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24 Cards in this Set

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What did FDR do to try and protect his New Deal legislation?
Pack the court (increas the number of Supreme Court Justices)
What did agencies like the Food Administration and the Fuel Administration do during WW1?
Rationing/Conservation of resources for the troops
What acts were passed in 1935 and 1937 in an effort to keep the US out of WW1?
Neutrality Acts
What was the invasion of Normandy on June 6 1944 called?
The women working in indutrial jobs during WW11 were nicknamed what?
Rosie the riveter
What was the immediate cause of the US entry into WW11?
Pearl Harbor
This was one of the earliest suburbs of mass-produced simple and similar looking homes built 10 miles East of New York City in the late 1940s early 1950s
Levittowns (after Bill Levitt)
What election in 1948 was extremely close?
What system in our constitution ensures that no one branch of government gains too much power?
Checks and Balances
What civil Rights leader of the 1960s was a part of the Black Muslims?
Malcolm x
Was Earl Warren Court liberal or conservative?
What does S.E.A.T.O stand for?
Southeast Asia treaty Organization (Regional defense agreement founded in 1954 in response to communist expanism in Southeast Asia)
What idea advocated "survival of the fittest?"
Social Darwinism
What was the idea of preventing the spread of communism called?
What was LBJ's domestic policy called?
Great Society
What was the free state in the Missouri Compromise?
What precedent was set with the Northwest Ordinance?
How a territoy became a state.
What rights did John C. Calhoun fight for?
States Rights
Who did most of the work on the railroad?
Irish and Chinese
What was the free state added in the compromise of 1850?
British film director of sophisticated suspense thrillers such as Pscho and Rear Window?
Alfred Hitchcock
Who was the expansion president who advocated manifest destiny?
James K. Polk
What was margaret Sanger famous for advocating?
Birth Control (founded the first birth control clinic in North America)
What court case legalized "seperate but equal"
Plessy V. Ferguson