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62 Cards in this Set

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Becoming more city like (East Coast)
Unsettled Land
West Coast
Banks and Trains Robbed
Symbols of the Norths Wealth
Most Common Professions
Cowboys, Ranchers, Farmers
Ranching State
Kansas City, Dodge City
Cow Town
What did Kansas City to Texas do?
Feed People
1/3 of Cowboys
Hispanic and Black, Teenagers. Hard Job.
Fought only if Native Americans stole cattle
Cowboys and Indians didnt fight. Didnt carry guns
U.S. Army fought Against Native Americans
Native Americans were told to Move off their land.
Ranchers and Farmers fought a lot
Barbed wife fences argument over land
Homestead Act
Government gave free land
People were able to claim land for themselves
What happened in the 1890s with Native American cultures?
they were dying
What was wrong with the Sioux?
They were starving
Who was Wovoka?
Also called Jack Wilson, a shaman of the northern Paiute in Nevada.
How did Wovoka learn the beliefs of several Christian sects, including the Presbyterians, Mormons, and Shakers.
Working for white farmers
What happened in Wovoka's dream?
He spoke with God in heaven, where saw many who had died.
What do most accounts say about Wovoka's dream?
It told peple not to steal or lie or go to war.
What did Wovoka promise?
That messiah, a savior would save them
What was the ghost dance?
A expression of deepest grief about the loss of Native Americans' ways of life.
What did US government actions do?
Compounded the tensions
What did the Plains Indians travel?
the great grasslands on horseback, following the migrations of the buffalo.
What were most white settlers?
Farmers or town dwellers.
What would many settlers believe if Native Americans wouldn't settle down in one place?
that their lands were available for the taking.
What happened in the mid-1800s with the U.S. government's Indian policy?
It underwent a major change.
What had the army previously done with native Americans?
They has forcibly moved them from the East and relocated them farther west.
By the 1850s what did growing settlers want to do?
move into the western lands as well.
what did the government do the the Native Americans land?
they begin seizing it and sending them to reservations.
Whatt was the goal with the Indians?
To break the power of the Plains Indians and open their lands for settlement.
What did Americans think of the new policy about the Indians?
Americans generally agreed with the new policy.
What happened with Plains Indians?
Being confined to the reservations threatened their buffalo-centered way of life.
What had the vast buffalo done for the Indians?
It had supported them for countless generations.
What were Indians Wars?
Tensions between Plains Indians, settlers, and the U.S. Army that became violent.
What did settlers often do?
Break treaties.
What did many army commanders believe?
That the Indians must simply be wiped out.
What did the U.S. army persuade a group of Cheyenne to do?
To stop raiding farms and return to their Colorado reservation peacefully.
What did the army troops do?
Attack, killing about 150 people, and burned the camp.
What did Congress do during the Sand Creek Massacre?
condemned the actions but did not punish the commander.
What did the government do to stop raids on sttelers in Sioux terriotry?
It ordered all Sioux to leave.
What happened at Sitting Bull?
Thousands of Sioux, Cheyenne, and Arapaho gathered near the Little Bighorn River.
Who was George Amrstrong Custer?
He was a young cavalry officer, who led a headlong attack against the far larger force.
What happened with Custer and his men?
They were slaughtered.
What happened when Custer and his men were slaughtered?
It was a great victory for the Siox, but it was their last.
What was wounded knee Masssacre?
In December 1890, Amy troops captured some of Sitting Bull's followers and took them to a camp aat Wounded Knee Creak. The next morning soldiers demanded the Indians' rifles, and fighting broke out.
What did the soldiers have the quickly killed many Sioux warriors?
Machine guns.
What did many women and children do during the wounded knee massacre?
What happened at the end of the Wounded Knee Massacre?
300 Sioux men, women, and children lay dead in the snow.
What did the massacre do to Americans and Native Americans?
It shocked Americans and broke Native American resistance on the Plains.
What did the government order in 1877?
The Nez Perce to move to a smaller reservation in Idaho.
What did the Nez Perce do on the way to move to the reservation?
Killed several white settlers.
What did Nez Perce and Chief Josepy do?
Fled toward Canada with the army in pursuit.
What happened in the southwest?
The government had moved the Apache to a reservation in Arizona.
What did Apache leader Geromino do?
He fled the reservation and led raids on the Arizona Mexico border for years.
What happened to Geromino and his followers?
They were captured on last time in September 1886 and held as prisoners of war.
What was one goal in creating Indian reservations?
The policy of Americanization.
What did officials want?
Indians to abandon traditional cultures and identity and to live like white Americans.
What was the Bureau of Indian Affairs?
The federal agency that managed Native American reservations, set up government schools for Indian children, often far from their homes.
What did students have to do>
Speak English and could not wear traditional clothing.
What was the Dawes Act?
Broke up some reservations and divided the land among individuals.
What did the government sell?
The best land and gave the rest to the Indians.
What could many Indians not do when they receives good land?
Not afford the supplies needed for farming.