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59 Cards in this Set

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embracing new technologies


embrace of Western culture

Ottoman empire biddahs

1. printing press (spread enlightenment ideas)

2. secular lawyers (int'l business contracts)

3. secular universities

4. infidel teachers

5. muslim traveling/living abroad

impact of the french enlightenment/revolution on the ottoman empire

they focused everything on the french enlightenment (because they see anti-christianism)

- Fraternity (unity of the nation)

- Liberty (leads to rep. gov't)

- Equality (social inequalities are abolished)

How successful were modernization and westernization in the ottoman empire?

- very few muslims want to invest in manufacturing

- eventually leads to the breakdown of the ottoman empire


ti = essence

young = practical use

"self strengthening"

not giving up traditional values but working on building up Western technology

Sun Yat-sen

- wanted to turn China into a republic

- wants religious tolerance

- Guomingdang - National Peoples Party

Chiang Kai-Shek

- anti-communist

- purges Guomingdang of communists (starts a civil war)

Mao Zedong

- Marxist

- goes to Pekking college

- made a solution for all of China

- influenced by Li Dazhao

Li Dazhao

- librarian in pekking college that influenced Mao Zedong

- read Marx together and created a solution for all of China

Treaty of Nanjing

- British get control over many cities/ports so they are now open to British trade

- 21 million pounds (6 mill. to BEIC)

(because the chinese poured out opium)

Treaty of Tianjin

- opens up 10 more trading ports (also to US)

- "extraterritoriality" - being tried with your own laws in another country

- legalizes the opium trade (not the use)

Hong Xiuquan

- reads Christian literature and becomes Christian- believes he's Jesus' brother

- believes he is called to overthrow the Qing dynasty

- holds Nanjing until 1864 (12 years)

Taiping Rebellion

Nanjing is held under Hong Xiuquan for 12 years and then is taken back by the Qing dynasty

Lessons learned from Opium Wars and Taiping Rebellion

- the key to Western power is western technology

- learn to build up army with this technology

- still traditional values

"Self-strengthening" movement

- not giving up traditional values but working on building up western technology

1. new schools

2. new military tactics

3. new technology

Significance of Sino-Japense War

- China thought Japan was inferior, humiliated by a loss

- China had to pay $200 and recognize japans independence

- china calls for reforms

Hundred Days reform and boxer rebellion reactions (from Qing)

- 100 days reform would not be enough to save China and the boxers were defeated

- had to open up more ports and pay

- slow end to the Qing dynasty

the artist (Baudelaire)

- technician

- high skilled animal

- cottage brain

man of the world

engaged in morality, genius, intoxicated by the world "as it is," professionals in the world experiencing art


"The ever vanishing now"

temporary, ever-changing and unique

constantine guys

- baudelaire called him the "painter of modern life"

- extensively praised his works of painting the "now"

- depicted "todays" aesthetics


- professionals out in the world experiencing art

- a sign of the alienation of the city and of capitalism

basis of aesthetics (beauty) and ethics (the good) according to Baudelaire

- beauty is ever changing and unique, the "now" is beautiful

- our aesthetics reflect our ethics/morality, the good may be evil but it is beautiful

Baudelaire's theories in "The Painter of Modern Life" point to the rise of nihilism in Western thought

says the real world is not the right model and if we are beautiful people we must express the artificial (cosmetics - a way to cover up imperfections) nature (the real/beautiful) is what's wrong with art


Edouard Manet painted Venus as a prostitute


this group's intention was to reform art by rejecting what is considered the mechanistic approach

- believed the classical poses and elegant compositions of Raphael in particular has been a corrupting influence on the academic teaching of art


German sees war as a war of liberation, trying to liberate world from British/French political domination as well as british imperialism

Marquis de Sade

- said god is evil thus the world is evil but embrace it.

