided any state laws or state constitutional provisions to the contrary
to be agreed upon
Checks and Balances
so no one branch can become too powerful
Separation of Power
The powers of the government are divided between three branches
Committee System
after a bill is introduced it is assigned to a small group of legislators for review
Majority leader
person elected, by the majority of Congress, to be the leader of the majority party
Majority Whip
person who tells members of the majority part in Congress how they should vote
practice of drawing boundary lines of Congressional voting districts
resembled a salamander
Bills become law
introduced to committee, then House of Reps, then voted by Senate
House of Representatives
considered the "lower house"
considered the "upper house"
Executive branch
enforces laws
The Critical Period of American History
Fiske coined this term
opposed ratification of the Constitution
Newburgh Conspiracy
George Washington refused to support the plan brought about in this meeting
Articles of Confederation
first form of government
established federal government today
makes laws
exchanging votes for each others' pet bills
having pet logs
unrelated clauses added to a bill to ensure its passing or failing
minimum number of members in Congress
a member of Congress moves up as long has he is reelected
Great Compromise
Connecticut Plan
Connecticut was great at compromising
Virginia Plan
New Jersey Plan
called for one-house
Connecticut Plan
two-house Congress with both types of representation
North-South Compromise
3/5 clause
slaves considered 3/5 person
Beard thesis
Beard wrote that the Constitution was written not to ensure a democratic government for the people, but to protect the economic interests of its writers