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52 Cards in this Set

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James K. Polk
The democratic candidate for the Presidential Election of 1844. He is an advocate for slavery and expansion through Manifest Destiny. He annex Texas, causing the Mexican War of 1846.
Zachary Taylor
is responsible for clearing out Texas. He wins the 1848 Presidential Election. However, he doesn't have any interest in expanding slavery or supporting the Compromise of 1850.
Winfield Scott
Leads the assault on Central Mexico in September of 1846.
Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo 1848
America paid $15million to Mexico and assumed their debt to it's citizens for the surrender of California/New Mexico and recognition of the Southern boundary of Texas be the Rio Grande.
Wilmot Proviso
an anti-slavery democrat who proposes Free Soil-ism in the new acquired Mexican territory but it doesn't get passed the senate.
Compromise of 1850
A. C.A. enters Union as a Free state
B. territories have "popular sovereignty"
C. bands the slave trade in the nations capital
D. enacts the Fugitive Slave Act, requires federal govt to send fugitive slaves back to the south.
Oregon Treaty
issue between Great Britain and America over the boundary line of the Louisiana Territory. Declared line at the 49th parallel.
Webster-Ashburton Treaty of 1842
Webster is Secretary of State who negotiated boundaries lines for the territory between Maine and New Brunswick.
Republic of Texas 1836-1845
The period after Texas gained independence from Mexico, they approved slavery and was getting ready for annexation.
Millard Fillmore
a Whig who replaces Zachary Taylor as President and signs the bills that passes the Compromise of 1850. He also sent Commodore Perry to Japan to establish a trade treaty and safe passage for ship wreckers.
Franklin Pierce 1853-1857
Sends Commodore Perry back to Japan in 1853 with more ships, weapons and machines which causes Japan to become determined to update on technology.
American "No-Nothing" Party
are Nativist, anti-Catholic and immigration. They wanted to restrict political influence and require citizenship.
Kansas-Nebraska Act of 1854
opened up new territory to slavery and lead to the collapse of the Whig Party who were replaced by Republicans.
James Buchanan 1857-1861
President Buchanan won the Election of 1856, he was a hero of the Mexican War and an abolitionist.
Dred Scott Vs. Sanford
famous Supreme Court Case that ruled all blacks/slaves as not citizens of America, declared slavery legal everywhere and declared past laws, i.e. Missouri Compromise, unconstitutional.
John Brown
starts an anti-slavery rebellion at Harpers Ferry, seizes the town and its weapons but are eventually stopped by the town's people/military force. Brown was put to trial and was executed.
Secession Crisis of 1860-1861
states (usually Southern States) decided to leave the Union to form their own, pro-slavery, government
Crittenden Compromise of 1860-1861
Senator Crittenden of a border State proposed a compromise where a line be drawn in C.A. and the people be left to decided on the issue of slavery. It was debated in Congress before failing.
popular sovereignty
by popular vote, the people decide if they want their territory to allow slavery or not
Matthew Perry
a.k.a. Commodore Perry who was sent to Japan to establish a trade treaty and safe passage for ship wreckers. He failed the first time but was successful the 2nd voyage around.
Jefferson Davis
a civilian leader who was arrested and held for 2years in solitude but never charged with anything.
a term given to people who lived in the North but supported the Southern Cause.
Ft. Sumter
Lincoln decided to send Fort Sumter some supplies but before they got there, Confederates attacked. The first shot at Ft. Sumter started the war between the North/South.
Ulysses S. Grant
was a famous General in Lincoln's army and later became President of the United States. His Administration had a lot of corruption within it. His farewell address took the form of an apology.
John Breckinridge 1860
In the Election of 1860 Breckinridge was nominated for the Southern Democratic Party and won most of the South's popular vote.
Stephen Douglas
Northern Democratic candidate that had the second most popular votes in the Election of 1860.
