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98 Cards in this Set

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Black Panther Party
Radical civil rights activists based in Oakland, CA; founded by Huey Newton and Bobbie Seal. They were mostly concerned with inner city Blacks and were against the police.
Murder of Emmett Till
14 yearold Chicago resident was visiting family in Mississippi when he was kidnapped, killed, and dumped in the Tallahatchie river. Details are still debated to this day.
"Beat" Generation
involving jazz, coffee houses, poetry readings. Jack Kerouac, Alan Ginsberg. Precursor to the Hippie era, "Counterculture movement", "laid back".
American Music
Rock 'n' Roll emerges. Concerts. Elvis, the Drifters, "doo-wop music", Ed Sullivan Show; the Beatles and British Invasion
Catholic, sympathetic to civil rights, not hard on communism. <<for those reasons many didn’t like him.
Term referring to the JFK era, which featured brightness, youth, and change (golden age, essentially; helped by Jackie Kennedy). Kennedy also modernized, or "woke up" Atlanta.
Freedom Riders
Youths in the early 1960s who tested the new state anti-segregation laws on public transportation.
Little Rock Nine
Nine black students were let into Central High School in AK by the National Guard after Governor/Senator Orval Faubus refused to let them in. (1957)
The era of Wisconson Senator Joe McCarthy who built his career on accusing people of being communists. He was eventually publicly denounced. McCarthy Hearings in 1950
Interstate highway that takes you around the city; made traveling to/from the city easier (ex. 495)
"Soul on Ice"
Book written by Eldridge Cleaver, one of the leaders of the Black Panthers.
Peace Corps
JFK's idea; an organization for two-year volunteer work in underdeveloped/warring countries. Its policy of deferment made them a popular route for youths in during the Vietnam War.
"Black Power"
Stokely Carmichael's phrase (MI, 1965/66) indicating that Blacks should have representation equal to their population. This phrase was wildly misinterpreted by the media as "black supremacy".
"White Flight"
the migration of Whites from the cities to the suburbs as a result of the Interstate Highway Act and Brown vs. Board of Ed.
Cold War
The diplomatic war between communism and western democracy.
Silent Generation
term describing families' tendency to conform in order to escape suspicion of being communist; aka "time of conformity", man in "gray flannel suit"
Founded by George Kennan in 1950, with the plan to check communism wherever it made a move worldwide.
Domestic counterpart of the Peace Corps; "Volunteers in service to America"; focus on Appalachia and the Inner cities; offered deferment
Why do businesses move to suburbs?
2)more land
3)insurance (less crime)
Why does the creation of the suburbs lead to the death of big cities?
there becomes a lower population and tax base (because most of the people who flee to suburbs are middle class)
"industrial parks"
land set aside for light industries @ discounted rate
Characteristics of suburbs
1) community outside of big city
2) mostly single family houses
3) open space
4)little heavy industry (paper jobs)
5)better schools
Shift/decline in major businesses
shift from research and development to advertising and sales; leads to decline in quality of American goods; esp. in automobile, refrigerator, television, camera business. Foreign companies at the same time make better quality products. By the 1970s, US companies are wiped out. Also, we stopped redesigning factories.
Earl Warren
Chief Justice involved in the Brown vs Board of Ed.; most hated man in america; Republican; former attorney general of CA
"Great Society"
Lyndon B. Johnson's attempt to create a society in which everyone had a fair chance.
"Office of Economic Opportunity"; created by Lyndon B. Johnson. The federal government focused much money on education, job training, and integrating all US areas into the mainstream (esp. urban inner cities and "Appalachia") to fight a "War on Poverty"
Economic Problems during the Johnson Administration
$ running out because of inflation, taxes, and an extended draft for Vietnam.
Professional volunteer soldiers in Vietnam
Rangers, Green Berets, and Special Forces
Manhattan project
Code name for the secret United States project set up in 1942 to develop atomic bombs for use in World War II
policy founded by George Kennan in 1950 to contain communism by checking anywhere communism made a move worldwide
Bataan Death March
Suicide march in which Japanese march US POWs in the Philippines
Executive Order 9066
Made by Roosevelt in 1942 to intern 100,000s of Japanese Americans, was his biggest mistake because there was no evidence that Japs were disloyal
Robert Oppenheimer
United States physicist who directed the project at Los Alamos that developed the first atomic bomb
Most southern point of Japan; "Okinawa campaign"=A campaign in the closing days of World War II in the Pacific (April to June 1945); in savage close-quarter fighting United States marines and regular army troops took the island from the Japanese; considered the greatest victory of the Pacific campaign for the Americans
Erwin Rommel
aka "Desert Fox"; the German commander in North Africa
"Unconditional Surrender"
The Japanese surrendered unconditionally after the US bombed Nagasaki and Hiroshima
Douglas McArthur
US commander in the Pacific, based in the Philippines
Lend-Lease Act
Roosevelt's program (before the US joined WWII) to lend the British boats, planes, bases, and arms
Haile Selassie
Emperor of Ethiopia when the Italians invaded in 1935 and 36 and field tested their weapons.
