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52 Cards in this Set

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In 1916, Wilson campaigned on a program of...

Keeping the U.S. out of war

Between 1914 and 1916, the U.S...

Was officially neutral

In Munn v. Illinois, the states...

won the right to regulate the railroads

In the period from 1860 to 1900, the Federal Government encouraged the settlement of the West by...

Granting tracts of land to railroad companies to encourage construction

In 1890, U.S. soldiers killed about 300 Sioux at ______, South Dakota, which shocked many Americans, Others insisted Custer had been "avenged"

Wounded Knee

During the early part of the war, Lincoln's main goal was to...

Preserve the union

How did new technology affect the fighting of the Civil War???

Old fighting strategies resulted in greater casualties

Compared to other major American wars how many people died in the Civil War???

A lot more

16th Amendment

Established an income tax

17th Amendment

Changed the election process to a direct election by citizens of their senators

18th Amendment

Outlawed all alcohol - Prohibition

19th Amendment

Gave women the right to vote - Suffrageq


A journalist who documents corruption


Drawing voting districts to limit votes

Election of 1912

Wilson won because the republican party split in two. Taft was the republican and Roosevelt was the Bull Moose party

Frances Willard

For prohibition

Upton Sinclair

Wrote The Jungle

Lewis Hine

Took photos of child labor

Treaty of Paris

Ended Spanish American war gave the U.S. Guam, Cuba, Puerto Rico, and we bought the Philippines for $20 Million

Rough Riders

Volunteer army led by Ted Roosevelt

Dollar Diplomacy

Taft's strategy that utilizes economic pressure on Latin America

DeLome Letter

A letter written by a Spaniard the criticized McKinley

Roosevelt Corollary

U.S. will use force in Latin America if necessary

William Seward

Bought Alaska

USS Maine

Blew up and yellow journalism sensationalized it

William Jennings Bryan

Democrat and Populist

Wounded Knee

Last of the plains wars, soldiers tried to stop the ghost dance

Dawes Act

Native Americans reservations divided into family farms (assimilation)

Little Big Horn

Custer's last stand. Native Americans won

Morril Act

Gave states money for agricultural schools

Gilded Age

Political machines and a wide income gap

Laissez Faire

Idea that the government won't regulate the economy

Interstate Commerce Act

Regulated Railroads


The period after the Civil War where America was rubuilding

15th Amendment

Game African American men the right to vote

Carpet Baggers

Northerners who moved to the south to make $$$

Andrew Johnson

Easy on the South - He was impeached

13th Amendment

Ended Slavery

Compromise of 1877

Ended reconstruction, if republican was president and troops would leave the south

Reconstruction Acts

Sent troops to the south

Tenure of Office Act

The law the Johnson broke by firing his secretary of war


Small white farmers

14th Amendent

Made everyone equal (citizenship)

Freedmen's Beareu

Gave education to freedmen

Cattle Boom

Industry went up and it was helped by the R.R. - ended by barbed wire fences

Frederick Johnson Turner

Frontier Supporter


Wanted silver based economy to cause inflation

Sand Creek Massacre

Cheyenne Indians killed by U.S. soldiers


A farmers organization, blamed R.R for problems

Long Drive

Cowboy Route


Killed a bunch of them

Cross of Gold

A speech given by William Jennings Bryan about wanting the Silver standard