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277 Cards in this Set

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Tools used by historians and anthropologists to understand and interpret the period known as pre-history include all of the following:
Fossils, Carbon Testing, Artifacts
Historians believe the the first of the early humans to bury their dead was:
The most significant change that occurred during the Neolithic Revolution was:
Humans learned how to grow food
The common or basic characteristics of civilization identified by historians include all of the following:
The development of writing, A political and military structure, A distinct religious structure.
One of the six earliest civilizations identified by historians developed in the Supe River Valley in South America which is located in the country of:
Around 2340 BCE, the Sumerian city-states were conquered by _________ who established one of the earliest empires in recorded history:
Under Hammurabi's Low Code:
Penalties for criminal offenses varied according to the social class of the victim
The most prominent building in the early Sumerian cities was the temple dedicated to the city's chief god or goddess. These temples were placed on top of a massive tower called:
The wedge shaped writing that developed in early Mesopotamia was known as:
the deserts the were located outside of the fertile strip of farming land that lay along the banks of the Nile River in Egypt was known as:
The Red Land
the largest pyramids in Egypt were constructed during:
The Old Kingdom
If an Egyptian held the title or position of Nomarch it meant that he was:
A Priest
Although Egyptian Pharaoh's possessed absolute power they were tasked with the responsibility for maintaining _________ which meant that they were required to maintain fundamental order and harmony in both Egypt and the Universe:
In 1503 BCE, one of the few women to obtain a leadership role in the ancient world became the Pharaoh of Egypt. This ruler was:
The Egyptian Pharaoh who introduced the worship of Aten, the god of the sun disk, and closed the temples of the other Egyptian gods was:
The Hittites who created an empire around 1750 BCE in the area that is modern Turkey today are credited with being the first Indo-European people to make use of:
The __________ are given credit for developing a phonic alphabet of 22 letters which was eventually passed on to the Greeks and later evolved into the basic alphabet that we use today:
The Phoenicians
The monotheistic religion of the Hebrews would later serve as the foundation for all of the following religions:
Islam, Judaism, Christianity
One of the reasons that the ______________ military was so effective was its use of terror as an instrument of warfare:
The Persian ruler who was considered by his contemporaries to be a gentle monarch and who was viewed as a father figure by his subjects was:
Cyrus the Great
Zoroastrianism is basically a monotheistic religion that believed that ____________ was the supreme god who was viewed as “the wise lord”
It is believed that the first civilization to rise in the Indus River Valley of India was:
The Harappan
The Indo-European people who moved into the Indian subcontinent between 1500 and 1000 BCE and who eventually achieved political mastery over the entire area were:
The Aryans
In Indian culture the dharma is:
The belief that all individuals must follow the same set of behavioral standards
In Indian society a maharaja was:
A king
The political treatise written by Kautilya that emphasizes results rather than the methods employed is called:
The Arthasastra
the caste system in India was:
Applicable to every member of the Indian society
The three “twice-born” castes were the:
Vaisya, Kshatriya, and Brahmins
The indian warrior caste was known as the:
The founder of Buddhism was:
Siddhartha Gautama
According to the Buddhist philosophy the way to avoid suffering is to end desire by:
Following the middle path
the so-called trinity of gods in the Hindu religion includes all of the following:
Shiva, Vishnu, Brahman
The Hindu belief in reincarnation states that an individual's soul is reborn in a different form after death. The new form in which the individual is reborn is determined by one's actions or ____________
The Rule of the Fishes refers to:
The view that warfare is glorious and was the primary activity of kings and aristocrats
The ritual of sati was one of the most graphic examples of the inferior position of women in Ancient India. The sati:
Encouraged women to throw themselves on their dead husband's funeral pyre
The earliest known Chinese writings were found on:
Oracle Bones
The three legendary sovereigns of prehistoric China are:
Fu Xi, Shen Nong, Huang Di
Ancient Chinese Civilization is believed to have originated in which of the following river valleys:
The Yellow and Yangtze
Although it was first thought to be a legend there is now evidence that Chinese civilization actually began 4,000 years ago under the:
The Xia Dynasty
According to early Chinese Philisophy the universe was divided into two primary forces, good (Yang) and evil (Yin). Which of the following characteristics represent Yang:
Male, The Sun, Light
In China the term “the Dao” means:
The Way
Confucius believed that the primary reason that a person should be permitted to participate in the government was:
The conversations between Confucius and his disciples are found in:
The Analects
The Chinese Philosophy that believes that people must be coerced by harsh laws and stiff penalties in order to make them behave is called
The concept that the Main concern of the Chinese family was to meet the needs and desires of the patriarchal head of the family is knows as:
Filial Piety
The concept that claimed the Emperors of China ruled as representatives of Heaven but that they were not divine. This concept was introduced in China by:
The Chou Dynasty
All of the following are part of the five relationships that were considered the key to Chinese social order:
The son is subordinate to the father, the wife is subordinate to the husband, the younger brother is subordinate to the older brother, all subjects are subordinate to the king, friends must be loyal to friends.
