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49 Cards in this Set

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Battle of Jutland

big sea battle between british and german navies in 1916-technically germans won in inflicting more losses than gotten. unchanged situation german fleet fleet for home to not be annihilated --germans decided to use unrestricted submarine warfare knowing US will come into war

Battle of the Marne

battle that put a stop to german Schleifan plan--British and French defeated the germans and forced them to to flee north

Battle of the Somme

British offensive in 1916 lasted june 1 to late oct

1st day british attacked the german trenched which they thought had been destroyed by artillery but germans got out in time to mow down British- single largest day of soldiers killed launched cuz of battle of verdun

Battle of Verdun

launched by germans against french austensivly the aim was to gain city of verdun but was really to bleed french white Germans suffered almost has much as french counted as a french victory horrendous casualties

Franz Ferdinand

heir to austro hungarian throne his assassination lead to the outbreak of WW1

Gallipoli Campaign

british attempt to see turkish straights its primary sponsor was winston churchill but was a bloody failure

Hindenburg & Ludendorff

german general who was credited for early victories over Russians particularly battle of hedekirk. he and chief of staff become 2 man dictatorship in germany and then he became president and appointed hitler as chancellor in 33


french war plan for WW1 more of a mystique than a strategy--massive offensive against the germans in assaince lorraine and retake those provinces and press on to berlin

Poison Gas

germans first to use on massive scale this--germans had most advance chemical industry

Schlieffen Plan

the german plan to go to war to invade via begum and capture paris and then destroy french army in territory east of paris between paris and east corridor and defeat them in 6 weeks to ship most of troops east to confront slow moving russians near success but failure shaped war on western front stopped by battle of marne. reiterated to defense for rest of war


submarine unrestricted submarine warfare is what brought US into WW1

Great Depression

this brought hitler to power hit the Germans harder than the US. German Economy and political system fell-- nazis or communist form government and Nazi's lesser of 2 evils Hitler was chancellor to be in control


antics before the war-- used military force to take territory and used militarized power to get into the zone Rhineland where german were not suppose to go and first of disruptive acts on international state. french and british did nothing


leader of bolshivak party he and close associates were shipped from switzerland across germany in a seal tray by german authorities so they can go to petragrad near st petersburg to cause trouble for russians. most violent wing of the russian socialist movement

Munich Agreement

agreement between hitler and british prime minister that forced czechs to hand over land to germans. Czechs lost land


first fascists leader to come to power. prime minister of italy in 22. full blown fascists dictator till 26


the ultimate after death of lenin he and throsky fought it out politically and he won. become true totalitarian dictator master of soviet union and known for bloody purges of first communist party leadership and the leadership of army then leadership of secret police stalin had absolute control of three elements of soviet union that matters Communist party--secret police and communist party purge trials communist in particular

Treaty of Versailles

the treaty between allies and german did 2 things to tick germans off

in order to justify the german to pay refutations

War guilt clause

limited size of german army to 100 thousand men


bolshavac leader basically lenin chief of lutenist who become really prominent during russian civil war-- war between reds and white his actions his comasar for war that allowed the red army to trial then subsequent leader struggle with stalin forced to exile and lived in mexico and killed with ice axe from stalin followers

Aircraft Carrier

became most important warship in pacific war none of our carriers were at pearl harbor when japs attacked

Battle of Britain

first battle fought basically entirely in air-- german ludwaffle was trying to gain air supremacy preferably between germany and asia ludwaffle lost this battle mostly due to british use of radar along the coast that could spot german formations which gave ample warning


german method of attack in WW2 basically involved close cooperation of tanks and aircraft esp dive bombers used as a substitute for field artillery


became wartime leader of great Britain was largely responsible for idea that british would not negotiate peace with germans even tho germans offered pretty good deals became symbol of defiance

German Conquests in 1939-40

first one was germans on attack on Poland which caused outbreak of WW2

attacked denmark and norway

offensive in the west where they conquered netherlands belgium and defeated french and forced british to evacuate their entire expeditionary force from dun curt German successes


first american offensive in the pacific war


committed suicide in bunker as chancellor

Japanese Conquests in 1942

Dutch East Indies and Oil


enormous tank battle fought between germans and solvates. biggest in history Germans lost

marked last time german marked offensive against solvates in WW2


commanded the southwest pacific command New Guinea to phiilipines and then to Japan

