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47 Cards in this Set

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1. Characteristics of the Industrial Revolution
- Enormous leap in production
- Coal and steam replaced wind and water to drive labor-saving machines
- Factories replaced shop and home workrooms
- Shift from economy based on farming and handicrafts to manufacturing by machines and factories
- Urbanization
2. Technological advances of Industrial Revolution
- New inventions- John Kay flying shuttle (made weaving on loom faster), James Hargreave spinning jenny (allowed spinners to produce yarn in greater quantities), loom by Edmund Cartwright powered by water, and most importantly the steam engine invented by Scottish engineer James Watt- could pump water from mines 3x as quickly as previous engines
- Started in Britain- did not want to take to US- cotton trade spread throughout the world- allowed poor people to wear underclothes
- Steam engine led for need of more coal, increase of coal production
- Henry Cort developed a system called puddling- coke derived from coal was used to burn away the impurities in pig iron- boom in iron production- used to build new machines and new industries esp. railroads and steamboats
- Railroads became important for transporting coal and iron and created new jobs for farm laborers and peasants and led to lower price goods b/c of cheap transportation
- Change in agriculture practices led to increase of food production
- Reason for beginning of Industrial Revolution: supply did not meet demand, people thought of new ways instead of cotton industry
- Factory created new labor system- workers forced to work regular hours and in shifts- used to working transiently as farmers, busy, inactivity type of thing
- Factory owners got strict to workers unwilling to work so steadily
- Most important in America was railroad
3. New Social Classes of the Industrial Revolution
- Social impact: urbanization and population- decline in death rates, wars and sickness less frequent- Irish potato famine though!!!
- Rise of industrial capitalism, a capitalist system based on industrial production rather than trade brought new middle class, or bourgeois
- Originally middle class was town dweller, such as merchants, officials, artisans, lawyers, or a person of letters, now made up of people who built factories, bought machines
- Sought to separate themselves from working classes
- Working class faced horrible working conditions- 16 hrs a day 6 days a week
- Conditions in coal mines just as bad- cave-ins, explosions, gas fumes, cramped conditions in mines
- Employed children as young as seven
- Women made up fifty percent of work force- paid half what men received
- Families worked together in cotton industry, continued to do so in industrial age
- Pitiful conditions led to rise of socialism- utopian socialists- tried to create community factory didn’t work
4. Karl Marx’s Philosophy
- Socialist parties and unions formed by working class under ideas of Karl Marx
- Wrote w/ Engels Communist Manifesto- appalled at horrible conditions in factories and blamed capitalism, described new social order
- Believed history was a series of class struggles of the oppressed (the proletariats) and the oppressors (the bourgeoisie) and then there would be the revolution of the proletariat and proletariat would form dictatorship and create classless society- the state would wither away
- Ideas picked up by working class leaders who formed socialist parties
5. Socialism in the 19th Century
- Working class leaders formed socialist parties
- German Socialist Democratic Party (SDP) in 1875 led by Wilhelm Liebknecht and August Bebel- spoke of revolution while organizing political party for elections for Reichstag
- Once in parliament SPD worked to pass laws to improve conditions of working class- became largest party in Germany
- 1889 different leaders of socialist parties formed Second International, association of Socialist groups fighting against capitalism worldwide (first failed in 1872)
- Differences caused great disorder at its meetings
- Nationalism- Karl Marx believed no such thing as countries but workers had strong feelings of patriotism
- Pure Marxists thought capitalism should be overthrown in a violent revolution (revolutionary socialism) but revisionists argued that workers must continue to create political parties and work w/ other parties to gain reform (evolutionary socialism)
- Development of trade unions good for evolutionary socialism- varying degrees of success- helped better lives of workers
6. The Romantics
- New intelligence movement at end of eighteenth century based off ideas of Enlightenment- emphasized feelings, emotion, and imagination
- Stressed emotion and sentiment- believed that inner feelings were only understandable to person experiencing them