The Daoists contend that the best way to interpret the will of Heaven is through Wu Wei. Wu Wei calls for:
Inaction, do nothing
the “well field system” was:
A system that permitted peasants to work plots of their own as well as working the lands of their lords.
The Qin Dynasty began construction of the Great Wall of China in an effort to keep the nomadic ___________ out of China:
The Xiongnu
The Art of War which is considered one of the most insightful books about warfare was written by:
Sun Tzu
Which one of the following statements is correct on how the geography of Greece influenced the development of Greek civilization:
The numerous mountains and valleys in Greece created an environment that impeded Greek unity
The early Minoan Civilization was located:
On the Island of Crete
During the period that witnessed the development of the city-states, the Greeks also developed a new way of fighting that involved a formation known as a Phalanx which was made up of soldiers called:
Which one of the following statements best describes conditions in Spartan society:
Sparta was organized as a military state.
The following are considered members of Spartan society:
The Helots, The Perioikoi, The Spartiates
Which one of the following statements best describes a Tyrant in Ancient Greece:
Tyrants were rulers who came to power in an unconstitutional way
The lawgiver who may or may not have actually existed but whose name is associated with the reforms that created the Spartan State is:
The following are major ethnic groups that settled in Ancient Greece:
The Ionian Greeks, The Aeolian Greeks, The Dorian Greeks
The group of five men who were elected annually in Sparta for the purpose of supervising the Spartan education system as well as the conduct of all Spartan Citizens was:
The Ephors
The Reforms of Salon in Athens which were known as “Shaking off the burdens” basically:
Canceled all land debts and outlawed any new loans that used humans as collateral.
The first Persian invasion of Greece was defeated when the Athenians defeated the Persians at the Battle of:
The Greek historian who wrote the History of the Persian Wars was:
During the Golden Age of Greece, Aeschylus achieved fame as:
The first known writer of tragedy
The following individuals are considered the leading philosophers during the Golden Age of Greece:
Socrates, Plato, Aristotle
The Olympic Games in Ancient Greece were held to honor:
In their efforts to uncover the will of the gods, ancient Greeks made use of:
The Hellenizing process that occurred after the death of Alexander the Great:
Led to Greco-Macedonian domination of the major cities in the Middle East
Which of the following developed into the leading cultural center of the Hellenistic world:
The following Hellenistic Kingdoms came into being after the Death of Alexander the Great:
The Seleucid Kingdom, The Ptolemaic Kingdom, The Antigonid Kingdom
Philip II of Macedonia was able to gain control of Greece after his victory in 338 BCE at:
The Battle of Chaeronea
Just prior to the founding of the Roman Republic, the Romans were ruled by:
The Etruscans
The two Roman officials who were elected annually to lead both the government and the military were known as:
Which one of the following statements best describes the social group in Rome known as the Plebeians prior to the internal struggle known as the Struggle of the Orders:
They were less privileged and often poorer than Patricians
The Roman officials who were elected to defend the rights of the plebeians after the Struggle of the Orders were known as:
The First Punic War between Rome and Carthage:
Was waged primarily to decide who would control the Island of Sicily
During the Second Punic War the Romans suffered one of the greatest defeats in their history when the Carthaginians defeated them at the Battle of:
The Roman Senator who repeatedly called for the destruction of Carthage prior to the Third Punic War was:
Cato the Elder
Tiberius and Gaius Tiberius unintentionally created a political crisis when they attempted to:
Initiate a land reform program to help small farmers
The Roman General who introduced a new system of military recruitment that resulted in the soldiers giving their loyalty to their general rather than the Roman Government was:
The following were members of the “First Triumvirate” in Rome:
Caesar, Crassus, Pompey
The primary goal of the Roman Senators who assassinated the Dictator Julius Caesar in 44 BCE was:
To restore the traditional Roman Republic
The civil way the erupted following the assassination of Julius Caesar ended with two men dividing the Roman world between them. These men were:
Antony and Octavian
With regards to the Roman Government which one of the following statements best illustrates how that government operated during the so-called Age of Augustus:
In theory the Roman Senate remained the chief legislative body, but Augustus actually held most of the power as imperator or emperor
During the Julio-Claudian Period the Roman emperors:
Started acting more like emperors than “first citizens of the state”
One of the most important contributions of Rome to the Western World was the development of the concept of universal laws based upon reason that applied to all people. This concept is commonly referred to as:
Natural Law
The greatest epic poet of the Late Roman Republic who wrote the Aeneid was:
Although slavery was quite common under Roman Rule, the City was rocked in 71 BCE by a large slave rebellion led by:
In 79 AD, Mount Vesuvius erupted destroying the Roman City of:
Most historians believe thet the Western Roman Empire ended in 476 AD when the Master of Soldiers, Odacer, deposed the young Roman Emperor:
Romulus Augustulus
The key figure in the spread of Christianity outside of the Jewish community was:
Paul of Tarsus
Under which one of the following emperors was Christianity made the official religion of the Roman Empire:
The founder of the Han Dynasty who led a rebellion against the Qin was:
Liu Bang
During the Han Dynasty in China the private, merchant class was viewed as:
Parasites who provided little of value to Chinese society
In 9 CE, _____________ led a rebellion against the Han court and established the short lived Xin Dynasty:
Wang Mang
Which one of the following items was invented during the Han era:
The Theban leader who defeated the Spartans at the Battle of Leuctra is?
Who was the Founder of the Philosophy known as Stoicism?
Who is generally considered to be the “Father of History”?
Who developed a heliocentric view of the universe where the earth rotated around the sun?
Aristarchus of Samos
The most famous scientist of the Hellenistic Period who established the value of Pi is?
Who developed the fundamental elements of geometry?
Who developed the Philosophy know as Epicureanism?
The Athenian leader who led Athens into its Golden Age is?
The Greek philosopher who founded the Lyceum and wrote Politics is?
The Greek historian who wrote about the Peloponnesian Wars is?
