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34 Cards in this Set

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Indian Reorganization Act
Repeals Dawes Severalty Act. Re-institutes reservation system. Alleviates poverty & suffering for Native Americans, though not all Native Americans liked it.
Social Security Act
One of FDR's most enduring legacies. We were one of the few industrialized countries which didn't have a system in place. Provides for old age pensions through a tax on working people. Disability insurance. Social Welfare Safety act. Helps the needy. Critics say it's not enough.
National Labor Relations Act (Wagner Act)
Creates NLR board. Guarantees collective bargaining for unions. Outlaws company unions.
SIGNIFICANT because it revitalizes labor leading to permanent changes in the labor management relationship.
Executive Order 9066
Issued by FDR. States that anyone of Japanese descent had to report to a relocation center to be relocated to a concentration camp. Doesn't apply to east coast -- mostly Oregon, Washington, California. Goal was to avoid sabotage. 120,000 relocated. 2/3 are Nisei - people of Japanese descent born in the US (citizens). In 1943, Nisei can get out if they sign pledge of loyalty and move away from the west coast. 13,000 join American army. 5,000 try to go to Japan.
Supreme Court rules by 6-3 decision that this order was ok & constitutional.
George Kennan - United States policy using numerous strategies to prevent the spread of communism abroad. A component of the Cold War, this policy was a response to a series of moves by the Soviet Union to enlarge communist influence in Eastern Europe, China, Korea, and Vietnam.
Truman Doctrine
Seeks to assert US authority & take Britain's place. The US will support free peoples who are resisting communism.
Specifically supporting Greece and Turkey to prevent them from falling into the Soviet sphere.
SIGNIFICANT because it was the start of the containment policy to stop Soviet expansion.
Marshall Plan
American will send (over 4 years) 17 billion dollars in aid to Europe (lots to American companies in Europe). Industry began to come back. People are doing better, so containment is easier.
North Atlantic Treaty Organization
Military alliance (which still exists today) among most of Western Europe, US, & Canada. Senate approves. Guarantees troops will be stationed in Europe.
SIGNIFICANT because by putting troops in Europe, America is promising Europe that they will protect them from Soviet Union. In exchange, America gets the guarantee that Western Europe won't become communist.
National Security Act
Department of Defense - unifies the military
C.I.A. - coordinates spying & intelligence gathering
National Security Council - advises the president
SIGNIFICANCE: It was a central document in U.S. Cold War policy and reflected the nation’s acceptance of its position as a world leader.
Truman is convinced by Acheson to build the hydrogen bomb. Assumes Soviet Union seeks to exert its power over world. Rejects appeasement or isolation when it comes to dealing w/Soviet Union. America must build an overwhelming military superiority & roll back communism wherever it is ("super" containment).
SIGNIFICANCE: This is American foreign policy for many years to come. Drastically increases military budget. Truman will win war regardless of cost.
Taft-Hartley Act
Allows the President to order strikers back to work. Limits the power of unions.
SIGNIFICANT because it limits the power of unions & is one of the first pieces of legislation which pushes back against the New Deal.
The Highway Act
Creates the modern interstate highway system.
SIGNIFICANT because it leads to an interconnectedness socially & economically throughout America.
Interposition & Nullification
Interposition: a state may oppose any federal action it believes encroaches on its power
Nullification: a state refusing to enforce a federal law on Constitutional grounds.
SIGNIFICANCE: Brown v. Board of Education trial, where the Supreme Court declared that racial segregation in public schools violated the Equal Protection clause of the 14th Amendment. In response to this case, State legislatures from Alabama, Georgia, Mississippi, South Carolina, and Virginia adopted resolutions of "interposition and nullification," where they could oppose the ruling and refuse to enforce the desegregation of public schools.
Freedom Summer
Just had success of civil rights act -- need to stay in public eye. Goal is to descend on rural south & register blacks to vote. Spearheaded by SNCC & CORE. Focused on Mississippi. College kids go door to door and are met with countless acts of violence. 3 kids are kidnapped & brutally murdered. Does register quite a few voters.
SIGNIFICANCE: because of violence, backlash, movement stays in public eye & agenda.
Bay of Pigs
Kennedy approves the CIA to get involved w/Cuban exiles living in South Florida. Plan is to support their landing w/military. Kennedy does not give enough support, Castro is ready, half the people are killed.
Massive embarrassment for CIA & Kennedy administration. Starts blockade against Cuba.
Cuban Missile Crisis
Khrushchev was developing missiles in Cuba that could strike America (because America had missiles in Turkey). Kennedy starts naval blockade to stop ships from Russia to Cuba. Kennedy says if nuclear weapons are ever on Cuba, we will respond. Khrushchev stops ships, tells Kennedy Soviets will remove missiles from Cuba as long as America won't invade Cuba. Also asks US to remove missiles in Turkey. Great foreign policy victory for JFK.
SIGNIFICANCE: World was never closer to world war (III). Right before midterm elections, pride & popularity for JFK soars. Moderating effect - both sides realise we came too close to nuclear holocaust. New direct phone line.
Free Speech Movement
Begins in Berkeley. Students start to be come activists. In disruption academic institutions, they demonstrate on behalf of those seeking civil rights. They resent being controlled by the older generation. Reject the idea that $ is everything -- affluence = happiness. Students for a Democratic Society seeks to rid society of poverty, racism, & violence. Grows rapidly - representation on 1,000 college campuses.