- Created figures who were misunderstood and rejected by society but continued to believe in their own worth
- Valued individualism- known to rebel against middle class conventions
- Interest in the past- revived medieval Gothic architecture and created castles
- Walter Scott- depicted past in literature- Ivanhoe tried to describe clash between Saxon and Norman knights
- Deep attraction to exotic and unfamiliar- gave rise to Gothic literature- e.g. Mary Shelley’s Frankenstein in Britain and Edgar Allen Poe’s short stories
- Loved poetry- viewed as direct expression of the soul- e.g. William Wordsworth- wrote about nature
- Love of nature led them to be critical of science- reduced nature to cold object of study
- Visual arts affected by romanticism- believed that music able to probe deeply into human emotions- Ludwig Beethoven bridge between classical and romantic music
- Great composer of Romantic period- Franz List- born in Hungary- called greatest pianist of all time
7. Charles Darwin and His Theories
- In 1859 published On the Origin of Species by Means of Natural Selection- idea was that each kind of plant and animal had evolved over a long period of time from earlier and simpler forms of life- called organic evolution
- In every species there is “struggle for existence”- some organisms more adaptable to environment than others, called natural selections- those that had characteristics that favored their preservation survived- survival of the fittest
- Wrote the Descent of Man, published in 1871, argued that human beings had animal origins- brought huge controversy- people said that Darwin’s theory made human beings ordinary products of nature rather than unique beings and lack of moral values in idea of survival of the fittest
8. Social Darwinism
- Not thought up by Darwin
- Social Darwinism- ideas of organic evolution applied to social issues
- Most popular exponent Herbert Spencer- argued that societies were organisms that evolved through time from a struggle w/ their environments
- Businessmen used Social Darwinism to explain their success- “lazy fallen to wayside”
- Applied by nationalists and racists- extreme nationalists insisted that nations were engaged in struggle for existence which only the fittest survived
- Greatest evidence in Germany- Houston Stewart Chamberlain- believed that modern-day Germans were only pure successors of Aryans- singled out Jews as racial enemy
- Idea that struggle between nations, the fit are victorious and survive- superior races must dominate inferior races by military force to show how strong they are
- Led to imperialism
The 19th Century and the “isms” of that Movement
- Many writers and artists rebelled against the traditional literacy and artistic styles that dominated European cultural life since the Renaissance
- Modernism- changes in European cultural life since Renaissance
- Naturalism- accepted the material world as real and felt that literature should be realistic- should address social problems- portrayed characters in the grip of forces outside their control
- Emile Zola- French naturalist writer- used backdrop of urban slums and coalfields of northern France to show how alcoholism and different environments affected people’s lives- wrote Rougon-Macquart
- Symbolism- reaction against naturalism- primarily interested in writing poetry and influenced by Freud- believed that objective knowledge of world was impossible- external world was a collection of symbols that reflected the true reality of individual human mind- art should function for its own sake instead of society’s
- Impressionism- movement that began in France where group of artists rejected studios and painted nature directly- famous Claude Monet- Impressionism, Sunrise, enchanted with water- sought to capture light, water, and sky
- Post-impressionism- famous tragic Vincent Van Gogh- art was a spiritual experience, believed that it could be its own language- artists should paint how they feel- E.g. Starry Night
- Decline of realism in painting in 19th century- invention of photography- led for artists to stop trying to mirror reality but create reality
10. The United Kingdom 1815-1914
- Attempted with other European rulers to establish principle of legitimacy- lawful monarchs restored to their positions of power in order to keep peace and stability in Europe
- But managed to avoid revolutionary outbursts unlike other countries
- Governed by aristocratic landowning classes that dominated both houses of Parliament
- In 1832 to avoid revolution Parliament passed Reform Bill increased number of male voters (mostly middle class)
- By doing this, avoided revolution in 1858
- In 1850s and 60s made social and political reforms that enabled country to remain stable
- Continuing economic growth- middle-class prosperity and improvements for working classes