The Emperor Constantine issued an edict in 313 AD that officially recognized the existence of Christianity. This edict was:
The edict of Milan
Historians believe that the first civilization to develop in Mesoamerica was:
The Olmecs
Which one of the following Mesoamerican civilizations was noted for carving huge stone heads some of which are more that ten feet high:
The Olmecs
Obsidian is:
A type of volcanic rock used for making knives and tools
The first metropolis to develop in Mesoamerica was the city of:
The Chinampas that were found in parts of early Mesoamerica were:
Artificial islands where crops were grown
The vast majority of the Aztec population was organized into kinship groups known as:
Itzamna was the chief or supreme god of:
The Mayas
The Long Count System developed by the Mayans was used as:
A way of calculating time based upon a lunar calender
The main reason the the Aztecs carried out human sacrifices was they believed:
That it would appease Huitzilopochtli and delay the destruction of the world
The massive stone disk carved by the Aztecs that portrayed the struggle between the forces of good and evil in the universe was known as:
The Stone of the Fifth Sun
Archeological remains found at the Cavern of the Painted Rock in the ____________ have convinced many historians that Stone Age peoples lived in this area around 11,000 years ago:
The Amazon Region of Brazil
The only draft animal found in early South America was:
The Llama
The capital of the Inca Empire was:
In the Inca Civilization quipu was:
A system of knotted strings that were used to keep records
Which one of the following groups, known as the Ancient Ones, established an important urban center at Chaco Canyon in Southern New Mexico where they build three-story adobe houses called pueblos:
The Anasazi
The tuber that was cultivated by the Arawak that today is used to make tapioca is:
During Roman times the leader of the Bedouin Tribe of nomadic Arabs was called:
A Sheikh
In the fifth and sixth centuries the economic importance of the Arabian Peninsula increased when more and more East-West trade began to follow a trade route that ran from Yemen to:
The sacred shrine that is located in Mecca that houses a large black meteorite is known as the:
In 622 CE Muhammad and several of his followers were forced to flee from Mecca, a flight that is known as the Hegira. The city that they fled to was:
According to Islamic belief:
There is no God but Allah and Muhammad is his prophet
The Five Pillars of Islam are:
To play five times a day, Observation of the holy month of Ramadan which included fasting from dawn to sunset, To give alms to the poor, a statement professing monotheism and accepting Muhammad as God's messenger, a pilgrimage to the holy city of Mecca
The son-in-law and cousin of Muhammad who was murdered after he became caliph was:
Muslims are governed by a strict set of laws known as the Shari'a. According to Shari'a Muslims are forbidden to do all of the following:
Eat pork, Drink alcoholic beverages, to gamble for money
The final split between the Shi'ites and the Sunnis began when ________ disputed the rule of Umayyads and led on uprising against their rule in Iraq:
In 750 the Umayyad caliph was overthrown by Abu Al-Abbas who established the Abbasid dynasty centered in:
The Arab invasion of Western Europe reached its high water marks when the Frankish leader _________ defeated them at the Battle of Tours:
Charles Martel
During the period of Islamic expansion(650-750 CE) all of the following areas fell to the conquering Muslim armies:
