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38 Cards in this Set

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Battle of Fallen Timbers

Last major conflict between indians and americans

Peace has fallen

Necessary and Proper Clauses

Courts ability to pass laws that aren't in Constitution

They are Necessary and Proper


Wanted strong centralized government

Hammer it into ur brain that its central


Limited nat. Gov. Limited spending

Oppo of hammies

Naturalization Act

Increased residency years 2 b a citizen from 5-14 yrs

Natural born

Alien Enemies Act

Allows presidents to deport non citizens from other countries


Alien act

Controlled the immigrants becoming citizens


Sedition acts

Illegal to say anything untrue and bad against gov

Sedate dissenters


Party to go against federalists formed by adams and jefferson

Demote federalists


Supporters of federal gov

Charles C. Pickney

Nominated by federalists for pres but failed both times

Pick me

12th Amendment

Provides procedure for electing Prez & V. Prez.

John Marshall

Sec. Of State under John Adams


Capturing men for the army


Embargo Act of 1807

Made exports from US illegal. Trying to get respect as a young country

O seven wasn't heaven

Non-intercourse Act

Lifted all embargoes except to France and Britain

Robert Livingston

Was in the continental congress, founding father

James Monroe

Fifth Prez. Founding father

Toussaint Charbonneau

French Canadian explorer and trader member of LC exp.

Macons Bill no. 2

Said US would trade w/ them if they stopped taking their ships


Chief of Shawnee tribe who was on Britain's side

Battle of Tippecanoe

Near Lafayette, Indiana between Americans and NA Warriors

War Hawks

Pro war American group

Henry Clay

Member of the war hawks, politician

Johm C. Calhoun

V. Prez. Under John Quincy Adams, best known for his defense of slavery

Battle of the Thames

US victory against UK in war of 1812

Battle of Fort McHenry

Americans kept British Navy from invading Baltimore

Hartford Convention

Meetings where the New England Federalist Party met to discuss the ongoing War of 1812 and seceding

Battle of New Orleans

Battle won by the US after the Treaty of Ghent had been signed War of 1812

Fort Washington

Fort built after war was declared in 1812 destroyed before the burning of Washington

Fort Detroit

Captured during the War of 1812 British regulars 300 militia and 150 Indians led by Tecumseh

Battle of Lake Erie

American victory over British captured British vessels

Battle of Plattsburgh/Battle of Lake Champlain

American victory decisive ending of the War of 1812

Battle of Bladensburg

American loss which allowed the burning of Washington DC

Burning of York

American troops burned Canadian fort similar to burning of Washington

Queenston Heights

First major battle of the War of 1812 British victory


Patriotic feeling towards one's country

Anna cutts

Sister of Lucy Washington friend of Dolley Madison