- National pride reflected in Queen Victoria- reigned from 1837-1901- sense of duty and morality reflected attitudes of her age, known as Victorian Age
11. The Revolutions of 1848
- Conservative order dominated much of Europe
- Two forces led to revolution: liberalism and nationalism
- France- severe economic problems in 1846 brought hardship and middle class citizens wanted to vote- government of Louis-Philippe refused to make changes, opposition grew
- Monarchy overthrown on February 24, 1848
- Began revolution in other countries
- Set up a temporary republic w/ universal male suffrage
- Set up national workshops to provide work for the unemployed- emptied the treasury and frightened moderates- closed workshops on June 21
- Workers revolt- gov. crushed revolt and thousands were killed
- New constitution ratified on November 4, 1848 set up new republic called the Second Republic- single legislature w/ universal male suffrage and president that served for 4 yrs
- In December 1848 nephew of Napoleon Charles Louis Napoleon Bonaparte won presidency- in four year would become Emperor
- Led to revolutionary upheaval in other countries as well
- Vienna settlement in 1815 led to creation of 38 independent German states
- In 1848 there were cries for constitutions, free press, jury trials, and other reforms
- In Prussia, King Frederick William IV agreed to establish a new constitution
- Governments of all German states allowed elections by universal male suffrage for deputies of an all-German parliament called Frankfurt Assembly
- Failed to achieve goal of the preparation of a constitution for a new united Germany
- Members had no real means of forcing German rulers to accept the constitution they had drawn up
- Unification not achieved
- Austria: multinational state, collection of Germans, Czechs, Magyars or Hungarians, Slovaks, Romanians, Slovenes, Poles, Croats, Serbians, and Italians
- Hungarians wanted their own legislature
- Demonstrations led to the dismissal of Metternich, Austrian foreign minister
- In Vienna took control of capital and demanded liberal constitution
- Hungary given its own legislature and separate army
- Czechs began to want their own gov. as well
- Determined to reestablish control
- Played up middle class fear of working class social revolution
- In June 1848 Austrian military crushed Czech rebels in Prague
- By end of October rebels crushed in Vienna w/ help of Russian army crushed Hungarian rebellion
- Congress of Vienna split up Italy into nine states- kingdom of Sardinia in north, Two Sicilies, the Papal States, a handful of small states, the northern provinces of Lombardy and Venetia.
- In 1848, revolt broke out against Austrians in Lombardy and Venetia and in other Italian states also took up arms and sought to create liberal constitutions
- But by 1849, old order restored in Austria and Italy
- In 1848 many old regimes re-established but liberalism and nationalism not dead
12. Bismarck and Realpolitik
- Otto von Bismarck- Germany’s prime minister- ignored legislative opposition to military reforms- proceeded to collect taxes and strengthen the army
- Governed w/o parliament
- Seen as the ultimate realist- practitioner of realpolitik- the “politics of reality” or politics based on practical matters rather on theory or ethics
- Open about his strong dislike of anyone who opposed him
13. Russian Conservatism
- Russia overwhelmingly rural, agricultural, and autocratic
- Czar regarded as divine-right monarch w/ unlimited power
- Imperial autocracy, gov based on soldiers, secret police, repression, and censorship, withstood revolutionary fervor of the first half of the nineteenth century
- Defeat in Crimean war in 1856 led conservatives to realize that Russia was falling behind European powers
- Czar Alexander II decided to make serious reforms- issued emancipation edict
- Peasants now free to own property and marry as they chose
- Not helpful- peasants did not have enough land to support themselves
- Peasants not completely free- had to repay government for land in long-term installments
- Peasants placed in village communes, or mirs- responsible for land payments to the government
- Led them to be an unhappy, land starved peasantry that followed old ways of farming
- Could please no one- reformers wanted more rapid change and conservatives thought that the czar was trying to destroy the basic institutions of Russian society
- Radicals assassinated Alexander t
14. Great Britain and India
- In 18th century British rule increased in India
- British East India Company given power to become actively involved in India’s political and military affairs
- Had Sir Robert Clive as chief representative of East India Company
- 1757, British force defeated a larger Mughal army
- Result was they received the right to collect taxes around Calcutta
- Captured Mughal emperor himself less than ten yrs later
