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49 Cards in this Set

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as a westarn roman empire began to collapse the remians of the eastern roman empire began to prosper describe why?
as the westarn roam empire began to collapse tyhe wealth and power moved to the east and centered in constaniople unlike the west the east was able to defined it self sucessfully against the bargains and mongolis and its new leader justian choose exspitoanl people to help him rule the eastern roman empire and now its called byzantine empire.
which best discribes how justians marraige to theadora help the byzantine empire
through theadora infulence jutsian chnage byzatine law to improve the status of women as well as capt justian from giving up in the mist of the nika revolt
which best discribes what intaonally began the split of the chirstian church into east and west
as the christian church grew oin size leaders know as patraics where astablished in the key citys of rome constainople antoich jeruslam and alexandra evtually the patraric of rome eslabished himseldf as the the cheif patriac among the other to which christians in the east centerd in and around constaniople didnt agree
which of the following best discribes the reasons for the collapse of the byzantine empire
the soulduk turks captured most of asia minor and turned there sites on constaninople the byzantine empor apealed to rome for help resulting in the first crusade to 1096-1099 A.D. which recapyured most of the terriotry help by muslims other crusdaes too place for serveral decaides in 1204 ad the same christian crusaders that assite the byzantines against the muslims turned on and captured constainople altoght the byzantine captured constinople in 1261 ad they where never the same finally the attuman turks captured constinople in 1453 AD effictvly ending the byzantinee mpire
what doe heresy mean
unorthodox religious opinion: an opinion or belief that contradicts established religious teaching, especially one that is officially condemned by a religious authority
what is the name of the church which is called holy wisdom build by byzantines
hagia sophia
what is a dowry
money or good women brings into marriage
greek fire
a wepon flamibale liquid us by byzantie navy
picture or desgins fromed in glass like church picutres
name of the christian missionaryfrom the byzantine Emprie who brought gospel to the slavic peopld, developed the alphabet named after him and is tillused in Russia.
Justinian's wife
Which best descirbes what happened to the Kievan Russia following the end of Yaroslav the Wise's rule in 1054?
Following the death of Yaroslav, the nxt many Kievan leaders decentralized power giving thier sons territoires to rule outside of Kiev. To increase their respective territories, the son s of these rulers, began to fight against each other, and some even attacked Kiev. Things got worse as Turks and Itaians began to control Kevan trade routes, greatly weakening Kiev. In thei weakeness, amongol tribes invaded Kievan Russia. Mongols main goal was to capture territory to increase wealth through taxation, and in some cases, even improved the lives of those they conquered. In one case, Kievan Prince Ivan the first cooperated with the Mongols and moved his power base to the city of Moscow. Moscow became so powerful that in time, Ivan the 3rd the Great, overthrew the Mongols, united many of the united princioalities, and emerged as the first ruler of the independent mation called Russia.
a lg mostly grassy treeless plain in se Europe and central asia
Pravada Russkaia
frist uniform code of laws established in Kievan Russia
north of the steppes filled with great forests
noble who assisted Kevan Russian Princes in ruling the empire
??????????????? See test 8:2 and 3
Czar or Tsar
Russian workd for Caesar
first leader of the Rus people
leader who established the first universal code in Kievan Russia?
Yaroslav the wise
leader who established a universal religion in Kievan Russia
?????See 8 section 2/3
in the authority strucutre of the Catholic chursc, who directly reported to the Archbishops?
Who directly reporte dto the Archbishops?
when the Catholic Chirch was upset with a king or high-ranking noble, theuy would issue an _____ to shut down all churches and masses in that particular area.
Some of the practices of the Catholic Chrich caused anger among the commom people. Which is not one of these practices?
During the Monastic movemnet, monks lived in monasteries. The nuns?
lived in Convents
When noble rewarded their loyal friends or relatives by appoint them as bishops or abbots known as
lay investiture
Catholic church's own code of lwas is called
Cannon Law
Thes Germanic trribes made up of many smaller kingdoms eventually came together in 3 large kingdoms that were
Norman Wessex and ???
Why did Pope Leo the third give Charlamgne the titile of Emperor of the Romans
there was the hope that a strong leader like Charlamagne could restore the former Roman Empire
The instrument that used geometry and astronomy to help sailors calulate ships' distnace north and south of the equator was called
Tech and Commerical advancements alone could not make successful exploration possible. What else was needed?
Why Prince Henry of Portugal become strongly invested in exploration?
he hoped to acquire gold from Portugal
What Portugese explorere first sailed into India?
Da Gama
Realilzing that a lack of industries because of exploration and wars and overextended empire have put Spain in peril. What did Charles 5 do in response?
divided the kingdom amongst memeners of his family
As a king of Spain and Emperor of the Holy Roman Empire to whom did Charles the 5 give his kingdom?
Ferdinand the 1st and phillip the 1st
After his father's death, who assu;med control of France until Louis the 13th came of age?
Maria de Medici
What treaty brough an end to the treaty to the end of the thirty years war?
the treaty of Westphalia
The dotted black line form Portugal around the southern tip of Africa and e toward india represented the route travelled by
De Gama
Which did not contribute to the expansion of power and territory of Russia or of Russian succession?
The war of Russian Succession
Following the death of Ivan the Terrible whcih of the following events stopped the chaos that followed and sent Russia on a new political and economic course?
the National Assembly of 1613 elceting a new Russian Czar
True or F When Peter the great became Czar of Russia he coruled with halfo f his brothers and sisters.
Tor F Peter the Great and a russian delegate negotiated a successful alliance with several western European nations agianst the turks.
The _____ Turks contorlled all the land beetween the Black Sea and the Mediterranean Sea so Peter knew he needed help form W Europe to build a stronger and more efficient Russia.
Peter the Great political and economic policies also created a new class of citizens known as the
service nobility
Tor F Catherina the Second support of art science, literature, and theatre were to little value or meaning to Russia.
Umder Caherine's the second's Russia Nobles became more westernized speaking _____ and losing touch with the Russain people.
Catherine 2 continued her territorial conquest westward into Poland which resulted in the first of 3 _____ of Poland from 1772-17795. which ultimately resulted in the complete collaps of Poland.
the three countries that involved with the last ? were
Austria Prussia and Russia