Amazing both good and bad only guy who was young general in WW1 and old in WW2 and korean war and commanding general their until fired by president truman -- bold amphibious attack at anchong korean peninsula

Manhattan Project

the cover name for the building of the atomic bomb


the final battle of the pacific war--the gaps unveiled the Kamikaze --concentrated attacks

Operation Barbarossa

German code name for the invasion of the soviet union


decisive battle in the pacific of WW2 when US wiped out 4 Japanese aircraft carriers which broke the back of their Navy


German general who became famous in north africa where he was called the desert fox cuz he was such a hard opponent to beat


considered to be decisive battle of the russian front --a german army after suffering horrific losses captured city of stalingrad and trapped there by solviets in 42. Stalin was forced to surrender so Entire German army fell into the hand of the Russians turning point in german invasion of soviet union

Strategic Bombing

of german cities americans would bomb by day cuz B-17 could fight its way into germany and drop bombs on precise target which was incorrect and British flew at night which was much harder big Controversy... was it worth the massive expenditures worth killing over half million german civilians

p51 mustang fighter--dissapointing aircraft royce engine gave the American bombers fighter escorts didnt have escorts to targets and back

The Italian Campaign

controversial --churchills brainstorm said that italy was the soft underbelly of the axis

fight ur way north and once got to northern italy could get into france or balking which is what he wanted... bad mistake delayed chief invasion of europe--invasion of normady


through a guerrilla revolution in 1959, he seized political power in Cuba and has been there ever since pursuing a series of communist reforms.

Cold War
confrontation between soviet union and allies and the americans and their allies --2 sides never directly fight each other did engage in proxy war-- the Korean war broke out in 1950
Containment Policy
a U.S. foreign policy adopted by President Harry Truman in the late 1940s, in which the United States tried to stop the spread of communism by creating alliances and helping weak countries to resist Soviet advances.Sig: This was the general American plan during the Cold War.

Cuban Missile Crisis

an international crisis in October 1962, when the U.S. discovered Soviet nuclear missiles on Cuba, President John F. Kennedy demanded their removal and announced a naval blockade of the island; the Soviet leader Khrushchev acceded to the U.S. demands a week later.Sig:, the closest approach to nuclear war at any time between the U.S. and the USSR.
Fall of Communism in Eastern Europe
-fall of Berlin Wall 1989-mass migration from Eastern Europe to Western-Impact on Eastern Europe; leads to intellectuals and others leave Eastern Europe but living conditions start to improve
a former Soviet statesman. He was the eighth and last leader of the Soviet Union, having served as General Secretary of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union from 1985 until 1991 when the party was dissolved.
a politician who led the Soviet Union during part of the Cold War First Secretary of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union from 1953 to 1964, and as Chairman of the Council of Ministers, or Premier, from 1958 to 1964. was responsible for the de-Stalinization of the Soviet Union, for backing the progress of the early Soviet space program, and for several relatively liberal reforms in areas of domestic policy.
Korean War

proxy war from cold war

north korea puppet state of soviet union received permission from stalin to invade south korea massive attack on south which almost succeeded american sources shipped in south koreans almost swept of peninsula mcarthur uncharge of occupation of japan

our aimed changed from kicking out of south korea was to creat united non communist free korea got chinese upset launched massive invasion drove us back mcarthur wanted to use a bunch of bomb truman fired mcarthur american CEASAR

Marshall Plan
was an American initiative to aid Western Europe, in which the United States gave $13 billionin economic support to help rebuild Western European economies after the end of World War II. The plan was in operation for four years beginning April 8th 1948. The goals of the United States were to rebuild war-devastated regions, remove trade barriers, modernize industry, make Europe prosperous again, and prevent the spread of communism
He would later make nuclear weapons a key point of his presidency, specifically his opposition to mutually assured destruction, building on previous efforts to limit the spread of nuclear weapons to a new focus to reduce the numbers and types of them
Soviet Invasions in Eastern Europe
Continental Europe emerged from German domination in 1945, shattered and transformed. After the German surrender, Great Britain, the United States, France, and the Soviet Union divided Germany and Austria into four occupation zones, each to be administered by one of the victorious powers. The cities of Berlin and Vienna were similarly divided and occupied.
Vietnam and Afghanistan
in both wars the enemies defeated a European power, then ended up in a civil war for national reunification. Second, in both wars the US set out to create a US army base to train indigenous people. Finally, one of the biggest similarities is that in both cases the US misunderstood the nature of the enemy they were fighting.