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178 Cards in this Set

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Many people believed that the Sacco and Vanzetti case is an example of prejudice based on
ethnic origin and beliefs.
Sacco and Vanzetti were viewed with suspicion because they were
Italian immigrants and anarchists.
Admission to US in the Emergency Quota Act was based on
country of ethnic origin.
What religious movement feared Americans losing traditional values?
Louis Armstrong introduced an early form of what kind of music?
In the 1920s most African Americans voted republican.
The science that added to racist theories was known as
Where did the debate over science and religion take place in 1925?
Scopes Monkey Trial
What was the new music with bold solos and improvisational freedom?
The “New Morality” emphasized people’s
youth, wealth and freedom.
John Scopes was put on trial for teaching
The Twenty-First Amendment repealed
Who was the Sultan of Swat?
Babe Ruth
The flowering of African Americans Arts became known as the
Harlem Renaissance
The Universal Negro Improvement Association promoted
black pride and unity
The 18th Amendment led to an increase in federal police powers?
What was the Cotton Club?
A Harlem Nightclub where many got their start.
KKK membership began to decline because of
scandals within their leadership
How were Mexicans affected in the National Origins Act of 1924?
They were not limited on immigration; many Mexicans emigrated to the US at this time.
The golden age of Hollywood began in 1927 with the release of
the first motion picture with sound
The 1920s the automobile had become an accepted part of life.
Did aviation experience the same post-war boom as the automobile?
How did Calvin Coolidge become president?
When Harding died.
President Coolidge believed in minimal gov’t intervention in business and believed prosperity rested with
business leadership
Coolidge’s simple manner was in great contrast to the era known as the
Roaring 20's.
The System of manufacturing introduced by Henry Ford was the
Assembly Line
What did manufacturers turn to attract new consumers?
How did Ford increase sales?
Lowering the cost per car
The consumer goods industry created many products for
the home
What crippled the German economy?
Coolidge believed in laissez-faire:
govt. should not interfere with business
Henry Ford increased efficiency by dividing jobs into simple tasks.
Who was the Ohio Gang?
A group of Harding’s friends in his cabinet

Whom he gave jobs to.
Teapot Dome Scandal
A govt. official received bribes by allowing companies to lease lands containing Navy Oil Reserves.
How did Warren Harding win the presidency?
By promising a return to “normalcy”
Why did aviation not boom like automobiles?
They thought it was dangerous.
How did Americans look to avoid future wars after WWI?
Stay out of European Affairs
What was the result of the Dawes Plan?
Europe’s deeper descent into debt.
What was a major campaign issue in the Election of 1928?
Why did Herbert Hoover have a landslide victory in 1928?
Prosperity of the 20's
Buying stocks on borrowed money is known as buying on a
Before the late 1920s, the stock prices generally reflected the stock’s true value.
October 29, 1929 the day that stocks took a bog dive is known as
Black Tuesday
Because of the crash some banks were forced to
recall their loans
How did the Federal Reserve contribute to the Great Depression?
lowering loan rates
Why did President Hoover oppose direct federal relief to the unemployed?
only state and city governments should dole out relief
Alfred E. Smith endured a smear campaign because he was
Stock prices began to fall because people were selling their stocks.
When a bank collapsed, depositors lost their savings
In 1932 Great Plains farmers began to lose their crops when the soil
dried up
Hoover hoped public works would replace ___ lost in the private sector.
The Bonus Marchers
marched on Washington DC to give veterans their promised bonus early. Left peacefully when voted down.
Why did the stock market crash affect banks?
banks had invested their deposits in the stock market.
Most economists believe the main cause of the depression was
What was the first feature length animated movie?
Snow White and the Seven Dwarves
Purpose of the Reconstruction Finance Corporation?
To make loans to banks, railroads, and agricultural institutions.
Were Theodore and Franklin Delano Roosevelt related?
What group was most devastated by the depression?
What was the Hundred Days?
FDR’s first 100 days in office- enacted 15 major acts of legislation
Why did many Governors declare “bank holidays”?
To prevent bank runs.
The first thing Roosevelt looked to do was restore confidence in the
What was the Securities and Exchanges Commission created for?