Island Hopping Campaign
McCarthur's WWII campaign to "hopskotch", or attack via air and sea, from island to island going from Hawaii up to Japan. US "hopped" islands such as Okinawa, Iwo Jima, and Guadal Canal
Operation Z
Japanese attack plan on Pearl Harbor created by Harvard Graduate Admiral Yamamoto. They started practicing it in the 1920s and did field tests in 1939 and 1940.
The Day that will Live on in Infamy
December 7th, 1941 when Admiral Yamamoto's Japanese air fleet bombed Pearl Harbor. Their only blunder was in retreating.
Operation Barbarossa
Nazi plan for invading Russia (Russians were seen as subhumans). It is also known as "the great double cross" because Hitler betrayed the Nonaggression Pact from 1939.
aka "living space"; Hitler's justification for expanding the German empire into Eastern Europe, equivalent of manifest destiny
Battle of Midway
June 1942, major US defeat over Jap forces; turning point in the war in the Pacific
Battle of Coral Sea
1942, another US defeat and turning point in the war in the Pacific
Battle of the Bulge
(16 December 1944 – 25 January 1945) major German offensive on the Western Front and was launched towards the end of World War II. It was also Adolf Hitler's last offensive in the war. This offensive was on the Rhine (between Germany and Belgium) by the German armed forces
"Il Duce" from 1922 to 1942; Totalitarian leader of Italy; Military flop; mistress=Clara Petacci; killed by Italian partisans of Dongo (near Swiss border) while trying to flee
Panay Incident
Incident in 1937 in which Japan sinks a US ship in the Yangtze River, killing five Americans. Japan makes an official apology.
Greater East Asia Co-Prosperity Sphere
The Asian equivalent of the Monroe Doctrine, created in 1938, making Japan the permanent nation.
German Nationalist Workers Party
Hitler enlisted to organize this.
Hitler's first concentration camp, opened in 1933
Secretary of State Hull
Man who tells Japanese that they can have all materials they need if they evacuate China and Indochina
Non-Aggression Pact
Between Germany and Russia in Aug. 1939. Has secret provisions to divide Poland after overrunning it.
Boll weevil
insect that entered from Mexico and infested the cotton crop in the south, putting even more farmers out of work.
Munich Crisis
March, 1938--in which Chamberlain appeases Hitler by persuading others to give Hitler Czechoslovakia.
The Great Flood
Flood of the Mississippi River valley, creating hundreds of thousands of refugees, and a problem for the Federal Government to set up thousands of tent cities in the region.
Coffeeville Riot
Major race riot in Coffeeville, KS in 1927, in which the National Guard had to be called in to restore order. Was a flavor of the times and showed that racism was abundant in areas outside the south.
"Black Thursday"
Name referring to the initial Stock market crash on October 24th, 1929. It was brought about by everyone selling stocks at declining prices, and the lack of an internal mechanism to slow/stop the selling pace, as well as few/inadequate regulations and on margin stock purchasing.
"On Margin"
Before the Stock market crash, people were allowed to buy stocks this way, through borrowed money without much collateral (only $5k) . Because the stocks were declining, people couldn’t pay the loans back, so they had to put up substantial collaterol such as homes, land, cash (from selling their house), and bonds.
"Black Tuesday"
A second stock market crash on Oct. 29th, 1929 that was even worse than the first.
Background of US Financial "fear"
after the stock market crash, people owe the banks and for their homes, leaving them homeless and jobless due to struggling companies. People also "run on the banks". Now everyone is alone and helpless.
Giant slums created during the Hoover administration, located on the outskirts of big cities such as NYC, St. Louis, Portland, and Chicago. Men lived in cardboard boxes with fire heating because they had no jobs.
Scottsboro Boys Case
1931) Case in which black young boys were accused of raping a white girl on a train from Chattanooga to Memphis. There was supposedly a fight between black and white youths, causing the whites to get a girl to pretend she was raped. This became a national issue that lasted 15 years. Scottsboro boys fled, hoping to avoid extradition. Charges were eventually dropped.
Angleo Herndon Farmer's Alliance
Plan created in Atlanta by a young black organizer from Cincinatti. It organized black tenant farmers to stand up for their rights. Georgia was horrified and offended that such protests would be staged during a time of poverty. He was arrested, and after huge controversy, eventually freed.
Dust Bowl"
1932-36; Dust storms in the plains region that picked up topsoil due to poor crop rotation, drought, leaving soil thin, dry, and useless.
"Okies" and "Arkies"
People driven from their homes in the Dust bowl to settle in Southern California as migrant farmers. These people later had less sympathy for the Democratic social sympathy groups and become Republican after WWII.
