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9 Cards in this Set

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The flagellants

Half naked men with being themselves and each other to show there sorry to God; move from place to place and spread diseases

Giovanni Boccaccio

expands humanism; human nature and relationships –author of the Decameron: emphasized opportunity over virtue


from Italy humanist scholar who is not happy with Italy's fighting; power versus Christian morality; did not think humans were good was very pessimistic

Baldassare Castiglione

lifetime learning; secondary school starts to form in this period

Ottomans (Turks)

became a major world power; create a large empire; tense relationship with Christian

Christopher Columbus

Italian Italians refused to fund his exploration so he goes to the king of Spain to ask for help; he "discovers" Americas

Hernan Cortes

comes into the Astec territory with a large army; destroys aztecs

Martin Luther

wants to fix the church; creates the Protestant reformation call religion back to its roots

treaty of Westphalia

how can we get past this religious divide? Religious division and decline of religious extremism; "age of Enlightenment"