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76 Cards in this Set

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Why is Plato significant to psych?
Greek Philosopher
correct knowledge preexisting & discover it through reasoning
perception & imagination die
Why is Aristotle significant to psych?
Pre-systematic Psych
-rejects Plato & says that higher cognitive powers come from sensation & knowledge not pre-existing
-1st steps toward scientific method
- arts are cathartic
Why is Avicenna sig to psych?
-sim to Aristotle & plato b/c soul sep from body
- self was the primary idea of soul
Why is Averroes sig to psych?
-truth is from reason, not faith
-taxonomy of intellect
- humans share collective intellect → Jung
Why is Descartes sig to psych?
-mind separate from body & nonphysical like Plato; 2 diff clocks
Why is Spinoza sig to psych?
-theory of emotionality
- 3 joys (joy, sorrow, desire) & 48 emotional states --> understand them & you have control
Why is Leibniz significant in Psych?
-1st appearance of notion of unconsciousness
Why is Hobbes Sig in Psych?
- British Empiricist
- rejects non-material soul/mind & innate ideas
- 1st to say mind’s contents begin w/sensory impressions
Why is Locke sig in Psych?
-refuted plato & Descartes innate ideas -> tabula rasa
-ideas of sensation & ideas of reflection
-objects have primary (objectively exist) & secondary (subjective) qualities
- learning is through association
Why is Berkeley a sig figure in Psych?
-to be is to be perceived
-against locke’s prim/secondary qualities
-uni created by our perception of it, early theory of vision that we learn visual perceptions through trial and error
Why is Hume so imp in Psych?
theory of emotionality & the passions
- criticized Descartes
- distinction btwn impressions and ideas but can’t define between mental contents and objective world
- nature of causality led to scientific method b/c said empiricistic method of observation couldn’t establish that one thing causes another
Who were the Charlatans who snuck in after Kant's Idealism snuffed psych?
Mesmer (magnet therapy & hypnotism) & Gall (phrenology)
Who was Weber? Why is he so dang huge?
JND & Weber’s Law linked physical & mental
What about Fechner? What did he contribute? What movement?
-formal start of experimental psych
- threshold, dispelled Kant
Who was Peirce? What did he establish?
-inductive, deductive, hypothesis testing
What about von Helmholtz?
color & eye
What was up with Wundt?
- study of consciousness said it organized its own contents
-focused on immediate experience & studied consciousness
-Tridimensional Theory of Feelings – pleasure/displeasure, tension/relaxation, excitement/depression and all combined are apperception
Titchener - what was his structural bend?
-progenitor of American psych
-had ppl pay attention to elementary sensations & found 44,000
James - who struct a match under him to make him so fun?
-stream of consciousness
- pragmatist & said that anything is true if it works
- emotions caused by physio responses → James-Lange theory of emotion
What was Dewey's function in psych?
est’d U of C
- consciousness produces correct bx for context so org will survive
What did Angell add to the fun?
Dewey’s student
-made school successful
-wrote “psychology” & said it was study of mental operations & functions
Who mustered up forensic?
Did the kids like the Cat-tell?
Was Witmer witty in session?
Hope the kids liked study Hall!
Did Triplett go for the tri?
How strong IS Scott?
cattell-mental tests kids
Hall - child study movement
Tripless - sports psych
Witmer - clinical psych
Scott - industrial/org psych
Thorndike - he may have been fun, but damn was he moody!
-puzzle box, law of effect, law of exercise (rev of effect), spread of effect
-referred to theory as connectivism
-operant conditioning
What's up w/Pavlov's animal cruelty?
Watson - behavior speaks volumes
blank slate so called for bxism to control it
-conditioned emotional reaction w/little Albert
Mary Cover Jones - whose ass did she cover?
direct conditioning to systematically desensitize peter from fearing rabbit
Skinner - talk about a punishment!
-reinforcement/punishment, operant/respondent
-teaching machine & aircrib
Bandura - bx pissed his social cognition off
critic of bx
- social cognitive theory -> modeling b/c of emotion reinforcement, “self-efficacy
Rotter - control plotter
internal/external locus of control
- learned in childhood
- how much control we think we have impacts effectiveness of C-R contingencies
Psychoanalysis - Breuer and Freud
Breuer (talking cure)
Freud (topo – uncon, precon, con; structural – id, ego, supergo)
What did Adler add?
indi psych; creative self, style of life, and superiority
Jung - talk about an ego obsession!
ego holds conscious mind & persona; 4 functions of consciousness – thinking, feeling, sensation, intuition; most of complexes exist in personal unconscious; collective has the archetypes; individuation is growth process
Who borrowed from Cover and established Behavior Therapy?
Wolpe (based off Jones’ work → Progressive Muscle Relaxation); later ppl add bx rehearsal, aversion therapy
Gestalt - what were those illusionists up to?
(Wertheimer, koffka, kohler; trial & error) – Wertheimer (phi phenomenon; invalidates associationist, reductionist psych), Koffka, Kohler (puzzles for apes making them strategize to show trial & error