Regulate stock market
The National Industrial Recovery Act set up
codes of fair competition
Schechter vs. United States struck down the
Roosevelt’s advisers favored government intervention in the economy.
New Nationalism-
Roosevelt’s advisers who supported “New Nationalism” wanted government to work with business.
New Freedom
Wilson's political philosophy of restoring democracy
What did framers of the Social Security Act see it primarily as?
An insurance bill
The Emergency Banking and Relief Act issued ________ to banks that were financially sound.
The Agricultural Adjustment Administration tried to help farmers by
paying them not to grow crops
True or False-The Home Owners Loan Corporation only help the employed.
The HOLC lengthened the mortgage repayment term and lowered rates for the employed.
What did Senator Huey Long want in regards to the wealthy?
Share the wealth of the rich
How did FDR trigger a recession in 1937?
He decreased govt spending.
The two causes for the rise of dictatorships were
1. peace treaty
2. economic depression
Munich Conference & Czechoslovakia:
France and Great Britain gave in to Hitler’s demands for the Sudetenland in Czechoslovakia. Hitler wanted to annex that area because German speaking people inhabited the area.
True or False?
Fascists are anti-Communist.
Members of the National Socialist German Workers Party were known as
The air battle between Germany and the UK was known as the
Battle of Britain
A night of spontaneous rioting and violence by Germans against the Jews.
The Nazis despised
Jews, homosexuals, the disabled, gypsies, and Catholics, people of African descent
Wannsee Conference & Final Solution:
Hitler’s plan to exterminate the Jews. At Wannsee, they planned the Final Solution.
In 1941, Hitler launched an invasion of the
Soviet Union
Who did FDR send lend-lease aid to help with Japan?
What did FDR want to build on British land in exchange for Naval Ships?
U.S. bases on British-held territory
What brought the U.S. into WWII?
Attack on Pearl Harbor
To get around the Maginot Line Germany would have to invade
Belgium, Luxembourg, and the Netherlands
The Axis Powers
Germany, Italy, Japan
The Nuremberg Laws took what away from Jewish Germans?
What was the first area that Hitler “unified” with Germany?
The Nazi-Soviet pact contained a deal to split
In the Battle of Britain did the Royal Air Force save
Britain from invasion?
Yes, with radar.
Neutrality Act of 1935 –
illegal to sell arms to countries at war.
Liberty ships were harder to sink because they were
welded instead of riveted.
Why did Japan attack Midway Island?
To destroy the American fleet.
As a result of a presidential order allowing any part of the country to be a military zone many Japanese Americans were relocated to
internment camps
Blue and Red points were used for
rationing goods
Why was Iwo Jima an important objective for the U.S.?
U.S. planes could bomb Japan from there.
The U.S. caused major fires in Japan by using what?
Over 1/3 of all military equipment was produced by what industry?
Automobile industry
True or False-The invasion at Omaha Beach went well, unlike the other beaches.
Double-V Campaign:
victory over Hitler’s racism abroad and victory over racism at home
Death March occur?
Why did Hitler want to capture Stalingrad?
Destroy USSR’s economy.
Korematsu vs. United States ruled that the Japanese relocation was __________ l because it was based on urgency.
Selective Service and Training:
men 18 and over had to register for military service
Britain and America opened a second front in Europe to take pressure off of the
Soviet Army
What technology helped turn the tide of the war in the Atlantic?
On June 6, 1944
100,000 set sail for Normandy. Originally Hitler thought the invasion would be at Pas-de-Calais
What was the new international organization formed after the war?
United Nations
What island was invaded to help in planning an invasion of Japan?
V-J Day:
Victory in Japan Day
V-E Day:
victory in Europe day
Bracero Program:
Migrant farmworkers became an important part of the Southwest’s agricultural system
As a result of the Allied attack on Sicily,
the Italian king had Mussolini arrested.
What was the Marshall Plan? What was it essential for?
-A plan to help Western Europe recover.
-Essential for containment
What was decided at Yalta, regarding Germany?
Divided Germany into 4 zones, controlled by USA, Great Britain, France, and USSR
Korean War—Why did we go there? How did it end?
-Went there to contain communism
-Ended with containment but no actual victory
Why was MacArthur fired during Korean War?
-Wanted to expand the war with China and use atomic weapons.