The Visigoths Kingdom in Spain, The Persian Empire, The North African region held by the Berber Tribesmen
The following statements about the Mongols are correct:
Their treatment of conquered peoples was often brutal, They were a nomadic people who found it difficult to adapt to a settled lifestyle, The Mongols were defeated by the Mamluks when they attempted to invade Egypt
The Byzantine request for aid from Western Europe which led to the launching of the Crusades was a direct result of the invasion of the Byzantine Empire by the:
Seljuk Turks
The great mosque that was constructed in Jerusalem in the site of the Jewish Temple is:
The Dome of the Rock
The Muslim outpost in Europe that became an artistic and intellectual center for the study of medicine, astronomy, mathematics and Philosophy was:
One of the primary contributions of the Arab scholarship to the Western Civilization was the:
Preservation of Classical knowledge from the ancient civilizations
The Muslim leader who recaptured Jeruzalem from the Christian Crusaders was:
The following cities were major intellectual centers that developed under Muslim rule in Spain:
Cordoba, Seville, Toledo
When it came to the treatment of women in the Muslim World the following customs were generally followed:
Women were cloistered in their homes, Women were prohibited from having social contact with males outside their own family, when in public women generally covered virtually all parts of their bodies
In the 13th Century a Muslim poet by the name of Rumi embraced a form of religion that sought to achieve a mystical union with Allah through dancing and chanting while in a trance. This religious belief is called:
The Muslim physician and intellectual who wrote that the world operated not only at the will of Allah but also by its own natural laws was:
The geographical obstacle that divides Africa's northern coast from the rest of the continent is:
The Sahara Desert
One of the most distinctive features of the Kingdom of Axum was that in the fourth century its rulers adopted ______________ as its religion:
The Europeans identified which one of the following African Kingdoms as the “Hermit Kingdom” and home of the legendary Prester John:
The Pastoral people who lived in North Africa and who in the first millennium BCE served as intermediaries carrying food products and manufactured goods from Carthage across the desert to trade with the people of the Nok Culture for salt, gold, and skins were:
The Berbers
The people who created a Kingdom in the Libyan Desert that was based on the exploitation or use of fossil water were:
The Garamantes
The religion of the Ashanti people prior to the arrival of Islam believed in a Supreme god called:
The original reason for the rise of the Kingdom of Ghana was
the role it played in gold trade
The following cities were located in East Africa along the Swahili Coast:
Mombasa, Zanzibar, Kilwa
Which of the following statements is correct with regards to slavery:
It existed in ancient times, long before the arrival of the Europeans
Which one of the following tribes found in southern Africa spoke a language known as Khoisan that is distinguished by “clicking” sounds:
The San
Mansa Musa was one of the most powerful kings of _________ whose primary contribution to his people was to encourage the growth of the Muslim Religion:
Which one of the following states developed just south of the mouth of the Congo River:
The Mongol invasion of the Middle East was finally stopped when they were defeated by:
The Mamluks
Which king is considered the greatest ruler of the Kushan Empire?
