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24 Cards in this Set

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What caused the expansion of agriculture, industry, transportation, and communication?
The market revolution and the transportation revolution along with industrial revolution.
What was the status of labor unions?
Lowell factories revolting and he hires cheap irish workers. Owners wanted to fire workers quickly in order to have price reductions due to supply and demand and keep the business running.
What political and economic issues led to friction between the federal government and that states in the 1820s abd 1830s?
Jackson for state. Jacksonian democrats of the south. Westward expansion, immigration, beginnings of abolitionism and women sufferage(social reform movements),
What were the causes and consequences of the Mexican War?
Slave/free states. More land. Compromise of 1850, 5 provisions, 1.California a free state, 2. Slave trade ended in D.C, 3. National fugitive slave law, 4. Adjust Texas Northwest boundaries, 5. Popular soversity determines UT and NM slavery.
Why did settlers migrate west, and what conditions did they face?
Migrated west for more land opportunities. Job outlook, crowd control. Easy and cheap land. Face uncharted territory and indian confrontation. Get pass it you get all the benefits.
Why did a new party system of Democrats and Whigs emerge?
Whigs come out of their hate for Jackson.
What were the dominant industries and forms of agriculture in the Old South?
Cotton Gin. Cotton and slaves. Plantations, cotton cash crop economy. Subsitance farming
How did anti-slavery movement emerge, and what were the South's reactions to it?
Domesticity. Families the savior from the cruel world. North thinks the South is a cruel and harsh place to be. Uncle Tom's Cabin portrays the badly but they arent that way. South thinks they give culture and moral to his slaves. God of wisdom for the blacks.
How did westward expansion, federalism, and sectionalism create a political climate that would not allow for compromise on the issue of slavery?
Create a violent political system. Voting turns to violence(John Brown and Bleeding Kansas). Sectionalism and the change between substience farners transform to semi-substance. Increase in canals and railroads and that expansion causing problems in slave/free states. Leads to violence.
Explain why the secession of the Southern states occured in two ditinct phases.
Economic(Cotton kingdom), did want the North interfearing in their business. Political(Ft. Sumpter), VR, AK and TN finally succeed. had hopes a compromise might be made. Now threatened slavery.
How did slavery unite the two warring socities against one another and yet divide each internally?
Slavery both divison between Union and Confederacy. Define the reason for fighting but also crated division between each society. Union soilder wasnt fighting for emancipation. Just want to stop expansion of slavery and put Union back together. Confederacy areas thought war was fought to suppose slave owning elite. Freed slaves undermine Confederate war effort, division in society.
What was the significance of the 13th, 14th and 15th Amendments?
13th: Prohibit slavery and involuntary servitude, except as punishment for a crime. black codes and klu klux were a reaction. 14th: All persons born or naturalized in the United States, and subject to the jurisdiction thereof, are citizens. Used in many courtcases. 15th: Prohibits each government in the United States from denying a citizen the right to vote on that citizen's "race, color, or previous condition of servitude."
What were the major accomplishments of Radical Reconstruction?
13th, 14th and 15th Amendments. How much put into effect?(Black codes limited degree of effect along with Jim Crow laws). Radicals wanted reshape the south in attitudes, values, economy and politics. Not make it into what it was.
Why did the North abandom Reconstruction?
Violence against people. Corruption in Republican party. Democrats claimed to clean up the corruption in the government. 1873 economic panic, downturn blamed on republicans.
How and why did Indian relations differ with each European power during the sixteenth and seventeenth century?
Columbus wanted wealth and killed many. De La Cascas praised indian cultures and wanted to keep conquisidors from indians. Different Europeans had different ideas on what to do with the indian population because to them the indians were so willinf to help and listen to them.
How did people of different genders, races, and classes fit into colonial society?
Had indentured servents and slaves brought from Europe and Africa. They were needed to work the fields.
Explain how conspirational thinking and Whig ideology colored many colonists' views of the British government between 1763 and 1776.
Colonist made others question the Procolmation of 1763. Tea act was seen by opinionators as a tactic to buy support against British. Trying to undercut businesses and stop colonials from having their own affairs.
How did Americans' views about public virtue and personal ambition change over the course of the Revolution?
Battle of Saratoga, changed and raised spirits. After the Americans realized they had a chance to win the war, it changed their ambition and public virtue about who should govern them.
Was partican conflict instrumental in creating a functioning republican society in the United States between 1783 and 1815?
Think about political debates with democratic-repulicans and federalist. By having political conflict, creates space to hammer debates to fix things instead of start wars.
What were the causes and effects of the War of 1812?
British didnt want to leave. President Thomas Jefferson responded with the Embargo Act of 1807, which prohibited American ships from sailing to any foreign ports and closed American ports to British ships.Halt trade in New England, not happy about that. The morale of the citizens was high because they had fought one of the great military powers of the world and managed to survive, which increased feelings of nationalism.
Expansion of plantation economy, excelleration of westward expansion into the appilation mountains, Era of good feelings.
How was politics shaped by competing visions of government's role in controlling economis life?
Each party more or less represented the economic systems of land and town. Democrats and Federalist.
Why did a new party system of Democrats and Whigs emerge?
Westward expansion. Slavery expand comes out of economy, market revolution. Division between town and country is being brought together by transportation revolution.
why did new religious movements emerge in the early 19th century?
Second great awakening. pre destiny, everyone had chncce to be saved. unilverism and uniterisnm. thoughts from revolutionary war. question traditional church beliefs.
why did new religious movements emerge in the early 19th century?
Second great awakening. pre destiny, everyone had chncce to be saved. unilverism and uniterisnm. thoughts from revolutionary war. question traditional church beliefs.