What is NATO and why was it formed?
-Mutual defense agreement among non-communist countries
What were Julius & Ethel Rosenberg charged with?
- passing atomic secrets to the Soviets.
Potsdam Conference: What did USA want and what did Soviet Union want?
-USA wanted to allow Germany’s economy to recover
-Soviet Union wanted Germany to pay reparations
Define Brinkmanship:
Practice of using threats in hopes other countries will back down. Eisenhower used this in foreign policy.
Truman Doctrine:
policy of containment.
Rock n Roll grew out of the sound of
rhythm & blues
What was the top juvenile crime in the 1950s?
car theft
Why did people criticize the suburbs?
Its lack of diversity
Many early TV comedies were adapted from
popular radio shows
Why did many quiz shows leave the air?
They turned out to be frauds
What was the fastest growing industry in the 1950s?
Why did the film industry suffer after the war?
Popularity of TV
What new music was good for dancing?
Rock n roll
What group of people did TV tend to shut out?
African Americans
Who was the king of Rock n Roll?
Elvis Presley
By 1957, how many televisions were there in America?
40 million
John F Kennedy
President 1960-1963
Richard Nixon
Lost election in 1960 to JFK
Election of 1960
television had a major impact with live televised debates
New Frontier
JFK’s program for a better society and to improve the economy
Lyndon B Johnson
JFK’s VP, president after JFK is assassinated
Great Society
LBJ’s program for a “perfect society”
health insurance for the elderly
health insurance for low-income families
Johnson’s war on poverty
LBJ created programs to fight a war on poverty
Cuban Missile Crisis
a period of time where the US was brought to the brink of nuclear war
Bay of Pigs
an attempt to unseat Castro as Cuba’s leader; complete failure
Warren Commission
concluded that Lee Harvey Oswald acted alone
Lee Harvey Oswald – JFK’s assassin
Office of Economic Opportunity
created to coordinate new programs to fight poverty
Where did Kennedy want Congress to invest more money?
Space race and defense
is a pseudo-science that deals with the improvement of hereditary traits.
Stylish, unconventional American women of the 1920s who dressed in attire considered too revealing by previous generations were called
During prohibition, people flocked to secret bars called ____________________, where they could purchase alcohol.
Radio, movies, newspapers, and magazines aimed at a broad, popular audience are all examples of ____________________.
Mass Media
The movement of hundreds of thousands of African Americans from the rural South to industrial cities in the North was called the ____________________.
Great Migration
_____________________ was a style of music influenced by Dixieland music and ragtime.
The New York City neighborhood of ____________________ was the center of the African American artistic and creative outpouring of the 1920s.
Warren G. Harding ran for president on the campaign slogan to return to ____________________.
____________________, or large-scale product manufacturing usually by machinery, created more supply and reduced consumer costs.
Mass Production
Many consumers in the 1920s began to feel confident that they could buy now and pay later, so many bought everything from radios to cars on the ____________________ plan.
many depositors withdrawing money at once stock market crash
Bank Run
homeless wanderers who often rode the rails
drought-related conditions in the Great Plains
system for buying and selling shares of companies
Stock Market
loss of property due to nonpayment of the mortgage
buying now and making payments each month
Installment plan
communities of makeshift shacks on public lands investing in the stock market hoping for a quick profit
spending more than is collected in taxes
budget deficit
created out of fear that the nation was falling behind in scientific research
border separating North Korea and South Korea
38th parallel
Era of confrontation between the U.S. and Soviet Union
Cold War
deadly radiation left over after a nuclear blast
The first artificial satellite to orbit the earth was called ______.
At the ____________________ Conference, Roosevelt, Churchill, and Stalin agreed to issue the Declaration of Liberated Europe.
The ____________________ was an imaginary line that separated the Communist nations of Eastern Europe from the West.
Iron Curtain
Black Tuesday
October 29, 1929. the day that the stocks took a big dive
Dust Bowl
a series of dust storms
a hypothesis that has been formed by speculating or conjecturing (usually with little hard evidence)
Foreign policy designed to contain or block Soviet expansion; primary US foreign policy from 1947 to 1989
Satellite Nations
Countries under control of USSR serving as a buffer
What group did the Soviets later form to oppose NATO?
Warsaw Pact