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31 Cards in this Set

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Truman Doctrine
"the 1947 Defense of Freedom" where Truman's speech persuaded the American people to support the regimes of Turkey and Greece. This speech also was the threshold where america would enact containment throughout the world.
George Kennan
American, in Early 1946, who wrote the telegram advising Truman that the Soviets "could not be dealt with as a normal gov't." Also encouraged the Truman to act b/c the soviets would "spread communism, and America was the only ones who can stop them."
Joseph Mccarthy
In 1946 Wisconsin Senator, who led the anticommunist crusade with ridiculous claims of secret communist spies in US government agencies. His ridiculous claims later led to the army-mccarthy Hearings.
House Un-american Activities Committee (HUAC)
A loyalty organization formed for the purpose of interrogating possible Communists in American. Became famous in the Hollywood Ten incident.
Hollywood Ten
Ten hollywood stars (don't care), who were held in contempt of congress and served six months-1 year in jail, who refused to answer questions (following the 1st amendment) about their beliefs and other communists. They were later blacklisted.
Alger Hiss
State department Official in the 1930's who were sentenced 5-years in prison for supposedly giving secret gov't documents to agents of the Soviet Union.
Army-Mccarthy Hearings
National televised hearings where Mccarthy attempted to persuade America that the Army held communists. Mccarthy would later be condemned after these hearings and lose his credibility.
1950 document used by the US to pursue a global crusade against communism in the name of freedom
Kitchen Debate
Debate between Nixon and Khrushcev, in a kitchen setting (moscow exhibition) where they debated about the merits of capitalism and communism.: consumerism and abundance or the like
Massive Retaliation
any soviet attack on an American Ally would be countered by a nuclear assault on the Soviet Union. Risky doctrine later coined Brinkmanship that later mad each superpower cautious.
Montgomery bus boycott
Inspired by the actions of Rosa Parks who refused to give her seat, a year-long protest followed where African Americans refused to travel via bus. Thus lead to the desegregation of transportation throughout the nation.
Southern Manifesto
1956 document that repudiated the Supreme Court decision in Brown v. Board, and offered support to the campaign of resistance in the south.
Southern Christian Leadership Conference
Coalition of Black ministers and civil rights activists, to press for desegregation.
Student Non-violent Coordinating Committee
Organization (Robert Moses) who endowed the CRM on the youth to be the agents of social and political change. Composed mainly of college students.
Congress of Racial Equality
Branched of congress that launched the freedom Movement, Freedom rides.
Freedom Summer
In 1964, Lead to the campaign by the MFDP, but was a historic summer college students launched a voter registration drive in Mississippi.
Mississippi Freedom Democratic Party
Campaign that participated in the 1964 DNC, where Black peoples, unallowed to participate in activities of the Democratic Party, used this as the voice
1964 Civil rights Act
Prohibition of descrimination in employment, insitutions (hospitals and schools), and public accomodations.
1965 Voting rights Act
After violent response to peaceful protest lead by Dr. King, the Federal Gov't finally passed this act and the 24th amendment. Securing the votes for Blacks.
Bull Connor
Police Chief of Birmingham, AL, and racist Bastard who unleashed a violent force of high pressured water hoses, dogs, and night sticks on protesters in 1963
Hart-Cellar Act (Immigration
act of 1965)
Legislation that abandoned the national origins quota system, establishing a new criteria for immigration.
The Great Society
A response to prosperity, Initiative that provided health services to the poor and elderly , and poor federal funds into education and urban development. This expanded the powers of the Gov't.
Student for a Democratic Society
inspired by Students protesters who, deemed radical, sought alternative lifestyles, un accoustomed to America Society.
Gulf of Tonkin Resolution
an authorization by congress, given to Johnson to to take "all neccessary measures to repel armed attack. Similar to a declaration of war.
Tet Offensive
the offensive attack by the Viet Cong in Southern Vietamese cities. This attack led to the shattered confidence in Johnson.
Silent Majority
Ordinary americans who believed that change has gone too far. Renewed commitment to "law and order".
the economic crisis in the early 1970's where, inflation and economic growth both occurred.
Kellogg-Brian Pact
Representatives of sixty two nations in 1928 signed the pact to outlaw war.
Social Security Act
Created the Social security system with provisions for a retirement pension, unemployment insurance, disability insurance, and public assistance.
Wagner Act
regulation of employment and bargaining prices in 1935