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62 Cards in this Set

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what are the 5 themes of geography?
Location: relative location by comparason, excat location base on long/lat Place: physical and human characteristics, culture, stores, rivers, landmarks, plants and animals Interaction: how perople change the world around them, polution, destruction, urbanization, ect. Movement: people migrate from place to place, trade, ideas, interdependence Region: a place with unifying characteristics, land forms, climate, cultural/political/economical features
what are the kinds of maps and what do they distort?
peters projection- South America and Africa
mercator projection- poles
robinson projection- edges
interrupted projection- oceans
what are the basic economic systems and how do they work?
traditional economy: people produce most of what they need to survive
market economy: individuals answer the basic economic questions by buying and selling goods and services command economy: governments control what goods are produced
mixed economy: individuals and government makes economical decisions
What are the 8 characteristics of civilization?
specialized jobs, government, religion, social class, record keeping, arts, literature, language
negative affect of tropical weather?
disease, bugs, heat, predators, bad for farming, ect.
characteristics of ancient egypt?
Egyptian government: pharaoh is leader, preists and nobles help rule, Egyptian religion: polytheistic (Amon Re is sun god), life after death, built pyramids, tombs, ect., pharaoh is a god Egyptian society: farmers, worked for pharaohs, social pyramids are rigid
common beliefs in African religions?
Most African religions were monotheistic and told myths about moral truths. They honored their ancestors and said prayers and rituals. Every object is filled with a living spirit.
why did Africans participate in the slave trade?
to get guns and money
motives for imperialism?
political, economical, religious, exploratory, ideological
why did Africans have a hard time building unity after independence?
They had no experience of ruling themselves and tribes could not agree on anything.
when did most countries in Africa gain independence and how did WWII and the Cold War help decolonization?
WWII and the Cold War both weakened the European powers in Africa so that the native peoples had an opportunity to rise up. Most became independent from 1945-1965, however some became freed after and South Africa, Ethiopia, Egypt, and Liberia came before.
3 effects of colonial rule in African nations?
Desire for technology, Infrastructure, and economic struggle.
problems caused by Africa's rapid population growth
Population growth in Africa is a problem because there is not enough resources to provide for a growing population.
African attitudes toward westernization
Africans enjoyed the technology westernization, but didn’t want their traditional culture to change.
characteristics of African religions in 1980
In 1980 a religious revival came and called for a strict obedience to the Koran and traditional Isamic law. In the 1990 Christian groups integrated traditional African beliefs and formed a new church.
African Union (AU)
The African Union (AU) promoted good government and human rights and tried to attract foreign investment.
nonalignment in the cold war
nonalignment: did not favor any side during the Cold War
which European colonies colonized South Africa who came first/second?
first Netherlands then Britian
Boer War, causes and consequences
The Dutch had control over South Africa and forced the Zulu’s into slavery. When Britian conquered the area and tried to end slavery, the Dutch retreated north and made the Orange free state and the Transvaal. After much Dutch/Zulu fighting the British interfere and put an end to the Zulu’s.
homelands/bantustans: areas where certain groups were assigned to live
which European countries are located on a peninsula?
Norway, Sweden, Finland, Spain, Portugal, Italy, and Greece
what are the characteristics of Athenian democracy?
All citizens participated in the government. The Athenians held an assembly where all free Athenian men could go to discuss and vote on certain topics or issues. The citizens had a right AND a duty to participate in the government.
Plato's view of government
Plato’s ideal government was based on justice for all. He rejected democracy because it condemned his teacher, Socrates, to death. He wanted philosophers to rule as kings (go figure.)
influence of Alexander the Great on Greek culture
Alexander the Great united Greece and spread Greek culture to all of the many lands he conquered.
characteristic of Roman empire in the first 200 years
In its early years Rome was a limited democracy republic. It had the same voting rules as Greece. The senate and assembly made the laws. They struggled against neighbors, and their values were shaped. They put emphasis on duty, sacrifice, and patriotism. It developed a strong army and conquered all of Italy, and some of North Africa, Spain, and Greece.
major contributions of Roman civilization
causes of Rome's decline?
