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35 Cards in this Set

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Nuremberg Trial
Time: 1945 - 1946
Region: Germany
Definition: The leaders of Nazi Germany were tried for their crimes
• London Charter 1945 – Defined crimes as either crimes against peace, war crimes, and crimes against humanity
• The leaders of Germany were tried for all three kinds
• Nuremberg Principles said that the London Charter would apply for the trials. Set the precedent of those three crime types as being considered on an international level.
Konrad Adenauer
Time: post WWII
Region: Germany
Definition: Became the first chancellor of West Germany and led the Christian Democratic Union.
• Christian Democratic Union (CDU) – was a major party in West Germany and then in the unified Germany
• Welfare State Capitalism – enacted under Adenauer, Germany created a social market economy where the government provided a stable environment for business but did not intervene in the economy. Also provided social services for citizens.
Helped to reincorporate West Germany into the western part of the world
New Slavery
Time: Current
Region: Impoverished Regions
Definition: The poor of many countries are being enslaved under a new form of slavery.
• Three kinds chattel – has a contract and is like old slavery
• Debt slavery – forces people into slavery in order to pay off debts (largest)
Contract slavery – people are tricked into slavery by signing a work contract (fastest growing)
Congress Party In India
Time: Late 1800s until 1989
Region: India (Government)
Definition: The Congress Party led India to independence from Britain and then dominated the government for over 40 years; from 1947 until 1989.
• The congress Party was one of the most successful political parties ever
• Led India to Independence
• Leaders suffered and gained very loyal support because of it
• Gandhi was closely linked to the Congress Party
Mahatma Ghandi
Time: Late 1800s early 1900s
Region: South Africa and the India
Definition: Gandhi led peaceful protests in South Africa for the rights of Indians and achieved some success and then returned to India in 1915 to a leadership role in the movement for Indian Independence.
• Satyagraha- used non-violent means to make an opponent realize the ‘truth’ of a situation and convert an opponent to one’s cause
• Spinning Wheel Movement – Gandhi suggested every family spin their own cotton to reduce the need for British imports and wear simple cotton garments instead
• Non-cooperation and general strikes – general tactics used by Gandhi and the Congress Party
• Salt March – In 1930 Gandhi led a march from Congress Party HQ to the sea to collect salt to confront the Colonial law of taxing salt
Jawaharlal Nehru
Time: 1947 – 1964
Region: India
Definition: Nehru serves as Prime Minister of India and then the position was held by his heirs.
• Wanted complete independence for India
• Leading figure in the Independence Movement
• Mentored by Gandhi
Essentially got India on track to be an independent nation
Beijing Conference
Time: 1995
Region: China (International)
Definition: Proclaimed the rights for Women including: more political power, equal economic participation, and equal roles in household responsibilities.
• Was the first comprehensive listing of women’s rights.
• Established women should be completely equal to men.
• Said equal participation of women in economy was needed to obtain sustainable development. In doing so, it gave value to the role of women rather than saying they needed more rights.
Equal Employment Opportunity Law
Time: 1986
Region: Japan
Definition: Gave women more opportunities in the workplace but included no sanctions for failing to uphold these laws.
• Showed an active attempt to incorporate women into the workforce as equals to males
• Gave no penalty for continuing to show discrimination so there was no reason to obey it.
Gender Empowerment Measure (GEM)
Time: 1990s
Region: International (United Nations)
Definition: A scale for measuring how much power women hold politically and economically.
• Based on how many seats women hold in the national assembly and national cabinet as compared to men.
• Also takes into account the proportion of management positions held by women and their share of the national economy.
Women for Women International
Time: 1993
Region: Non-Governmental in 8 nations
Definition: Helps women recover from war and civil war and also makes small loans to women entrepreneurs.
• Provides business training and start up funds to women around the world.
• Gets all its revenue from donations.
Educates women on their rights.
Coalition Provisional Authority
Time: 2003-2004
Region: Iraq
Definition: Mainly American group that governed Iraq for about a year after the collapse of Hussein.
• Led by Paul Bremer a retired diplomat
• Baath Party – had ruled Iraq since 1960s. The CPA banned this party and removed their members from government
• Iraqi Governing Council (IGC) – appointed by the CPA to act as an advisor council
• Green Zone – heavily protected zone in Baghdad where American civilians involved with the CPA lived and worked.
• CPA governed Iraq until they turned over power to the Iraqi based Transitional Government.
Weapons of Mass Destruction
Time: 2003
Region: Iraq
Definition: Chemical, biological, and nuclear weapons. Bush thought Iraq possessed such weapons and it led to the invasion of Iraq.
The U.S. was willing to start a war over the possession of these weapons.
Allied Occupation of Japan
Time: 1945-1952
Region: Japan
Definition: Allied forced occupied Japan for 7 years after the war and created a new constitution for them.
• 1947 Constitution – created by the occupation, introduced democratic reforms to Japan
• Land reform – US made Japanese officials redistribute land from landlords to peasants
• Article 9 of the Constitution renounced the use of force to settle international disputes and the maintenance of a military for such purpose.
