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50 Cards in this Set

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Failures of the Articles

-Congress had no power to raise taxes

-Congress had no power to regulate foreign or state trade

-Laws had to be approve by 9 out 13 states

-Congress did not have the power to enforce laws

Not united

How the states were after the Revolution

Reasons for Shay's Rebellion

-Farmers are required to pay in debts in gold, they have no money because they were not paid during the war.

-Wealthy lawmakers invested their money in the war too. And seek to get money from the farmers debts

Shays's Rebellion

-Poor farmers are not represented in the Massachusetts legislature and cannot pass debt relief.

-The rebellion will free debtors from prisons and close courts that are hearing cases against farmers.

-is under the articles of confederation

Shays's Rebellion

-The Massachusetts militia is called out to stop it.

-Poor farmers in 1791 elect officials who support their stance and will close courthouses and demand financial help from congress.

-Shays's Rebellion will prompt national leaders to create a stronger central government.

Whiskey Rebellion

-Came after Alexander Hamilton put a tax on whiskey to pay of the national debt.

-farmers got upset and rose up against the government

-Washington personally leads army to put down the rebellion, farmers ran away

-after that point it is proven that the federal government can tax the people and can use force to enforce their laws under the constitution

Constitutional Convention

-Where discussion of possible improvments for the Articles of Confederation took place.

-took place from May 25 to September 17, 1787

Ratification of Constitution

9 out 13 states have to agree

Virginia Plan

also known as the Randolph Plan, after its sponsor, or the Large-State Plan was a proposal by Virginiadelegates for a bicameral legislative branch. The plan was drafted by James Madison while he waited for a quorum to assemble at the Constitutional Convention of 1787.

The New Jersey Plan

also widely known as the Small State Plan or the Paterson Plan was a proposal for the structure of the United States Government presented by William Paterson at the Constitutional Convention on June 15, 1787. the unicameral legislature with one vote per state was inherited from the Articles of Confederation. This position reflected the belief that the states were independent entities and, as they entered the United States of America freely and individually, remained so.

The Great Compromise

an agreement that large and small states reached during the Constitutional Convention of 1787 that in part defined the legislative structure and representation that each state would have under the United States Constitution. It retained thebicameral legislature as proposed by Roger Sherman, along with proportional representation in the lower house, but required the upper house to be weighted equally between the states. Each state would have two representatives in the upper house.

3/5 compromise

-Stated slaves will be counted as 3/5 of a person

James Madison

wrote the constitution

The constitution

-has seperation of powers

-checks and balances.

-3 branches of government

The people of the country (all the above question)

Holds the ultimate authority over the under the constitution.


-in favor of the constitution

-want strong central government

-want economy regulated

-want an executive branch

-want a national bank


-wealthy land owners


-New Englanders

-Don't trust the people of the country

-believe the upperclass elite should rule


-normal people

-farmers, southerners, frontiersman

-don't want constitution

-don't want tax at a federal level

-fear national army

-fear president will become a king

-afraid national government will take away their rights

Thomas Jefferson

-Biggest anti-federalist

-opposite of Hamilton and don't like each other and have many arguments


made a state to ratify the constitution

Bill of Rights

-How anti-federalist were brought on board with the constituion.

-Protect people from the government

-1st 10 amendments (changes) of the constitution

1st amendment

-guarantees freedom of religion, speech, and press and peaceful assembly

3rd amendment

-no quartering of troops

-direct response to british quartering act

10th amendment

-if its not in the constitution, it doesn't mean its not your right.

-it belongs to the state/ state issue

-federalist put it in there

George Washington

-served two, 4 year terms

-sets up group of trusted advisors called the cabinet

necessary and proper

- government can make laws that are necessary and proper. was used as a catch all

James Monroe & Robert Livingston

sent to Paris by Thomas Jefferson when he was president in an effort to buy New Orleans from France

Louisiana purchase

purchased after Nepolean was hurting from the war and had lost Haiti in the slave revolt. only intended to buy New orleans but got the entire state of Louisiana.

Vice President

-chosen by being the runner up in the presidential election with electoral votes.

-problem was that president and vice president could be from two different parties.

John Adams

sent over people to negotiate with paris during french and england war. France demanded money. XYZ affair.
-almost at war with france but there was no formal war was declare

Alien Sedition Act

-created to curve resistance if there was a war.

-created to keep from france from getting ahead if there was a war.

-could not trade with any country in war

-could not say anything bad about the government or president.

-if your country was at war with the united states you could be deported

Kentucky and and Virginia Resolve

-Thomas Jefferson and James Monroe felt the Alien Sedition Act is unconstitutional (they were democratic rebulicans).

-states that in our two states we will not abide by the alien sedition act because it is unconstitutional.

-beginning of problem between power of state and federal government

Jefferson's Embargo Act

-signed by Jefferson to keep us out of the Napoleonic Wars.

-no trade from united states to british or france

-destroyed the economy

Election of 1800

also known as the revolution of 1800


Midnight Judges

appointed by John AdamsJ at midnight of his last night as president to federal courts

Marbury v Madison

came about when a person was suppose to be appointed as a midnight judge but never received it

-sued and went all the to supreme court

-sets up judicial review

-first time the supreme court rules whether or not a law is unconstitutional or not.

Old Republicans/Quids

-formed after democratic repubicans were disappointed with jeffersons re-election in 1804 because he had gone against his principals.

Alexander Hamilton

-Died in a dual.

-challanged the vice president (Aaron Bur) to a dual because he spoke negatively about his wife

West Point

Created by Jefferson,

-trained officers

-helped the war

First Barbary War

-Created by Jefferson because of problems at Tripoli

-Jefferson sent the marines to Tripoli to fight the pirates

Non-Intercourse Act of

-replaced the embargo act

-stated that us could not trade with any country at war

Lewis and Clark

-Explored the Louisina purchase

-saw grizzly bears and prairie dogs


democratic republicans that that wanted war of 1812.

*federalist are against war because it will interfere with their trade.

they were seizing American ships. Forcing americans to serve in the British navy

2nd war of Indepence

War of 1812

Washington D.C.

British burned the city down

Andrew Jackson

-Commander of American forces at the battle of New Orleans

Because of his position

-Reason why Andrew Jackson was successfuel at the battle of New Orleans

-River on one side and swamp on the other so british had to go straight on

Jackson's Army




*may be all the above

Battle of New Orleans

-took place after the peace treaty was signed because it took so long to get word that the treaty was signed

Treaty of Ghent

-ended battle of New Orleans

-ended the war of 1812

Andrew Hamilton

Founded the National Bank