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102 Cards in this Set

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Hebrew name of God
Divine sovereignty
God's complete and permanent control over this world
Image of God
we were made in the image of ____________
Creation Mandate
To subdue and have dominion; civilization and cities
Genesis 3:15
"And I will put enmity, Between you and the woman,
And between your seed and her Seed; He shall bruise your head, And you shall bruise His heel."

Very large groups of people who share the same language, family history, land area, and culture
The belief in many gods
Ten Commandments
God gave Moses the laws for the Israelites
The belief in one God
Old testament name for Christ, a mighty king
New Testament name for Messiah, the anointed one
The religion of Jews distinct from Christianity
Saul of Tarsus
Opposed Christians and wanted to wipe out the church, later changed to Paul
First Roman emperor to begin Christian persecution
Roman emperor known for the most widespread persecution of Christians
A church teacher that claimed Jesus wasn't God, It led to Constantine organizing the council of Nicaea

Council of Nicaea

Council formed to consider the deity of God; concluded that Jesus was God and affirmed the doctrine of the Trinity

Theodosius I

Made Christianity the only recognized religion in the Roman empire


Muhammad's birthplace


The holy month of Muslims, required to fast


"the god," Islamic god


Where Muhammad fled to


"Flight" to Medina


The Qur'an: Text of Muhammad's revelations, The Holy Books, The Five Pillars, Islamic Sharia Law, Jihad, the belief of Muslims


Followers of Islam


A leader of Islam; Means "Succeed"


This contains a description of Muhammad's life, what he said, did, and approved of.


A system of divine law, belief or practice that shapes all of life for muslims. There is no separation of state of church. Often gets very violent


Arab word that means "to strive hard," the holy war


Non-believers of the Islam religion


The capital of the Muslim Empire under the Umayyad Caliphate, modern day Syria. The "conquest"


Capital of Muslim empire under the Abbasid Caliphate, modern day Iraq, culture and learning


Capital of Byzantine Empire, Constantine's city

Charles Martel

The Franks defeated Muslim forces in 732, Battle of Tours


A city or place where Charles Martel defeated the invading Muslim forces. Allowed Christianity to spread throughout Europe and more

Song Dynasty

One of the first five Asian dynasties, By AD 1000, they experienced strong economic growth but came under control of Mongols in 1200s



Chinese developed the earliest known __________. (a few years before Christ's birth) Chinese also developed the first known money of this



Chinese first developed; Discovered on accident while trying to create a substance that would give them eternal life. An explosive powder used for rockets and later guns.


This religion allows you only to have five ethical relationships, father and son ,elders, brothers and siblings, husband and wife, friend and friend, and rulers and subjects.


Founded on four noble truths 1. Suffering is a part of life 2. Suffering is a cause of selfish desires 3. Suffering can be overcome by destroying selfish desires. 4. If a man follows the eightfold truths he will completely destroy his selfish desires.


Founded by Lao-Tzu. Believers of this religion think they live in harmony with nature. Rejects striving after power, wealth, and learning


A social system where land formed the basis of wealth and power; local leaders replace central power


Yoritomo takes control in 1192, claims the name______________


Japanese warrior; Trained in methods of fighting on foot and horseback. Trained in history, literature, and writing. Must follow the Bushido code


An unwritten military code that required the warrior to display traits such as loyalty, honor, duty, and courage. Required the warrior to commit suicide (hara-kiri) rather than to be captured or prove disloyal to his master


Divided into two kingdoms- Dai Viet, (North Vietnam) and Champa. (South Vietnam) Dai Viet invaded and destroyed the capital of Champa and then took control


Nomads who lived in tribes on the Mongolian plateau north of China. Called "People of the Felt Tents"

Chinggis Khan

"Great Ruler". Ruler of the Mongol tribes. Organized Mongols by developing: Government, Common law, and Military. Placed great value on loyalty


Divine wind, name given to the wind that sank the Mongol fleet, led to a myth that they would be undefeated. Defeated in WWII

Batu Khan

Grandson of Chinggis Khan, led the Mongol forces to Europe


Name for Mongol Empire in Europe

Ming Dynasty

One of the Asian dynasties, means "brilliant," Chinese got rid of all traces of Mongol rule


Mongolian leader lame from his youth, conquered many lands. Empire collapsed after his death.