Which religion did the Kushan Kingdom help spread?
Which dynasty ruled during India’s Classical Age?
Gupta Empire
The Buddhist group that referred to their Theravada rivals as the “lesser vehicle” because fewer people would attain Nirvana was:
What is a bodhisattva in the Buddhist Religion?
spirits of dead believers that helps Mahayana reach nirvana and escape the wheel of life
What is the religious concept of Bhakti?
A person can improve their chances of achieving karma by performing ritual acts
Who introduced Islam India?
The Arabs
What animal did the Rajputs rely on as a weapon of war?
How do Muslim and Hindu beliefs differ?
Muslims have a large priestly class, Hindus do not
Which Mongol leader invaded and terrorized India in 1398?
What did Sikhism to accomplish?
A religion that tries to mix the two dominant religions, Hindu and Islam, rejects class system, encourages social interaction like joining army, no idols, believes in reincarnation, becomes a warrior sect
What was the Muslim concept of purdah about?
Upper class indians adopt this from Muslims, the concept of covering women from the public eye
What does the Hindu tradition of sati for?
Women burning themselves on husbands funeral pire
Who settled in the Chao Phraya River Valley?
The Thai People
What was the most powerful state to develop in Southeast Asia prior to the 16th Century?
What is a sitar?
most popular instrument in sanskrit plays, string instrument
What were Sirvijaya and Majapahit?
Major trading cities in the archipelagos
What profession did Liu Ling belong to?
He was a Poet
What dynasty did Yang Jian establish in 583 CE?
The Sui Dynasty
Which two rivers did the 1400 mile Grand Canal connect?
The Yellow River ad the Yangtze
What nomadic people overran the Tang Dynasty in 907 CE?
The Kirghiz
In what city did the Southern Song Emperors establish their capital?
How did most Chinese enter the ranks of the bureaucracy during the Song Dynasty?
Civil Service Exam
Which branch of the Chinese bureaucracy or hierarchy was considered preeminent?
Grand Council
Which Mongol leader conquered China and established the Yuan or Mongol Dynasty?
Khubilai Khan
What was the main reason that young Chinese girls had their feet bound?
to improve their prospects for marriage
Why did the Mongol attempt to conquer Japan fail?
a storm, (the divine wind, or Kamakaze), destroyed the mongol fleet.
How was Buddhism brought to China?
Buddhists monks came with traders from India along the silk road.
How many generations made up the traditional Chinese family?
3 generations
What was the name of the Chinese Admiral who led a series of sea voyages to other lands beginning in 404 CE?
Which Buddhist Sect in China stressed the role of devotion?
The pure land sect.
Which dynasty did the Italian Marco Polo visit?
the yuan dynasty, under the rule of the Khubilai Khan
Which Chinese scholar wan known for his support of the School of the Mind?
Wang Yangming
What is true about the Japanese islands?
they have fertile, volcanic soil, they have a temperate climate, they are prone to earthquakes
What are the four main Japanese islands?