- Had its own soldiers and forts to rule India and hired sepoys or Indian soldiers to protect the company’s interests in the region
- Growing Indian trust led to revolt in 1857- cause was the spread of a rumor that British were issuing new bullets to their Indian troops that were greased w/ cow and pig fat- against religion to Muslims and Hindus
- Sepoys went on rampage and killed fifty European men, women, and children- known as Great Rebellion of the Sepoy Mutiny and First War of Independence
- Outnumbered British but were poorly organized and divisions between Hindus and Muslims made it hard to succeed
- Atrocities were terrible on each side
- British Parliament transferred control of India to British government
- In 187, Queen Victoria given title of Empress of India
- Government ruled India directly
- British rule brought stability and led to honest and efficient government- education, though only for elite, brought end to brutal Indian customs such as suttee (burning of windows), tried to stamp out thugs, and added railroads, the telegraph, and a postal service
- Paid a high price- created economic imperial system that brought hardship to Indians but British profited from
- British textile took over Indian textile
- Used zamindar system in rural areas to collect taxes and thought it would make it easier
- Local gentry took advantage of rural population- increased taxes and forced less fortunate peasants to become tenants or lose their land
- Limited modern industry in India- developed new commercial and manufacturing operation in India
- British arrogance and contempt for native tradition cut into pride of Indians esp. those of high caste
- Best jobs and best housing reserved for Britons
- Never considered equals of British
- Showed disrespect for India’s cultural heritage- Taj Mahal became site for English weddings and parties
- Attitudes led to rise of Indian nationalist movement
- First nationalists were upper class and educated- from urban areas, preferred reform to revolution
- Gopal Gokhale- moderate nationalist who hoped he could convince the British to bring about reforms to society- in 1880s gov launched a series of reforms that introduced a level of self-government
- Formed Indian National Congress INC
- Reform was slow- frustrated radical leaders such as Balwantrao Tilak openly criticized British
- Split over religious differences- many of its leaders were Hindu and reflected Hindu concerns
- Called for a separate Muslim state
- In 1913 Gandhi born in 1869 in Gujarat in western India, son of gov. minister
- Studied in London became a lawyer
- In 1893 went to South Africa to work in law firm- became aware of racial prejudice and exploitation
- Tried to organize them and protect their conditions
- Became active in independence movement
- Set up movement based on nonviolent resistance
- Love-hate tension led to cultural and political awakening of India
- Publishing house opened that issued textbooks on a variety of subjects including the sciences, Sanskrit, and Western literature
- Search for modern literary expression and new national identity
- Wrote historical romances and epics and used regional tongues
- Most famous Rabindranath Tagore- poet, novelist, short-story writer, and dramatist
- Mission was to promote pride in national Indian consciousness
15. France and Indochina
- France first sent in missionaries to Vietnam- could not stop them
- France alarmed at British attempts to get a monopoly in Southeast Asia
- Decided in 1857 to force protection on Vietnam
- 1858 naval attack forced Vietnam to cede territories in the Mekong River delta
- Over next 30 yrs took over rest of territory- made it a French Protectorate
- In 1880s French extended “protection” over Cambodia, Annam, Tonkin, and Laos- created union of French Indochina
- Thailand was only remaining free state on Southeast Asian mainland- rivalry w/ Britain and France but 2 kings prevented colonial rule by keeping up friendly relations w/ European powers
17. The White Man’s Burden
- Idea that it was the moral obligation of European “civilized” countries to spread civilization to the primitive countries in Africa
- Rationalization of imperialism
- Based off poem by Rudyard Kipling
18. Causes of Imperialism
- Economic motive- capitalist countries in the West sought raw materials like rubber, oil, and tin for their industries and wanted reliable markets to sell these goods
- Also rivalry with other European states- who could get the most colonies
- Social Darwinism and racism- superior races must dominate inferior races by military force to show how strong they are
- Also argued Europeans had a moral responsibility to civilize ignorant people
- Believed that advanced nations of the west to should help backward nations of Asia and Africa (Christianity, democracy, capitalism)- called “white man’s burden”
New Imperialism
19-20. “New Imperialism”
- Beginning in 1880s Europe began scramble for overseas territory
