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72 Cards in this Set

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Key themes of Christian West

1. Regionalism

2. Rural Society

3. Decentralization (exception: church and pope)

Key institution and key individual of Christian West

Institution: Church

Individual: Pope

Key foundations of Christian West society

1. Roman traditions

2. Germanic elements

3. Christian beliefs

Key differences between the Roman Catholic Church (West) and the Eastern Orthodox Church (East)

West (Roman Catholic): Jesus- He is here to take away sins.

Attitude: They believed the East was barbaric.

East (Eastern Orthodox Church): Jesus- Saw Jesus coming to Earth as a human being to purify humans.

Attitude: Thought the West was "too intellectual" and thought they were cunning and devious.

Goal of the Charlemagne Empire

Sought recognition not only as king but as emperor also and intended to do this through right of conquest, unification of western europe and they intended to withhold the empire mindset through rule and appearance.

Two main components of the Medieval Church

1. Monks and Monasteries

2. Pope and Vatican

Internal colonization of Western Europe

Started to chop down woods and forests for more space for manors.

Impact: Allowed the catholic church to set up parishes.

Why did the vikings invade?

1. Decline of the Abbasid Dynasty and failed conquest of Constantinople (due to the wall)

2. Lack of resources and land at home.

3. Spirit of adventure/exploration

4. Charlemagne's poor leadership made conquering easy.

What are the impacts of the Vikings invasions?

1. Helped start the foundation of a unified England.

2. Led to a distinctive Anglo-Saxon culture.

3. Led to a period of decentralization in Europe and search for order which enhanced the pope, church and local lords.

Key end result of the viking invasions

Western Europe reverted to localism and a system of feudalism and/or manorialism.

Peasant life revolved around

1. Farming: Main way of living

2. Family: Lived with family your whole life

3. Faith: Catholic church

What motivated war with the crusades

1. Muslims- Believed in the Allah, and that is not the true God.

2. Islamic takeover of West Asia

3. Reconquista: Take back areas that are under Islamic control.

What caused the Crusades?

1. Byzantine Empire requests help of the pope, Islam was cutting off their trade and Byzantine needed their help to get rid of them.

End results of the Crusades

1. Failed to meet original goals

2. Boosted western commerce

3. Later inspired European explorations

4. Knowledge

5. New technologies

6. Spirit of the renaissance

Role of Pope Urban II

1. Changed the meaning of war

2. Persuaded knights that if they went on the Crusades that they would be cleansed and absolved of their sins.

Pope Urban II goal

Recapture the holy land

Key point of the Umayyad Caliphate

1. Wanted to create unified Uma (community)

2. Dynastic leadership

Success of the Umayyad Caliphate

Expanded Islam from the peak of Spain to Afghanistan

Impact of the Umayyad Empire

Wanted to keep culture and the linguistics of Islam

Key theme of Abbasid Caliphate Empire

Consolidation over conquest

Key point of the Abbasid Caliphate Empire

Social renaissance

End result of the Abbasid Caliphate Empire

Kicked off the golden age of learning in the Islamic World.

Foundations of the Mughal Empire

1. Islamic ruling elite but the population remains Hindu and they use Mongol war tactics.

2. Adaptable

How did Akbar rule?

1. Brought tolerance via:

.Married Hindu princess

.Abolished the taxes on Hindus and Non-Muslims.

.Military expansion

.Allowed Indians to work in bureaucracy, more inclusive.

Golden Age characteristics of the Mughal Empire

1. Helped spread Islam

2. Took control of the Indian Ocean trade.

3. Blended the Persian Heritage with Islamic faith.

4. Taj Mahal

Key themes of the Song Dynasty

1. Focus on itself, not expansion.

2. Create Chinese identity.

Economic foundations of the Song Empire

1. Silk road trade

2. Agrarian base

3. Manufacturing

Key developments of the Song Empire

1. Iron plows

2. Use of water buffalo

3. Piston driven bellows

4. Use of gunpowder

5. Porcelain industry

6. Flying cash (paper money)

Political developments of the Song Empire

1. The emperor was the final examiner for the civil service exam

2. Led oath of allegiance, pledge loyalty to the emperor.

**This brought about a new ruling elite.

What was the main point of the Ming Dynasty?

1. Hung Wu's explorations

2. Wanted to control trade and get tribute

Key themes of the Ming

1. Restoration of Chinas glory

2. Centralization

Key ruler of the Ming and characteristics

Key ruler: HongWu


. Military successes (conquests/consolidations)

. Imperial rule (dynastic mindset)

. Forbidden city (symbol of power and prestige)

. Bureaucracy directly under his control (loyalty)

. Mandate of heaven (lavish ceremonies/rituals)

.An appearance of the guardian/caretaker mindset towards ordinary people and rural areas.

. Terror tactics

Key point of trade and exploration

Take control and get tribute

Why did Zheng He not colonize the Americas?

Believed they were superior to the Americans and they had nothing to take from them.