Kyushu, Shikoku, Honshu, Hokkaido
Who were the earliest known Neolithic inhabitants of Japan?
The Jomon people
Many Japanese believe that their emperor is a deity because he is a direct descendent from which goddess?
the sun goddess Amaterasu
What did the Seventeen Article Constitution call for?
A centralized government under a supreme ruler and a merit system
Which two new government ministries were established during the Tang Dynasty?
The minister representing the Central Secretariat, and the minister representing the Imperial Household
What was a Samurai?
Military retainers whose job was to protect the security and property of their patron.
What was Bushido?
Bushido was/is the strict warrior code that the samurai lived by.
What did the term Daimyo stand for?
The Great Nobles who controlled vast estates and paid no taxes
Who established the Shogunate System?
Minamoto Yoritomo
Who were the Genin?
A class of people who were “landless laborers.” Could be bought and sold like slaves.
What was the main result of the Onin War?
The capital city of Kyoto was destroyed, and the central government was dissolved. Powerful aristocrats seized power and land. This lasted till the last quarter of the 16th century.
The early Japanese worshiped spirits called?
They worshiped spirits called kami
What concepts did the Shinto Religion stress?
Physical purity, beauty of nature, divinity of the Emperor, the Sacredness of the Japanese nation.
What was Zen?
Zen is a Buddhist sect the emphasizes austerity, self-dicipline, and communion with nature. It became an important part of the Samurai code.
Early Korea was comprised of which small kingdoms?
Koguryo, Paekche, Silla
Which Asian country was known as “the smaller dragon?”
What was the concept of Wegeld?
“money for a man.” It was the monetary value of an individual, for recompence in the event of a wrongful death.
Which Frankish king began the Merovingian dynasty?
The bishops of which four cities claimed special powers during the early Christian Church because they were founded by the original apostles of Jesus?
Jerusalem, Rome, Antioch, Alexandria
What group of people settled in Hungary they were defeated at the Battle of Lechfeld?
In the Feudal system what was a fief?
A grant of land to a vassal
Who won the Battle of Hastings in 1066?
William the conquerer, William of Normandy, William I
What was the part of a manor known as the demesne?
The land retained by the lord
What was a carruca?
A heavy, wheeled plow with an iron plowshare, pulled by teams of horse
What was the first legislature in France called?
The Estates General
What concept did the Magna Carta establish in England?
That the monarch’s power was limited
The German Emperors hurt their chances of forming a strong centralized state because of their struggle to gain control of what area?
Northern Itally
Which pope issued the call for the First Crusade?
Pope Urban II
What Christian city did the Crusaders capture during the Fourth Crusade?
What subjects were included in the traditional study of liberal arts?
Grammar, rhetoric, logic, arithmetic, geometry, music, astronomy
What were the basic motives of the crusaders?
To recapture Jerusalem, and kill the muslim infidels
Which religious order became known for its role in the Inquisition during the Middle ages?
The Dominicans
Scholasticism was an effort to?
Reconcile faith with reason
What was the Byzantine Emperor Justinian’s most lasting contribution to Western Civilization?
The development of Corpus Iuris Civilis or Body of Civil Law
What was the Iconoclast Controversy about?
The making of images of famous religious figures. Some people started worshiping them. People were being accused of idolatry
What is considered Justinian’s greatest architectural achievement in Constantinople?
The Hagia Sophia
Who captured Constantinople in 1453?
The Ottoman Turks
The Black Death was spread by what type of animal infested with fleas carrying the bacterium Yersinia pestis?
Black Rat
Who were the Flagellants?
people who would beat themselves to pay for the sins causing the black death
What weapon gave the English an advantage during the early years of the Hundred Years War?
the long bow, held by peasants
It is generally believed that the Black Death was carried to Europe by Italian merchants fleeing from what city?
Pope Clement V moved the Papacy from Rome to what city in 1377?