- Imperialism- extension of one nation’s power over other lands
- Not new, but the imperialism of 19th century sometimes called “New Imperialism” because it was different- more rapid and dominating- sought direct control over vast territories
- Causes listed above
21. Boxer Rebellion
- Domestic explosion in China
- Boxers- members of a secret organization called the Society of Harmonious Fists- practiced a form of shadowboxing that they thought would protect them from bullets
- Distressed by foreign takeover of Chinese lands, wanted to push foreigners out of china
- Slogan “Destroy the foreigner”
- At beginning of 1900 Boxer bands roamed countryside and killed foreign missionaries and Chinese Christians
- Response was allied army of French, British, German, Russian, American, and Japanese troops attacked Beijing in August 1900
- Restored order and demanded more concessions from Chinese government- forced to pay heavy indemnity, or large sum of money, to the powers that had crushed the uprising- imperial gov now weaker than ever
22. World War I as “total war”
- Total war- war involving complete mobilization of resources and people that affected the lives of all citizens in the warring countries, however remote they might be from the battlefields
- Masses of men and materiel had to be organized for years of combat
- Led to three development: an increased centralization of government powers, economic controls, and the manipulation of public opinion to keep war effort going
- War thought to be short- more and more men needed, government expanded their powers- by 1916 every country even Britain installed draft
- Expanded powers over economies- free market capitalism put to the side- set up price, wage, and rent controls, rationed food supplies and materials, regulated imports and exports, and took over transportation systems to mobilize resources
- Set up planned economies- systems directed by government agencies- differences between soldiers at war and civilians at home were narrowed
- Democratic states expanded their police powers to stop internal dissent
- British Defence of the Realm Act DORA that allowed government to arrest protestors as traitors- newspapers were censored, and sometimes suspended
- Georges Clemenceau of France ended lenient politics
- Used propaganda to arouse enthusiasm- exaggerated German atrocities in Belgium and posters that promoted military service
- Brought an end to unemployment
- Created new roles for women
23. Assassination of Francis Ferdinand
- June 28, 1914, six conspirators waited in Sarajevo to kill Francis Ferdinand of Austria-Hungary- members of Black Hand, Serbian terrorist organization that wanted Bosnia to be free of Austria-Hungary
- Threw a bomb at archduke’s car, bounced off didn’t kill him
- Later that day, Gavrillo Princip, nineteen-year-old Bosnian Serb shot both archduke and wife
- Austrian leaders got backing of German allies and sent an ultimatum to Serbia on July 23
- Russia backed them and war started
24. The Von Schlieffen Plan
- German war plan that determined whether or not France would become involved in the war
- Drawn up under General Alfred von Schlieffen, based on assumption of two-front war w/ France and Russia
- Called for a small holding action against Russia while German army would make a quick invasion of France before Russia could help them and British could cross English Channel to help them
- They would move through Belgium and then move against Russia
- Declared war on France on August 3 after it had issued ultimatum to Belgium on August 2 to pass through territory
- GB declared war on Germany for violating Belgian neutrality but really wanted to get in on world power
- Led for all world powers to be at war
25. War on Western Front
- German plan called for quick end to war- but got stopped at Battle of The Marne
- Turned into a stalemate, as neither Germany nor France could get dislodge the other from the trenches
- Two lines of trenches reached from English Channel to frontiers of Switzerland- become bogged down w/ trench warfare- fighting from ditches protected by barbed wire
- Kept sides in the same positions for four years
26. Wilson’s 14 Points
- US President during WWI basis for a peace settlement that he outlined to U.S. Congress
- He believed it justified the military struggle being waged
- Proposals included “open covenants of peace” instead of secret diplomacy, the reduction of national armaments, the self-determination of people so that nationalism would be satisfied
- Portrayed WWI as people’s war against absolutism and militarism, must create democratic governments and a general association of nations
- Became the spokesperson for a new world order based on democracy and international cooperation
- Didn’t work- secret treaties and agreements and national interests- French wanted Germany to PAY!