Lincoln-Douglas Debates
Famous Presidential Debates between Republican Lincoln and Northern Democrat Douglas. These debates were proposed to win votes and show off each candidate's style. Douglas won.
George McClellan
was Lincoln's opponent in the Election of 1864. He was also a General that was replaced twice. He believed in immediately stopping the war, assuming that he might of negotiated instead of taking total victory during the civil war.
Robert E. Lee
was a famous General for the Confederates. He was the last strong hold and surrendered in 1865. But this doesn't mean the war was over because many men kept fighting until the summer.
Emancipation Proclamation
Lincoln tries to entice the South to give up the Civil War by promising them their slaves when the North win if they submit to the Union early. But originally the E.P. freed nobody and its main object was to restore the union.
was a prison camp run by Capt. Henry Wirz. Due to lack of good health and crowdedness, many POW's died. Refused to help POW's and fined anyone else who tried.
William T. Sherman
General Sherman, for Lincoln, exercised Total War, destroying everything in his path, as to not provide for the enemy. Marches through Georgia and then South Carolina leaving nothing but chimneys. Attacked civilian lives.
Harriet Beecher Stowe
she wrote Uncle Tom's Cabin in 1852 which stirred Northern/Southern conflicts over slavery. Her book addressed issues and questioned who said it was right to enslave others.
draft riots
in N.Y. men rioted the draft, claiming it wasn't fair that they couldn't pay the fee for getting out of serving time in the war and wealthier men could. The military suppressed the mob but not until after many homes, shops and buildings were destroyed.
The court house where General Lee and General Grant met to surrender the Confederate army.
John Wilkes Booth
is the man who assassinated President Lincoln. He was killed in a fire and believed in Southern causes.
Gettysburg was a huge battle in the C.W. where many people died. It brings down Confederate numbers and changes the outcome of the war.
was the last Confederate strong hold on the Mississippi River. after the battle was won, it gave control of the Mississippi to the Union.
Abraham Lincoln
President of the United States who tried to restore the Union by any means necessary.
Reconstruction Acts
First act took the Confederacy and divided it into 4 sections, each controlled by a General to ensure Civil Rights be protected at all times at all means but it proved unworkable and Southerns resisted.
Andrew Johnson
Lincoln's Vice President and Successor after he was murdered. He resisted the Republican initiative, leading up to his impeachment.
Radical Republicans
Included blacks (mostly previous slaves), Southern Unionist and previous Northerners who took up residence in the South.
Wade-Davis Bill
wanted the people in the South to sign a loyalty oath before being allowed to vote and it still refused ex-Confederates to hold office. President Lincoln vetoed the bill in 1864.
13th Amendment
Abolished Slavery in the United States and all it's territories.
14th Amendment
Gave blacks and former slaves citizenship if they were born in the United States. It equalized rights and gave dual process.
15th Amendment
Gave everyone the right to vote. Can't deny someone voting rights based on their color or previous condition of servitude.
Compromise of 1877
to compromise President Hayes' (Republican) victory in the Election of 1868, Reconstruction was officially declared over and it had failed.
Ku Klux Klan
A Southern, All White, Pro-Slavery and anti-Republican Group who expressed their opposition to the new Amendments through violence, mostly taken out on blacks/Republicans.
Freedmen's Bureau
was establish in March 1865 to care for refugees. A bill was introduced to expand the bureau to protect the black population but Johnson vetoed it.
Thaddeus Stevens
A Congressmen Member who believed that the Confederacy should be treated like conquered provinces, which went against Lincoln's opinion of uniting the Union.
10% Plan
a measure proposed by President Lincoln in 1863 saying that states be readmitted to the states once 10% of their prewar voters agreed loyalty to the Union and adopted the 13th Amendment.
immigration was a loose concept, unlike today. Foreigners were attracted by America's industrial workforce. Asian, black, Irish, white, etc. were all competing for the same jobs. This caused tension, ghettos and groups to cluster.