Two historical views of the Columbus voyages

1. Strictly about exploitation, conquest and economics.

2. His discovery was a turning point in world history.

Impacts of the Columbus voyages

1. Globalization/connection between separated peoples.

2. World diet changes with introduction to new foods.

3. New chapter to world history.

Legacies of the Mongols

1. Expanded commerce and connected Asian to European trade routes.

2. Spread ideas(religious beliefs and scientific methods)

3. Spread weapons (gunpowder, cannons, firearms)

4. Spread diseases (bubonic plague)

Reasons for the Mongol success

1. Fighting skills

2. Unity and discipline

3. Reconnaissance

4. Terror and intimidation

5. Borrowed ideas and techniques

6. Leadership (Ghengis Khan)

Characteristics of Central Asian nomads

1. Small populations

2. Simple societies

3. Nomadic society

4. Herding and horsemanship were their livelihood.

Keys to success for Ghengis Khan (Temujin)

1. Charisma

2. Loyalty

3. Religious convictions (he was doing what he thought god wanted him to do)

What was Kublai Khan's main successes

1. Unified China

2. Best ruler of the three grandsons

3. Kept Mongol warfare but adopted and adapted to Chinese ways.

Why did the Mongol empire fall?

1. Better at conquest than governing

2. Black death

What was they key to success for the Ottoman Empire?

Military strength

What was the key themes of society in the Ottoman Empire?

Flexibility and tolerance

Ottoman government synthesis

. Sultans exclusive right to rule (Persian: tolerance and flexibility) (Byzantium: head of church and state).

. Four pillars of tolerance (Turkish)

. Islamic laws and customs (Arab)

Reasons for Spanish victory over Aztecs

1. Toltec legend of the God

2. Timing of the Spanish arrival (harvest season for Aztecs)

3. Misinterpretations of Spanish hinder Aztecs

4. Cortes leadership skills

5. Small pox effect

6. Spanish military technology

7. Aztec policy of domination and exploitation haunts them.

Reasons for Spanish victory over Incas

1. Spanish military advantage

2. Small pox

3. Atahualpa's underestimation of Spanish military powers

4. Took support of Inca groups

5. Pizzaros deception of Ahahualpas

Two key characteristics that handicapped the Aztecs and Incas

1. Emperor's were too hesitant in the conquest

2. They were too isolated to receive any information on the spanish.

Aztec expertise

1. Chinampas (platforms)

2. Causeways

3. Revolutionary architecture

Importance of Aztec religion and impact

Human sacrifice led to continuous warfare and conquest.

Aztec social classes

1. Tecuhili (Warrior elite)

2. Merchant class

3. Artisan caste

4. Commoners (Macehualtin)

5. Slaves (Tlatacotin)

Inca conquest methods

1. Advanced warning system of attacks

2. Diplomacy then force

3. Assimilation

Social structure of the Inca empire

1. Emperor (Sapa Inca)

2. Inca Caste (blood relatives and curacas)

3. Commoners

African societies: two major developments that foster first connections between societies

1. Bantu migrations (most advanced/sophisticated tribe).

2. Spread of Islam

Climate zones in the African societies

1. Sahara: Extremely hot and humid. Lot of nomadic peoples.

2. Sahel: Coastal living. The middle part is dry and arid. No major cities.

3. Savanna: Grasslands. More complex societies here. Have domesticated animals.

4. West central Africa zone. Has rainforests, jungles and plains. Small populations most live in villages.

What do all the African climate zones have in common?

1. Isolation (geography and climate)

2. Diversity and bantu migrations

3. Legend and folklore (oral history)

4. Local rulers (Clans or kingdom)

Kush culture

The Kush has ivory, gold and slaves.

Maroe culture

More independent than the Kush. Copied Egypts pharaoh system and the pyramids. Call their kings pharaohs. Their key to independence is their iron works and textiles.

African complex societies

The Nok and the Mande

Characteristics of the Nok (complex society)

Rose out of the Savanna. They rely on iron works but they trade it. Their figurines are precious to the fertility gods.

Characteristics of the Mande (complex society)

Also have iron works and textiles but what makes them more advanced is their long distance trade.

Bantu migrations and culture

Most sophisticated tribe. They had one common language but over 400 different dialects of that language. Brought a common language and then through that they established communication. They also had advanced agriculture. They passed on language and culture and agricultural techniques through migration.

Where did the Bantu's migrate?

From the Congo to the East Coast and the second wave was from the Congo southward.

East vs West Bantus

The East Bantu's have centralized city states and villages under a divine right king. The West Bantu's have small scale societies. They live in tribal villages that are led by one family or clan. Broken into age groups. All Bantu's believed in spirits.

Characteristics of Islamic Africa

Islam helped transform the trans-saharan trade on west african muslims. It established Islamic faith and cultural dominance, gold trade routes, beginnings of slave trade in Africa, urbanization of west african kingdoms. More control and centralization under Islam.

Characteristics of the Mali Empire

Advanced in calvary and horses. They traded gold, agricultural crops and slaves. Mansa Musa was the key ruler. He incorporated islamic customs and traditions into their native african ways.

Mali Empire key to society

A lot of large urban cities, stone walls and structures. Timbuktu was the center of trade and had 3 of the largest Mosks in the world.

East african trade

Traded gold, ivory, slaves. The slave trade was the key to success

East african city states

city-states was the political makeup.

East african slavery

Slavery wasn't really attached to the color of your skin. It was not permanent it was temporary.

Different types of slavery pre-european contact

Prisoners of war (POW)




two major historical interpretations on why the slave trade expanded

1. Were they already racist?

2. Did racism evolve from economics?