Fire Talkers
Radio show hosts who opposed FDR and were "demogogues" (want simple solutions to difficult problems, are intolerant of others, want to be dictators, basically Hitler)
-Senator Huey Long
-Dr. Francis Townshend
-Father Coughlin
Senator Huey Long
Infamous "Fire Talker" and Governor/Senator of Louisiana, who favored the "share the wealth" program asking the federal Government to promise every family $5k. He was assassinated in the Louisiana Capitol by political opponents.
"Share the wealth"
Huey Long's plan to give every family $5,000
Dr. Francis Townshend
From Long Beach, CA; wanted all ppl in the US over 60 yrs to receive $200/month to spend (to help the economy)
Father Coughlin -
Republican fanatic who ranted to all who didn’t look or think like him; had a powerful radio presence; from Royal Oak, Michicgan
Repatriation Program
designed to send illegal immigrants back where they came (esp. Mexican-Americans in LA, Chicago, and Gary IN
William Doke
Coordinated the Repatriation program
Main aim of the New Deal
to create a safety net for the average American, who at this point has no benefits, no social security, and is now especially vulnerable because the economy is collapsing.
Civilian Conservation Corps (CCC)
Legislation aimed at helping unemployed males between 18 and 25. They worked on flood control, road construction and national parks. By 1942, more than 2 million young men had participated in the program. (part of the New Deal to give youths employment)
Agricultural Adjustment Act
1932: Part of New Deal, bring stability to the farm community; wheat, rice, tobacco, and dairy products had prices scaled to previous years; “subsidies” (payments) from the government to farmers for certain commodities; still exists today
Tennessee Valley Authority (TVA)
The most successful federal program of all time, created by Nebraska Senator George Norris, with the purpose to a) curb flooding of the TN river, b) provide hydro-electric power, c) create fertilizers, and d) make homes. Even today, it is the only federal agency that is allowed to make profit.
George Norris
Nebraska Senator who created the Tennessee Valley Authority
Glass Steagall Act
Act as part of FDR's New Deal policy, passed in 1933 creating the Federal Bank Deposit Insurance Corporation(FDIC), which insured all deposits up to $5,000
Works Progress Administration(WPA)
Harry Hopkins started it; public roads and >100,000 bridges built/repaired; arts projects; city halls; nationwide; ROUTE 9!
Harry Hopkins
started the WPA
Social Security Act
1935: provide pensions for people over 65 years; $$ from employees and employers; later: un-employment compensation and assistance to orphans; still important; controversial because of cost and amount of govt borrowing; city workers get no ss
Herbert Hoover
US pres 1928-1932; Republican, introduced Hawley Smoot Tariff
Warren G. Harding
Republican president 1920-1923
Calvin Coolidge
US Republican president 1923-1928
Harold Ickes
Secretary of the Interior; Head of WPA (built roads and bridges, expanded national parks, improved infrastructure
"Securities and Exchange Commision"; FDR's creation to regulate stock exchanges
Hawley Smoot Tariff
Passed by Herbert Hoover in 1930, calling for stricter and higher tariffs. Over 1,000 economists signed a petition pleading Hoover not to sign it, but he ignored them.
1) Hated by many (Fire Talkers)
2) Re-elected 4X
3) Started “Democratic Coalition”
4) First to have blacks in the cabinet
5) gives Americans:
a. social security
b. medical benefits
c. unemployment insurance
d. insured bank funds (FDIC)
e. disability insurance
f. retirement benefits (pensions)
g. employment
h. comfort
1) recruiting experts for the cabinet
2) programs to re-employ America and pull them out of depression
3) NEW DEAL! ^^
“First Hundred Days”
(Of FDR’s Administration); said congress and president would come together to plan; declared a “bank holiday” (no more runs on the bank)
US Mindset c. 1920s:
1. Economy mixed bag
a. Leisure time
i. Speakeasy
ii. Flappers (party girls)
iii. Advertising
iv. Football, baseball
b. Fear under the surface
i. Economy
ii. Russia (Bolshevik Rev)
iii. Debt
iv. Farms
v. Trouble with labor unions (vs. police)
2. Foreign policy
a. Isolationism keeps us out of the LoN
b. LoN weak
c. Profit motive (munitions industry)
d. Nothing solved from WWI (even though everyone thought it was a cure-all)
President 1952-1960; famous for warning the US about “Military/Industrial Complex”
“Military Industrial Complex”
relationship between the military and defense contractors; overlapping workers; contracts rigged; decrease in quality and increase in cost of weapons; kickbacks
Major Defense Contractors:
1) Lockheed
2) Raytheon (MA)
3) GE
4) General Dynamics
5) Rockwell
6) Draper
“I Have Dream Speech”
MLK; at Lincoln Memorial
NE China; long interest to Japan (along with Korea) because of protection (Also, Philippines because of rubber); Jap’s “protectorate” in which they control prettymuch everything
Main cause of WWII
Treaty of Versailles (because it fueled militarism and the desire for revenge—HITLER!)