Liberal Democratic Party
Time: 1955 - 2009
Region: Japan
Definition: Party that dominated politics in Japan for much of the second half of the 20th century.
• Won almost every election for the past half decade.
• One of the most consistently successful parties of the past decade.
• Cooperates heavily with the U.S. and has made Japan one of the more successful nations.
Ministry of International Trade and Industry
Time: Post WW2
Region: Japan
Definition: Contributed to Japan’s economic improvement after WW2 by coordinating Japan’s industrial strategy throughout the 20th century.
Helped to create the powerful version of Japan we see today and helped enable them to be active in an increasingly globalized world.
Porfiro Diaz
Time: 1876 - 1911
Region: Mexico
Definition: Governed Mexico from 1876 – 1911. Welcomed foreign investment, promoted industrialization, and maintained law and order. Took away communal land from the Mexican people and redistributed it to individuals.
• Land was taked from the poor and given to the rich which led to the rebellions of Pancho Villa and Emilliano Zapata.
• Diaz strictly controlled dissent
Institutional Revolutionary Party (PRI)
Time: 1930
Region: Mexico
Definition: Political party that dominated Mexican politics for 70 years. Nationalized Oil except PEMEX.
• Cardenas – gave land from the rich back to poor peasants. Nationalized and sold the rights to oil. Established PEMEX to manage Mexico’s oil.
Salinas – Sold many governmental companies but not PEMEX to get out of debt. Broke up ejidos and forced each peasant to get a title to the land.
Time: 1948 - 1990
Region: South Africa
Definition: Strict racial segregation implemented in South Africa that separated blacks from whites.
• Pass System- all black Africans must have a pass that’s marked by an official in order to travel and live outside of their tribal homeland
• Homelands – Black Africans could only live in designated tribal homelands
• Blacks working in cities had to live in townships on the outskirts of town
• One of the largest separations of race and inequality in recent history
Nelson Mandela
Time: 1950s
Region: South Africa
Definition: Led the ANC (African National Congress) and peacefully protested about the segregation laws until he was imprisoned in 1960.
• African National Congress (ANC) – led in the resistance against South African National Government and its policy of apartheid. Wanted total democracy for all races and worked with other groups.
• ANC gave rise to the Pan Africanist Congress (PAC) who thought more violent methods must be employed.
• ANC organized Sharpeville protests against the pass law which led to police firing on unarmed protesters and the governmental banning of both the ANC and the PAC.
F.W. DeClerk – prime minister of Africa in 1990 released Mandela form prison and said the ANC was a legal organization and it still exists today.
Time: Began in 1960s until ?
Region: Afganistan
Definition: The People’s Democratic Party of Afghanistan gained power in Afghanistan by 1970 and received financial help and politically trained officials from the Soviet Union
• Hafizullah Amin and Nur Mohammad Taraki – leaders of the PDPA overthrew Prime Minister Daoud and took control of Afghanistan. Enacted policies that had so much opposition, the Soviets intervened militarily to support them.
• The Soviet support gave rise to resistance groups. Osama Bin Laden was a wealthy man who became involved in this resistance movement.
• Spurred on the creation of Al’Qeada
Time: Began in 1994
Region: Afghanistan
Definition: Islamic group that controlled much of Afghanistan by 2001, leaders mainly Pashtuns.
• Mullah Mohammad Omar – leader of the Taliban
• Taliban housed bin-Laden’s Al’Qaeda in the 1990s
• U.S. enacted operation Enduring Freedom to drive out the Taliban
• Northern Alliance resisted Taliban
Taliban fell due to U.S. efforts and then a president was elected in 2004
Dayton Agreement
Time: 1995
Region: Bosnia
Definition: Resolved the war in Bosnia by creating two separate factions, a Muslim-Croat Federation and a Serbian Republic. Both would be part of Bosnia but each would govern itself independently.
• Bosnia broke off from Yugoslovia and the Muslims in Bosnia began fighting the Serbs that were living in Bosnia. The government of Serbia sent aid to the Serbs who began seizing territory from the Muslims.
• Ethnic Cleansing – the policy of the Serbs to drive out the Muslims from areas that the Serbs then took over.
• Srebrenica – Serbs killed many Muslims at the UN safehaven Srebrenica.
In 1995 NATO intervened by helping the Muslims and then finally enacted the Dayton Agreement with a large peacekeeping force.
Chiang Kai-Sheck
Time: 1925
Region: China
Definition: Commanded the Nationalist Army. Became leader of the Nationalist party in 1925.
• Nationalist Party – aimed at unifying China and strengthening the nation.
Great Leap Forward
Time: 1958
Region: China
Definition: Program launched by Mao that was designed to create group farming units called communes but failed.
• The failure of the Great Leap Forward shifted some power away from Mao and to Deng Xiaoping
• Deng was less communist than Mao and supported economic reforms to split up the large communes
Four Modernizations
Time: 1970s
Region: China
Definition: Deng Xiaoping proposed the four modernizations of agriculture, technology, industry, and the military.