27. Peace, Land, and Bread
- Slogans by Lenin that promised all three of these
- Maintained that soviets of soldiers, workers, and peasants were ready-made instruments of power- sought mass support through propaganda and making promises to the people
- Once took power, needed to fulfill his promise- made treaty of Brest-Litovsk with Germany
28. The Mandate System of WWI
- Break-up of the old Ottoman Empire
- Had promised to Arab countries that they would get independent states- did not happen
- France took control of Lebanon and Syria, Britain received Iraq and Palestine
- It was controversial- set up system of mandates whereby a nation officially governed but did not own a territory on behalf of the League of Nations
29. The Versailles Peace Conference
- 27 nations met at Paris Peace Conference, but most important decisions made by GB, France, and US
- Wilson wanted to create a League of Nations
- Clemenceau and Lloyd George wanted to punish Germany
- Germany not invited, Russia couldn’t be there because of civil war
- Accepted idea of League of Nations- Clemenceau promised to get guarantees for French security and GB and US pledged to help France if attacked by Germany
- Created Treaty of Versailles
- Harsh peace- Article 231, the War Guilt Cause, which declared Germany and Austria responsible for war and ordered Germany to pay reparations and Germany had to reduce its army to 100,000 men, cut back its navy, and eliminate its air force
- Rhineland demilitarized
- Had to accept or start another war, however
30. Vladimir Lenin and Russia
- Named Vladimir Ulianov, or V. I. Lenin
- Became a lawyer- in 1887 he turned into a revolutionary when his brother was executed by secret police
- Turned to Marxism in 1894
- Shipped to Siberia for revolutionary activity- after release chose to stay in exile in Switzerland
- When Provisional Government formed in 1917 he took his chance- shipped to Russia in sealed train
- Slogan of Peace, Land, and Bread (see notes on them above)
- Provisional Government collapsed with little bloodshed
- Created treaty of Brest-litovsk to honor his promise of peace- lost 1/3 of its land though
31. Nazi Teaching and Ideology
- Hitler needed support of people to win power
- Young regional, district, and branch leaders of Nazi organization
- Fiercely committed to Hitler- gave air of young man’s movement
- Unemployment made Nazism more attractive
- Hitler’s goal was the development of an Aryan racial state that would dominate Europe and the world for generations to come
- Pursued the creation of totalitarian state- mass demonstrations, meetings
- Nazi Germany was scene of almost constant personal and institutional conflict- administrative chaos
- Hitler was absolute ruler though
- Also had impact on women- considered important bearers of children and men were warriors whereas women were wives and mothers
- Tried to drive women out of the labor market- only could be social workers and nurses
- Intended to be an Aryan racial state- strong anti-Semitic feelings- e.g. Nuremberg Laws
32. Appeasement
- Policy of dealing w/ Hitler by Great Britain and other European countries
- Based on the belief that if the European states satisfied the reasonable demands of dissatisfied powers, the latter would be content, and stability and peace would be achieved
- DID NOT WORK! Hitler kept wanting more- repeatedly broke Treaty of Versailles
33. The Major Battles of WWII
- Marco Polo Bridge- July 1937- Japan and China, south of Beijing- China refused to apologize, tensions grew
- France and Britain declared war on Hitler on September 3, 1939
- Main assault on Luxembourg and Ardennes forest was unexpected by Allies- broke through
- French surrendered on June 22
- August 1940 Luftwaffe launched a major offensive against British air and naval bases
- In September Hitler ordered a shift to massive bombing of cities- British rebuilt their air strength quickly and soon inflicting major losses on Luftwaffe
- Invaded Soviet Union in 1941- Operation Barbarossa
- December 7, 1941 Japanese aircraft attacked US naval base at Pearl Harbor
34. Turning Points of WWII
- Turning point- US entered war
- Capture of entire Crimea- Hitler optimistic
- North Africa- British forces had stopped Rommel’s troops at El Alamein
- Stalingrad- sent them back
- June 4 Battle of Midway Island, US planes destroyed all four of the attacking Japanese aircraft carriers and established American naval superiority in the Pacific
35. Yalta Conference
- 1945 defeat of Germany was obvious
- Western powers were now faced with reality of eleven million Red Army soldiers taking possession of Eastern and much of Central Europe
- Stalin suspicious of Western powers- wanted buffer to protect Soviet Union
- Roosevelt wanted to have self-determination for Eastern Europe
- At Yalta Roosevelt sought Russian military help against Japan- atomic bomb not yet a certainty
- Roosevelt agreed to Stalin’s price for military aid against Japan: possession of Sakhalin and Kurile Islands
- Creation of UN important for US
- Churchill and Stalin agreed
- Germany and Eastern Europe were less decisive- reaffirmed that Germany must surrender unconditionally and be divided into four zones which would be occupied and governed by military forces of the US
- Compromise was also worked out in regard to Poland- free elections in future to determine a new government in that country
- Issue of free elections in Eastern Europe caused split between Soviets and Americans- Eastern European gov. would be freely elected but also pro-Russian
36. Nuremberg Laws
- New racial laws at the annual party rally in Nuremberg