SIGNIFICANCE: A rejection of the role of universities as a substitute parent. Students are now adults and treated like "real people".
SALT treaties
Strategic Arms Limitation Talks
SALT I - 1969
Led to the Anti-Ballistic Missile Treaty and an interim agreement between the two powers.
SALT II - 1979
First nuclear arms treaty which assumed real reductions in strategic forces to 2,250 of all categories of delivery vehicles on both sides. Banned new missile programs.
SIGNIFICANCE: marks a symbolic first step toward the control of nuclear arms by peaceful means.
"Plumbers" sneak into Democrat headquarters. Listen in. Nixon is a control freak. Thinks there are leaks to the press from within his circles. Five are arrested. Nixon immediately tries to distance himself from group. John Dean later admits he was working under the direction of Nixon. Senate (w/Supreme Court) subpoenas White House Tapes. A house committee is formed to decide on impeachment. Nixon resigns. Only president to do so.
SIGNIFICANCE: Demonstrates what a great power presidency had become. Demonstrates vitality of policies - no-one is above the law. People go from believing the government to not.
Roe v Wade
Ruled unconstitutional a state law that banned abortions except to save the life of the mother.
SIGNIFICANCE: This social issue is pushed into political debate. Establishes the right to choose, symbolizes equality to men.
People are gathered outside the club. Cops came to stop people, people responded by throwing things at them. Next night, 400 cops return. 2,000 protesters are there. Riot ensues.
SIGNIFICANCE: First time a large gay movement refuses to be victimized by establishment. Begins modern gay rights movement. Parallels black rights movement. Embrace who you are. Achieves the overturning of criminalization of gay acts in many states. Persuades Democratic party to adopt their case. American Psychiatric Association de-classifies being gay as a psychiatric disorder.
Camp David Accords
Carter invites leader of Egypt & Israel to Camp David (in MD) & brokers a deal where Egypt recognises Israel's right to exist. Treaty. Egypt gets Sinai peninsula back.
SIGNIFICANCE: reunion between Egyptians & Israelis, settling dispute. First step to solving Palestinian problem. Victory for Carter.
Iran-Contra Affair
Reagan wanted to send $ to Contras. Can't by law. Sends people to talk to Iranians. Sells weapons to Iranians, puts the $ in Swiss bank account for Contras in Nicaragua. Denies knowing about this. When everyone finds out, Congress flips out. Illegal to sell to Iranians, etc. White House is initially terrified. Reagan denies everything. Oliver North blamed for all of it. Illegalities: Arms Shipments, Diversion of Funds. Investigation convicts 11 people, but Bush pardons them all.
SIGNIFICANCE: Shows continued corruption in the government. Smudge on Reagan administration's record. Shows to what lengths the US government would go to fight communism.
Gulf of Tonkin Resolution
US says North Vietnamese ships fired & attacked. Probably not true, but it leads Johnson to ask for resolution. It provided the president with a virtual blank-check to overtly enter into the Vietnam War.
Sandra Day O'Connor
1981 appointed by Reagan.
First female Supreme Court judge.
The New Frontier
Label for Kennedy administration's programs. He wants to stimulate the economy. Succeeds mostly through increasing defense budget & by challenging Americans to put a man on the moon by the end of the decade.
LBJ's Great Society
Replaces the New Frontier. LBJ had spent almost 30 years in Congress. Encyclopaedic memory. Good at building consensus across party lines. Johnson begins to focus on poverty-stricken Americans & end vicious cycles. Starts Head Start, daycare centers, consumer education centers. Cuts 10 mi people from poverty ranks. Medicare, Medicaid...
Lorena Hicock
Close friend of Eleanor Roosevelt. Worked for the Federal Emergency Relief Administration. Toured the country and gathered information.
Charles Lindberg
Flies across the Atlantic, solo, non-stop. Takes off from small field. Can't see out of the front of the plane. Iconically American. Had jumped out of planes 3 times when he couldn't land them.
Harlem Renaissance
Jazz, blues, music that describes their plight & history. NAACP moves headquarters to Harlem. Anti-consumerist, corporations, conformity. Art for Art's Sake.
SIGNIFICANCE: had an enduring effect on later black writers and paved the way for many black artists.
Immigration Act
Restricts future immigration to 2% of that nation's population in America in 1890. Aimed at cutting off immigration from Southern & Eastern Europe. Severely limits Asian immigration. Allows nearly unlimited Latin immigration.
SIGNIFICANCE: symbolism of rural counterattack, racist attitudes. Remains primary immigration law until 1965.
Tet Offensive
Early in the morning, North Vietnamese troops and Viet Cong forces attacked both towns and cities in South Vietnam, breaking the ceasefire that had been called for the Vietnamese holiday of Tet (the lunar new year).
Takes America by surprise.
SIGNIFICANCE: Demonstrates how futile the war was. After Tet, American people turn against the war. Johnson announces he will not seek re-election.
Father Coughlin
Argues FDR isn't doing enough. Originally supported the New Deal. Radio show listened to by 30 mi people. Says FDR is funneling $ into big business owned by the wealthy. Calls for nationalization of banks & flooding of $ supply. FDR calls his bosses, Coughlin is called back to Rome.
First satellite to orbit the earth. Khrushchev says, "We will bury you, your grandchildren, under Communism."
Eisenhower responds by funneling $ into military & prolonging arms race.