• Household Responsibility System – citizens could lease land from the government and farm it for a quota of the production. Anything the people produced above quota they could keep. Promoted the advancement of agriculture.
• SEZ – (Special Economic Zones) Government set aside special zones in which foreign nations could operate factories by themselves or with Chinese partners.
Tiananmen Square
Time: 1989
Region: China
Definition: Many people protested in the Square to demand more democracy. The PLA (army) cleared the people and hundreds of people were killed when the troops were met with resistance.
• Picture of the man blocking the column of tanks came from this protest.
• China refuses to let people talk of this event
• Wasn’t very successful? Tried to get China to be more democratic and cast China in a bad light but led to few governmental changes.
Taiwan Relations Act
Time: 1979
Region: China
Definition: United States formed an unofficial alliance with Taiwan so the U.S. could have relations with both China and Taiwan.
• U.S. recognized China as the Government of China and began to have negotiations.
• US also pledged to sell Taiwan arms and could consider any non-peaceful means to influence the future of Taiwan a threat to the Pacific and respond accordingly.
• Also established an agency to act as an embassy to Taiwan.
Basically allowed the U.S. to communicate with China without really changing their policy in Taiwan.
Operation Provide Relief
Time: 1992
Region: Somalia
Definition: Bush used the military to send many supplied and food to the people of Somalia who were suffering from a famine.
• Led to a large scale intervention with Operation Restore Hope (troops to keep the peace) and Operation Continue Hope (UN rebuild Somalia into a stable democracy)
• Strong example of the UN coming together to attempt to help another nation and also passing influence on it.
International Criminal Court
Time: 2002 Until Present
Region: International
Definition: An international court made up of 114 members that elect 18 judges to preside over cases of international war crimes. The U.S. and China refuse to participate.
• Complementarity- the ICC can only try criminals when their national court refuses to try them.
• American Servicemembers Protection Act – gives the president the ability to do anything in his power to release personnel being held by the ICC. Also forbids state and local governments to give to the ICC. Also generally prohibits military aid to nations that participate in the ICC but there have been exceptions.
• Bilateral Immunity agreements – A nation pledges not to turn over people accused of war crimes to ICC but rather send home with the promise of a trial there.
• U.S. is against the ICC because it does not fully support the rights reflected in the U.S. Constitution.
Bretton Woods Conference
Time: 1944
Region: New Hampshire (International Importance)
Definition: Set the price of the dollar and other nations’ currency as static and in relation to an ounce of gold ($35 USD)
• Helped to create a more stable economy system between the 45 nations that were present.
• Lord John Maynard Keynes – advocated for the economic system post WW2 to promote trade, prosperity, and peace.
• Harry Dexter White – said the instability trade barriers after the depression led to WW2
• A stable currency system was thought to be needed in order to keep nations at peace and lower trade barriers.
World Trade Organization
Time: 1995 - Present
Region: International
Definition: Seeks to prevent unfair trade barriers and also has the authority to judge disputes between members when they are brought to the WTO
• General Agreements of Tariffs and Trade (GATT) – preceded WTO and aimed to reduce barriers on free trade such as quotas and tariffs.
• Great Shrimp Dispute of 1996 – Four Asian nations said the U.S. discriminated against buying their shrimp because it had been caught with nets that didn’t allow for sea turtles to escape. WTO judged that the law was not discriminatory but should be implemented in a more transparent, predictable manner.
• WTO has a lot of power on various rulings on international trade.
Foreign Direct Investment
Time: 1945 - 1975
Region: International
Definition: Many western nations invested in factories in foreign nations to make products and sell them to those nations.
• Many companies have factories in various countries and are multinational corporations.
• Some examples are McDonald’s, Honda, Toyota, Coca Cola, Lenovo, and SunTech(solar pannels)
• This intertwines all the nations’ economies and helps to further globalizations.
Mae Sot
Time: Present
Region: Thailand
Definition: A city in Thailand on the border with Burma than the government invited foreign companies to come and make goods in (usually textiles) with a supply of Burmese workers that generally have few to no rights.
• Prime example of hyena capitalism and race to the bottom – companies race to get the lowest price and exploit vulnerable workers to produce goods at low cost.
Montreal Protocol
The Montreal Protocol on Substances That Deplete the Ozone Layer (a protocol to the Vienna Convention for the Protection of the Ozone Layer) is an international treaty designed to protect the ozone layer by phasing out the production of numerous substances believed to be responsible for ozone depletion. The treaty was opened for signature on September 16, 1987, and entered into force on January 1, 1989
The Darfur Conflict[14][15] is an ongoing guerrilla conflict or civil war centered on the Darfur region of Sudan. It began in February 2003 when the Sudan Liberation Movement/Army (SLM/A) and Justice and Equality Movement (JEM) groups in Darfur took up arms, accusing the Sudanese government of oppressing non-Arab Sudanese in favor of Sudanese Arabs.