- Excluded German Jews from German citizenship and forbade marriages between Jews and German citizens
37. Japan’s invasion of Manchuria and Italy’s invasion of Ethiopia
- Japanese officials were divided over the Manchurian issue
- Japan withdrew from League of Nations after they disagreed w/ takeover
- Used an excuse the Chinese attack on a Japanese railway near Mukden- really Japan on China
- Strengthened hold over next couple years, renamed it Manchukuo
38. Nazi Treatment of Conquered Peoples
- Tried to exterminate Jews of Europe
- SS responsible for Final Solution
- Final Solution was physical extermination of the Jewish people
- Reinhard Heydrich given the task of administrating Final Solution
- Began Holocaust
39. Causes of the Cold War
- Stemmed from differences between US and USSR
- Soviet Union not prepared to give up its control of Eastern Europe after Germany’s defeat
- American leaders not willing to give up the power and prestige the US had gained in WWII
- Soon became rivals
- Also difference in idealogy: communism vs. capitalism
- Eastern Europe- US and GB believed in self-determination, Stalin wanted to control (you can vote for Stalin, Stalin, or Stalin type of thing)
- Civil war in Greece- Britain supported anti-communist, had to pull out bc of economic problems
- Division of Germany- split of Berlin
40. The Iron Curtain
- Many in west thought that Soviet policy was part of a worldwide Communist conspiracy
- Soviets viewed Western policy as nothing less than global capitalist expansionism
- Term “iron curtain” coined by Churchill- claimed that “an iron curtain had descended across the continent”, dividing Germany and Europe into two hostile camps
- Stalin claimed it was a call to war w/ Soviet union
41. The Marshall Plan
- Also known as the European Recovery Plan, June 1947,
- Intended to rebuild prosperity and stability- 13 billion dollars in US loans for the economic recovery of war-torn Europe- belief that Communist aggression fed off economic turmoil
- Named after General George C. Marshall, U.S. secretary of state
- From Soviet perspective, Marshall plan was attempt to buy support of European countries
- USSR and satellite states refused to participate
- USSR created COMECON to compete but fell apart b/c didn’t have the money to back it up
42. Crisis between US and USSR 1945-1962
- Eastern Europe- US and GB wanted self-determination, Stalin wanted satellite states
- Civil War in Greece- Britain supported anti-communist but had to pull out b/c of economic problems
- US responds w/ Truman Doctrine (see below)
- Marshall Plan (see above)
- 1949 founded Council for Mutual Assistance (COMECON)
- Intended to be Soviet version of the Marshall Plan, but failed b/c they couldn’t fork over the cash
- 1947 diplomat George Kennan argued for policy of containment to keep communism within its existing geographical borders
- End of war, divided Germany and Berlin into 4 zones, each one occupied by one of the Allies
- City of Berlin located deep inside Soviet zone
- Soviets took reparations from Germany
- US, USSR, GB, and France met repeatedly to try to figure out what to do about Germany, never solved issue
- GB, France, and US merged their zones to form Western Germany
- Soviet reacted w/ blockeade of West Berlin, which allowed neither trucks, trains, or barges to enter Western Berlin
- Solved by Berlin Air lift- planes would drop food and supplies on people of Berlin
- 1949 China became communist
- US and USSR got into growing arms race- 1952 both nations developed hydrogen bomb and in fifties built ICBMs which allowed them to shoot missiles from all over the world
- Mutual deterrence (MAD) based on belief that an arsenal of nuclear weapons prevented war by ensuring that even if one nation launched its nuclear weapons, they would be destroyed too
- NATO formed- first peacetime alliance for US
- Warsaw Pact- Eastern Europe and USSR similar to NATO
- System of military alliances spread to the rest of the world
- CENTO- intended to prevent Soviet Union from expanding at expense of its southern neighbors
- SEATO- to prevent USSR in far east
- 1957 Sputnik I and ICBMs let out
- Khruschev tried to take advantage of American fears and set ultimatum over West Berlin
- Europe stood firm- he backed down
- Brief thaw in cold war until shot down U-2 plane over USSR
- During JFK administration- Bay of Pigs disaster- sent rebels in to overthrow Castro- were slaughtered
- Khruschev tried another ultimatum- US stood firm, reminded them of nuclear superiority, backed down
- In August 1961 began building Berlin Wall
- In 1962 Khruschev began putting nuclear missiles in Cuba- US found out- promised not to invade Cuba if they removed missile
43. Truman Doctrine
- Response to civil communist war in Greece and turkey
- US Response- President Harry S. Truman said that US would provide money to countries, in this case, Greece and Turkey, that were threatened by Communist expansion
- Truman argued that if Soviets not stopped in Greece then US would have to face spread of communism throughout the free world
- Soon followed by Marshall Plan
45. Khruschev’s Control of Russia
- Leader after Stalin
- Condemned Stalin for his “administrative violence, mass repression, and terror”
- Started de-Stalinization- elimination ruthless policies of Stalin
- Police measures should not be used in publication of literature
- Started rebellion in satellite states- Hungary in 1956- CRUSHED
- Tried to place more emphasis on light industry and consumer goods
- Industry declined due to failure to cultivate Ural Mts.