One of the most famous Mughal empires. Known for his wisdom and generousity

Taj Mahal

Mausoleum in India, built by Mughal emperor. It was supposed to be a burial for his wife.

Yuan Dynasty

China's first foreign dynasty established by Kublai Khan

Kublai Khan

Created the Yuan dynasty. Reigned from 1260 to 1294


Merovingian House, cried out to God so he could win the war. They won, and ordered him and his soldiers to be baptized. Won support of Roman church. His four sons ruled when he died.

Mayor of the palace

Leading official of the palace, became real power in kingdom when Clovis's sons lost influence.


Carolingian House, called "Charles the great." Defeated Lombards and Saxons. Organized Empire into Districts.

Innocent III

This pope's power peaked during his reign. Took title,"Vicar of Christ." Claimed to have supreme power over all. Enforced authority over clergy and kings.

William the Conqueror

First Norman king of England, began Norman dynasty. Conquered Harold Godwin at the battle of Hastings in 1066. Made England into one of the strongest Norman states.

Henry II

William's great grandson, strengthened English royal authority by expanding the use of royal courts. Developed province (court) of England.

Hugh Capet


King of France, began the Capetian dynasty who gained territory by conquest and marriage allarres. Developed an efficient centralized gov. Supported Roman Church, increased royal power by granting rights to towns in exchange.

Phillip II

King of France, member of the house of Capet, made the crown more powerful than any other feudal lord and turned the balance of power between France and England in favor, sen ballis or bailiffs.


Collected taxes for the king and ensured justice in carrying out laws


A list of accusations

Common law

The law that all had to follow

Magna Carta

"Great Charter" limited the king's power over the citizens

Power of the purse

Parliament's power to grant or withhold approval of new taxes and financial control


The strict set of rules that knights were required to live by were called "Code of _________"


Growing towns and cities that displayed their wealth and prosperity by building these large buildings


Rounded vaults, thick stone walls, dark and cold, not much light


More windows, pointed structure, warm and bright, high ceiling thin wall, stained glass windows.


Italian poet; Divine Comedy; Poem about an imaginary journey through hell, purgatory,
and paradise


English poet; The Canterbury Tales; About a group of Pilgrims traveling to the tomb of a famous
religious leader in England

Edward III

English king who was related to the French royal line through his mother and claimed the right to the French throne

Joan of Arc

A peasant girl from France; believed
that God had chosen her to lead France to
victory in war with England. Led a French army
to victory but was then captured and burned at the stake.

Black Death

Plague that traveled from country to
country in Europe. Rats and fleas spread bacteria. Estimates of up to 25 million deaths

Johannes Gutenberg

Invented the movable printing press

Leonardo da Vinci

Famous artist; painted the "The Last Supper" and "Mona Lisa"


Painted pictures from the Bible on the inside of the Sistine Chapel. Used scaffolding and laid on his back to paint the roof.


Designed the dome for the Cathedral of Florence


Pioneer of Renaissance humanism and a
central figure in Italian literature; known as the
Father of Humanism


Wrote a famous book on etiquette
called The Courtier


Wrote an essay called the Prince


Most highly regarded and influential
scholars of the Renaissance

Sir Thomas Moore

Wrote Utopia ("nowhere");
presented his view of an ideal state; rejected the
principles of the Reformation


The communion were the bread would physically turn into the body of Christ and the wine would turn into the blood of Christ


The court set up to find and try people for heresy


Papers that people bought that supposedly forgave their sins and shortened their time in purgatory

John Wycliffe

Pastor, teacher and theologian in England who rejected the
authority of the papacy; Produced the first English Bible; known as the King James Version; Known as the Morning Star of the Reformation


Followers of John Wycliffe

John Huss

Pastor in Bohemia; Spoke out against the corruption of the Roman Church. Was burned at the stake because of this.

Ninety-five Theses

95 arguments that Luther posted on the church door; this sparked the refromation


The people that chose to follow scripture and leave the Roman church.


Followers of Zwingli; rejected infant birth.


God's promised victory over sin


God's solemn agreement or promise


God spoke the world into existence


The belief God is three in one. The Father, (God) The son, (Jesus) and the Holy Spirit


Roman emperor who converted to Christianity, ended 300 years of christian persecution