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38 Cards in this Set

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Paterson Silk Strike
Increased from 2 looms to 4 but with no increase in pay
Manifest Destiny
US expanded westward to teh pacific ocean and into Mexican Territory
Chinese Exclusion Act
Prohibited all Chinese except students teachers merchants tourists and government officials from entering the US
Favoring the interests of native born people over foreign people
Minority Groups adopted of the beleifs and ways of life of the dominate culture
a city neighborhood in which a certain minority group is pressured or forced to live
Yellow Journalism
Use of sensational and exaggerated reporting by newspapers or magizines to attract readers.
Policy of extending a nations authority or other countries by econmic, political or military means
William H Taft
President at the start of the Paterson Silk Strike
Upton Sinclair
Mukraking Journalist... Wrote the Jungle
Zimmerman Note
Message sent in 1917 by the German Foreign Minster to the Ambassitory in mexico Proposing German Mexican Alliance and prounounces to help Mexico region Tx Nm AZ in the US
One of the magazine journalists who exposed the corupt side of buisness and public life in teh early 1900's
Pure food and Drug Act
Law enacted in 1906 to hault the sale of Contaminated foods and drugs and to ensure truth in labelings
People who beleived everyone had a voice in the government
Cornelius Vanderbit
Supplier of all the Railroads
modification of the culture of a group or individual as a result of contact with a different culture
William McKinley
Spanish-American War (1898), the annexation of Cuba and the Philippines, an open-door policy with China,
Antitrust legislation
law intended to promote free competition in the market place by outlawing monopolies
Lincoln Steffen's
American journalist. As managing editor of McClure's Magazine (1902-1906), he exposed governmental corruption in a series of articles, thereby inaugurating the era of muckraking journalism.
Sinclair Lewis
American novelist who satirized middle-class America in his 22 works
Emma Lazarus
American writer. Her poem “The New Colossus” is inscribed on the base of the Statue of Liberty in Upper New York Bay.
We think we have an obligation to do so
Russian Revolution
period of civil war which ended in victory for the Bolsheviks in 1922
Triple Entente
Great Britian, France, Russia, Serbia, Italy
An ancient region and Roman province of the Iberian Peninsula. It corresponded roughly to modern-day Portugal.
Versailles Treaty
Peace Treaty end of WW1 established new nation borders and war reps.
War Reparations
The act or process of repairing or the condition of being repaired.
League of Nations
promote international cooperation and peace
Andrew Carnegie
amassed a fortune in the steel industry and donated millions of dollars for the benefit of the public.
Henry Ford
American automobile manufacturer who developed a gasoline-powered automobile
The Gospel of Wealth
essay written by industrialist Andrew Carnegie in 1889 that described the responsibility of philanthropy of the new upper class of self-made monopolists
Henry Clay Frick
United States industrialist who amassed a fortune in the steel industry
Cornelius Vanderbilt
United States financier who accumulated great wealth from railroad and shipping businesses
Theodore Roosevelt
hero of the Spanish-American War; Panama Canal was built during his administration;
Woodrow Wilson
led the United States in World War I and secured the formation of the League of Nations
Grover Cleveland
The 22nd and 24th President of the United States
Warren Harding
29th President of the United States;
Benjamin Harrison
The first Pan-American Conference took place (1889) during his administration.