Humanism - 3rd...what?!?
3rd force after psychoanalysis & behaviorism; conscious experience, free will of indi; influ by Adler; Maslow, Rogers)
Existential (Maslow, Yalom, May)
- assumes ppl need guidance & to instill hardiness in client to keep them from choosing the past as they need to escape “ontological guilt”; focuses on the now
Gestalt Therapy - Perl of a guy!
Fritz Perls; each indi can assume responsibility for own thought/feelings & when they do they get closure & wholeness; personality involves battle btwn slef & self image
reaction to psychoanalysis
CBT - but Ellis had the ABCs
Ellis (Rational Emotive Therapy; therapist plays harsh role to confront illocal beliefs; Activating Events, Maladaptive Belief, Consequential Emotional Reaction – ABC),
Beck (psychotherapy would work faster if it challenged thoughts; nicer; had client reach conclusions; hwk)
Schema Therapy
Schema Therapy - places greater emph on therapeutic relationship than standard CBT & focuses more on changing the circular process that has led them astray by changing the schema. Young started by modeling off Beck’s schema
Object Relations Therapy
Klein; Fairbairn, Winnicott;
-from Freudian & primacy of relationships in personality
-internal relationships with mental reps of others “objects”
Klein may have leined towards Freud, but she had her eye on the Object
death instincts
- fantasy is necessary
-baby is paranoid-schizoid before graduating to depressive
- part object/good object/bad object/whole object → it all stems from blending realities,
Fairbairn had a fair number of egos
1st true model w/a self that is formed from external others & relationship
-rejects Freud’s energy divides & gives ego its own energy
-central ego (real ppl/outside world), libidinal ego (loving response to good), antilibidinal ego (needy formed out of bad objects & fights the libidinal like superego fights ego
-pathologies from internalized bad objects
Winnicott's wasn't held enough as a baby
-good enough mother
-holding environment
- primary maternal occupation
-criticized Klein’s failure to account for bad mothering
-me vs not-me until sense of true self comes from attention; not enough means a false self
Self Psychology
- like object relations b/c relationships more imp than internal drives but diff b/c sense of self is more imp to personality dvlpmnt
-minor trauma nec for healthy personality dvlpmnt
Kohut - what was his Self ID?
started Freudian then Self Psych
-narcissism is normal unless severe
"idealizing transference" & "mirroring transference" b/c see therapist as "selfobject" to make up for making up for nuclear self by picking a grandiose self
-infants adapt through transmuting internalization
-empathetic therapist
Structuralism & Psych
structure of language produces “reality”; deterministic philosophical system; created by Claude Strauss Levi
criticizes structuralism
-texts don’t necessarily reflect “truth” - need to “deconstruct” to discover the important meanings that had been excluded from the texts.
-rejects modernity from Descartes to Derrida; embrace discontinuity
-modernism undermines human freedom (Gergen, Ethnocentric, Feminist)
Gergen - what was his social construction?
creates Social Constructionist; said scientific method is dysfunctional; define ourselves through others
"I am linked therefore I am"
Social Constructionism
argues that all human knowledge and awareness are the product of social processes. Likens the traditional stance of the psychotherapist to that of colonial;
-Gergen & I am linked therefore I am
Narrative Therapy
also considered to be a postmodern psychotherapy
- created by Michael White
-stories are the medium of life experience but are also arbitrary and selective
- focuses on helping clients re-author their stories to improve their human interactions
Ethnocentric Psychology
Afrocentric psych; suggests particular racial/ethnocultural gp needs a psych by & for itself
Leopold Senghor;
Feminist Psychology
acknowledge power diff in therapist-client relationship; power w/ vs power over
Stone Center writers & Relational Theory
related to object relations; e-emph unconsciousness & says human interactions broken into experiences of connection & disconnection
-connection produces growth
Theory of Emotions
Joy + Desire + Sorrow --> 48 states
Know 'em and you control 'em

Theory of Vision
We learn depth, distance, etc through trial & error

Theory of Causality
Can't assume cause from observation

Tridimensional Theory of Feelings
pleasure/displeasure, tension/relaxation, excitement/depression and all combined are apperception

Law of Effect
Law of Exercise
Spread of effect

effect --> do it to get response
exercise --> stop & response will
Spread --> connect
Social Cognitive Theory

modeling b/c of emotion reinforcement
4 Functions of Consciousness
thinking, feeling, sensation, intuition
Who influenced Jung?
Progressive Muscle Relaxation
Wolpe based this behavioral therapy off of Mary Cover Jones' findings
Mary Cover Jones
Wolpe (behavior therapy)
Hobbes (associationist)
dewey (taught angell)
Object Relations
Narrative - white
social constructionism
Self psychology
von helmholtz
behavioral therapy (wolpe)
RET (ellis)
CBT (beck)
Schema (young)
gestalt psychology
wertheimer, koffka, kohler; reductionist response to behaviorism; trial & error