- nihilistic

Frederick Nietzsche

- says there is no good or evil (its reality) we need someone who doesn't conform, someone authentic

- says this is how you overcome nihilism

Gavrillo Princep

- "accidentally" kills Ferdinand and wife

- starts a conflict between serbia and austro-hungarian empire

- serbia wants yugoslavia (causes WWI)

Francis Ferdinand


Kaiser Wilhelm II

- initiates foreign policy called "welkpolitik"

- wants Germany to have its place under the sun (share sunlight)

- builds and navy and expands army

Magnus Hirschfield

says this is a war for authenticity and free culture, decriminalizes homosexuality

Oscar Wilde

argued to have created homosexuality, goes to fail

very avant-garde

"Dada" art

a german art produced by protestors of the war, type of surrealism (non sensible) shoes that things have fundamentally changed


a british ship used to ravage a whole chinese coast, chinese sees this ships technology and is heavily influenced by it to build up a navy


middle class workers and solider council that take control of economic needs


creates soviets, they are the minority of the marxists groups made by V.I. Lenin advocating a form of communism by appealing to the people with bread, land and peace


the majority of the marxists group that wipe out mensheviks. Bolshevik revolution causes USSR and kills Tsars Nicholas who wanted to go back to war, First successful marxist movement in history

Treaty of Brest-Litovsk

gives Germany some russian land that Lenin doesn't care about because that land was run by Tsars family, not truly USSR, makes peace with Germany


a port city that Italy switches sides for because they were promised to receive it. Serbia ends up getting it and italians become furious (democracy lies)


messian (leader) these are seen as concrete real things


messiah (leader) they will defeat liberalism (Mussolini)

Charles Marras (Action Française)

- against third republic (gov't in france)

- against catholicism/anti-semitic

- for an absolute monarchy and a militarized state

- make france strong, return to greatness

Benito Mussolini ideas of "sustainable Nihilism" and Avant-garde spirituality

- says humans are only/most alive in war, because you are faced with life and death

- says fascists love life (war) and despise suicide

- says war is a sustainable nihilism

- says fascism is a spiritual and moral fact, a type of avant-garde fascist spirituality

- will defeat liberalism

Fascists reject Liberalism because...

- its an idea

- a false idea (law/justice)

- a contract (constitution) can just be broken, its all talk

- materialistic thus pointless

Fascists reject Socialism because...

- similar to liberalism

- boils down to individualism, just as materialistic, it's not real life

- war and empire are real

- there's no state in socialism (if everyone is in charge, no one is)

A.J.P. Taylors theory

- describes the war as an accident

- says advisors convince Wilhelm II, Franz Joseph, Nicholas II to go to war

"Accidental War"

Michael Howard thesis

says these politicians/advisors run the war with a strategy (they run the numbers)

"Super Rationality"

Winston Churchill thesis

"Something Cultural"

Modris Eksteins thesis

says its liberal modernity

Britain vs. Germany (Avant Garde Modernity)

"A cultural war"

major characteristics of the worldview of the Avant-Garde in the late 19th century

- art is the basis of what is good/beautiful

- distrust of the rational (faith is irrational)

- autonomy of artist (save world from shallowness)

- revalue liberal values (what is seen as wicked=good)

- authenticity (in sexuality)

French "modern art"

(realism, impressionism, "fauves") calls for modern (AG) art. getting away from nature no longer the aesthetic

German society and sexual liberation

- becomes avant-garde nation

- most high educated state

- mot urbanized nation

- advanced in technology

- 30.2% women working

- decriminalizing homosexuality

Wassily Kandinsky

first purely abstract work

"Avant-garde" sexual morality

- very open, decriminalizing homosexuality, live freely with whatever sexuality

Britian's view of the world

fighting to defend belgium neutrality (initial aims) and for honor, duty, patriotism (heaven)

Effects of the war on African Americans and women

- red summer happens (race riots), black were used to no biracial laws

- come home can't be with whites again (conflict) with men at war, women step (flappers), earned right to vote