What was the Great Schism?
a division in the roman catholic church because 2 popes were elected by disagreeing cardinals
The ideal of the early Humanists was to?
Serve the state
Where did the Renaissance begin?
Who painted the ceiling of the Sistine Chapel?
How would you characterize the Holy Roman Empire?
Decentralized, ruled by the habsburgs
"The most serious threat to Justinian’s rule in Constantinople came from what group?"
The Greens and the Blues
What religion did the leader Paramesvara to spread in Java, Borneo and the Philippines?
Who was Prince Henry the Navigator?
He established a school for navigators in Portugal
One of the earliest West African state to convert to Islam was?
Which Portuguese explorer was the first to reach India?
Vasco da Gama
What was a caravel?
A ship with a shallow draft so it could sail along the coast, but was sea-worthy
Which region failed to establish a centralized state by the end of the fifteenth century?
What did the Portuguese do on Island of Sao Tome?
began using African slaves to grow sugar cane
Which Spanish conquistadors conquered the Aztecs and the Incas?
Ferdinand Cortez conquered aztecs, Francisco Pizarro defeated the incans
Under the encomienda system, New World natives were:
Suppose to be protected by the spanish
Who ended the Portuguese control of the spice trade?
The Dutch east India Companies and the British
All of the following were part of the Columbian Exchange:
Cows, horses, tomatoes, peanuts, tobacca, and cacao
Where was the first permanent English settlement in North America?
What was the primary reason the slave trade grew in the 16thCentury?
sugar plantations in the new world
Where did the Dutch succeed with their colonial efforts?
Southeast Asia, especially on the island of Java
Where in Asia did the Spanish gain a base of operations?
The Philippines
Who were the Boers?
the dutch who moved into south africa
What happened to New Netherlands in the New World?
was captured by British, renamed it new york
Which Renaissance author described how to acquire and maintain political power?
Which types of professions made up the three estates in European society?
The Clergy, the Nobility, Peasants
Which Northern humanist was said to have “laid the egg that Luther hatched?”
Desiderius Erasmus
What were the basic doctrines of Luther’s new religion?
Salvation by grace through faith alone, the Bible
What document made Lutheranism “a legal religion” in the German States?
Peace of Augsburg
"What document published in 1536 was a synthesis of the Protestant thought made its author a leader in the Protestant movement?"
Institutes of the Christian Religion
What new religious concept did the Calvinist’s introduce to emphasize the “absolute sovereignty of God?”
What action did parliament take after Henry VIII’s marriage to Catherine of Aragon was annulled?
Act of Supremacy, King is the supreme head of church of england
What course did the Church of England take during the reign of Edward VI?
Become more Protestant, gave clergy the right to marry, created new Protestant church service
What were the basic beliefs of the Anabaptists?
Christians were voluntary believers and must make the decision to be baptized as an adult
What decisions did the Council of Trent make during the Catholic Reformation?
Scripture and tradition were equal authorities, only church could interpret scripture
What act recognized the Huguenots’ right to worship in 1598?
Edict of Nantes
What was the War of the Three Henrys about and how did it end?
it was a religious war between Calvinists and Catholics, ended when Henry of Navarre succeeded the throne as Henry IV and converted to Catholicism
Who is the 17thCentury ruler who is generally thought of as the best example of an absolute ruler?
Louis XIV
How is a nation’s prosperity determined according to the theory of Mercantilism?
It is dependent on a plentiful supply of gold and silver bullion
During the Thirty Years War which nations supported the Catholic and Protestant sides?
Catholics supported by Holy Roman Empire and spain, Protestants supported by France
What areas fell under the control of the Austrian Empire after they defeated the Turks in 1687?
Hungary, Transylvania, Croatia, and Slovenia
What form of government did England adopt after the Glorious Revolution?
Limited Monarchy
Which European ruler became known as the “Most Catholic King”during the second half of the 1500s?
Philip II
What foreign and domestic policies did Peter the Great pursue?
Westernizes Russia, Modernized Army, divided russia into provinces, wanted a “police state” , took a port in Sweden and built St. Petersburg