- Everyone hated Khruschev- played the clown
- Rash plan in Cuba last straw- voted him out of office, and Leonid Brezhnev came into power, guy who engineered his downfall
46. Nehru’s Administration of India
- Admired GB politics and British Labour Party
- Vision of New India combined democratic political institutions w/ moderate socialist economic structure
- Adopted political system based off of British model
- Figurehead president and parliament led by prime minister
- Congress party dominant party
- Economic policy modeled after Britsh Labour Party- state took over ownership of major industries, transportation, and utilities- private enterprise at local levels
- Farmland owned privately
- Sought to avoid dependence on foreign investment and technological aid
- Different than Gandhi- believed that India needed to industrialize- set up a series of five-year plans and developed industrial sector on steel, vehicles, and textiles
- Tried to bring agricultural advances- needed more effective farming system
- Tried to limit size of land holdings, forcing redistribution of land to the poor
- Encouraged farmers to form voluntary cooperatives
- Everyone ignored
- Adopted a neutral posture in Cold War and sought to provide leadership to all newly independent nations in Asia, Africa, and Latin America
- Worked to maintain good relations w/ China
- War in 1965 w/ Pakistan
47. Iranian Theocracy in 1979
- Thought that under shah’s regime becoming to western and corrupt
- Led to revolt in 1979, shah left country
- Government collapsed and replaced by Islamic republic
- Rid country of Western influence and restore traditional law
- Supporters of shah rounded up and executed
48. Khmer Rouge in Cambodia
- Brutal revolutionary regime under leadership of Khmer dictator Pol Pot massacred more than a million Cambodians
- Did not lead to domino theory despite communist victory in Indochina
49. Nelson Mandela
- Leader of ANC, arrested in 1962 for 27 yrs
- Fought against apartheid in South Africa
- Became president of Republic of South Africa
- Released in 1990 b/c of efforts of F.W. de Klerk, head of National Party and world pressure
- Continued to campaign against apartheid
- In 1993 gov. of F.W. de Klerk agreed to hold first ever democratic national elections
- 1994 first black president Nelson Mandela
50. Yugoslavian Civil War
- Communist state, but never Soviet satellite state
- After WWII Tito worked to keep together six republics and 2 provinces that made up Yugoslavia
- Died in 1980, went to collective state presidency
- All republics lobbied for their independence
- Milosevic, leader of Yugoslavia rejected these efforts
- After negotiations failed, Slovenia and Croatia declared independence- sent army into Slovenia w/o success and Croatia later cease-fire arranged
- Recognized Slovenia, Croatia, and Bosnia-Herzegovina in 1992 by Europe and US did not help
- Serbian forces attacked Bosnia- gained 70 percent of its territory
- Many atrocities at hands of Serbs- Muslim Bosnian army forces regained territory
- NATO air bombers launched in retaliation of Serb attacks on civilians
- Formal peace treaty signed in Paris on December 14
- Split Bosnia and loose Serbian Republic
- Brought peace to Bosnia