Decline of Rome: powerful leaders competed for the throne, civil war was frequent, disrupted trade, weak economy, outside invaders, ect.
feudalism: system of rule by local lords who were bound to a king by ties of loyalty.
effects of black death:
The bubonic plague killed 1/3 of the people in Europe ~25 million people! It also contributed to economic downfall and weakened serfdom
what time period did renaissance artists look to for inspiration?
The looked to ancient Greece and Rome for inspiration
causes of the Protestant Reformation
The main causes of the Protestant Reformation was the excessive spending of the church to build palaces/temples/ect. and especially the selling of indulgences.
common feature of the scientific revolution and enlightenment
The common feature between the scientific revolution and the enlightenment was innovative thinking.
ideas of John Locke
John Locke: English philosopher, wrote Two Treatises on Government about ideas of the enlightenment, “government=contract between ruler and the ruled”, natural rights to life, liberty, and property, “rulers should stay in power only if they have the consent of those being governed.
ideas of Jean-Jacques Rousseau
Jean-Jacques Rousseau: people are born equal, opposed rank and nobility, thought government belonged to the people
why did the French estates met in 1789?
The Estates General met to discuss the 3 estates of France (clergy, nobles, working class)
who belonged to the three estates of France?
1st Estate: Clergy 2nd Estate: Nobles 3rd Estate: Working Class
type of government France had at the end of the revolution?
what was the Reform Bill of 1832
Reform Bill of 1832 extended franchise (right to vote) to all middle-class men.
Howard Zinn's perspective on Columbus
Columbus was a bad man and he:
wanted to convert indians
was desperate for gold
is selfish
steals from indians
treats indians poorly
is mean to his crew
Treaty of Tordesillas
67. The Treaty of Tordesillas drew a line of demarcation that ran from north to south given Spain all the non-Christian lands to the west of the line, and Portugal all the land to the east.
effects of European conquest of Latin Americans
The Europeans took over the natives lands and took their resources and sent them to their parent country. They also enslaved the natives, taking them away from their homes and forcing them to work. They also converted the indigenous to Christianity.
why were Africans brought to Latin America
They started using African slaves because they had already established claims in Africa and had already had African slaves when the Eastern Europe slave trade was cut off. To replace them, the simply sent the slaves they owned in Africa to the Americas.
donatario: land owners of large pieces of Brazilian lands. They were lords.
Columbian exchange
The Columbian exchange was the global exchange of people, goods, and ideas. Plants, animals and knowledge went into America from Europe and Africa and from America, goods were returned.
peninsular: highest class, officials sent from Spain to rule the colonies
creole: ranked below the peninsulars, American-born descendants of Spanish settlers
mestizo: much lower than the peninsulars and creoles, people of mixed Indian and European descent
patterns of life in colonial America
Religion: Christianity, church was very powerful
Family: patriarchal, Padrinos (godparents) play important roles-made sure godchildren recieved proper religious instruction
Life: in cities or in countryside haceindas
role of the Catholic church in Latin America
At first they provided a safe haven for the natives, but soon after they wanted to convert the natives so badly that they practically burned their religion to the ground (temples, books, ect.). They built missions, but believed other native religions were EVIL ☹.
A hacendo is a landlord who ruled his estate with a firm hand. They wanted to keep natives in debt in order to maintiain a steady work force.
peon: Indians or mestizo who were forced to work for someone else to pay off debt
causes of the Haitian revolution
The Haitian revolution was caused by the enslaving of Haitian people.
why did Mexico's first attempt at independence fail?
The first Mexican revolution failed because the creoles became frightened and withheld their support from the rebels, which caused the rebels to retreat.
consequences of the Latin American revolutions
The consequences of the revolutions were the Latin American countries becoming free to rule themselves.
Characteristics of Latin American politics in the 1800
In the 1800s many Latin American countries had dictatorships.
Why did Latin American republics became dictatorships after independence?
Because many native groups rivaled each other, wars broke out. From the wars came new caudillos or dictators.
characteristics of Latin America in the 1960/70s
there was social inequality and economic hardship, reforms
coup d'etat
a revolt usually by military leaders against a nation's government
the governments own and operate major businesses and controls other parts of the economy
important feature in many Latin American economies in the 20th century
economic nationalism
effects of the Cuban revolution
thousands of Cubans fled their homelands, US imposed an embargo on Cuba, hurt economy
message of the Fruit company poem is:
hatred of imperial power in central america because of their taking the natives for slaves and taking their lands