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97 Cards in this Set

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What did the the Virginia Statute for Religious Freedoms do?

It was an early expression of the basic principle of separation of church and state?

What is the definition of ratification?

official approval

What 2 major things lead to an economic depression? (ex: post-Revolutionary War)

minimal trade activity and growing unemployment

What did states due to contribute to rising inflation after the revolution?

they printed an excess of money

What was one effect of Shay's Rebellion?

It made more americans call for a stronger central government

What was the congressional plan under the New Jersey Plan?

A unicameral legislature, with each state having an equal voice

What keeps one branch from becoming too powerful?

checks and balances

What did Antifederalists dislike about the government?

they felt it had too much power

What did Federalists like about the Constitution?

they liked the balance of power it gave to the branches

What was the Bill of Right's purpose?

to protect citizen's rights in the Constituion

What was a federal system aka federalism designed for?

to share power between states and a central government

What are some shared powers aka concurrent powers by the states and federal government?

taxing, borrowing money, and enforcing laws

Who makes our laws?


Why did the framers of the constiution create a bicameral congresss?

so they could keep each other in check

Why is majority rule used?

so the greatest number of people in society make policy decison

Why do citizens have the right to petition?

to show the government their dissatisfaction

What is one responsibility of all citizens?

to serve on the jury

Why did americans have high expectations for the new government after 1790?

the constitution had been created

What is national debt?

money owed to foreign countries and nation's citizens

What was Alexander Hamilton's plan to reduce debt?

tax domestic goods and put tariffs on foreign goods

What are tariffs?

tax put on foreign goods to protect domestic products from competition

What was Alexander Hamilton's view of the constitution?

loose construction

What was Jefferson's view of the Constitution?

strict construction

What was Jefferson's and Madison's problem with a national bank?

they believed it was unconstitutional

Why did some disagree with Washington's Neutrality Proclamation (ignoring that they wanted to go to war)?

they felt it was overstepping his executive powers

What was the main threat faced by americans in the northwest territory?

british supplied native Americans

what led to the whiskey rebellion?

farmers inability to afford the tax on whiskey

What did Washington warn in his Farewell Address?

pushing debt onto future generations and lacking political unity

What was different about the election of 1796?

there were mutiple candidates

What challenge did John Adams face?

he was following george washington

What was the problem with the Alien and Sedition Acts?

it gave the government too much power and stifled citizen's first amendment rights

What was the major themem of Jefferson's inaugural address?

protecting civil liberties

What did Jefferson do to repay debt?

he lowered government spending to the navy considerably

What was the issue with Jefferson's plan to repay debt?

it weakened trade due to our lowered size in navy

What power of the Judicial Branch was granted during the Marbury v. Madison case?

judicial review

What is judicial review?

The Supreme's court power to check the other branches

What did the annexation of four northeastern states to the Union due?

it lead to an increased importance for new orleans

What did the Louisiana Purchase do for America?

it doubled the size of the usa

What prompted the Lewis and Clark expedition?

the Louisiana Purchase

What was the purpose of the Lewis and Clark expedition?

to find a river route to the Pacific ocean

Why did the US and British Canada want the oregon country?

the fur trade

What did the convention of 1818 do?

It set the border between the US and Canada west to the Rocky Moutains

Why was James Monroe worried after mexican independence?

he feared that european country countries would try and take over newly independent latin american countries

What did James Monroe do in response to his fear of European countries overtaking newly independent latin american countries?

he published the monroe doctrine

What did the monroe doctrine?

he prevented the us from interfering in any future conflicts between european countries

How were voting rights expanded in the 1820's?

it was expanded to more white males

What was the spoils system?

a reward system that gave supporters government jobs

Why didn't Northerners not like cheap land prices in the west?

they feared it would attract potential factory workers to leave and migrate west

Due to his disagreements with Andrew Jackson on nullfication, what did his VP John C. Calhoun do?

he resigned

How did Jackson ruin the economy?

he moved the national bank funds to state banks

Who benefited most from the Indian Removal Act of 1830?


Why did farmers benefit from the Indian Removal Act of 1830?

it cleared up millions of acres of land to farm upon

What was different about the Cherokee's resistance to the Indian Removal Act of 1830?

they took it to court instead of physical fighting

What was the result of the Cherokee's legal case, Worcester v. Georgia, against the removal act?

it was deemed that georgia had no legal right to move them, however they were still forced to make a 800 mile march (Trail of Tears)

How did Sam Houston's Texans gain a victory against the Mexican Army?

they took them by surprise after the alamo

Why did Jackson refuse to annex texas?

because there was not a free state ready yet to be admitted at the time

What is manifest destiny?

the obvious fate that all of usa shall take the america east to west

How was slavery tied to manifest destiny?

they didn't know if slavery should exist in the new territories?

What led to the Californian statehood?

the gold rush

How did the transcontinental railroad help the economy?

it connected the economies of the east to the state of california

How did factories keep costs low in the mills?

they hired kids

What two new forms of transportation became important in the early 1800's?

steam train and steamboat

What did Gibbons v. Ogden establish?

that federal license for trade had priority over state license

Due to their speed, how did trains help farmers settle the midwest?

it allowed crops to be shipped to more populace, more spendful areas of the country

Where was most of America's industry in the early 1800s

the northeast

What positive effects did the mass production of goods have?

it led families to be able to buy products they normally couldn't buy, leading to a higher quality of life

Due to the lack of good roads in the South, how did the south transport cotton?

ships in the river

How far did the cotton belt stretch?

from south carolina to texas

What were some free black people in the south? (hint: where)

they were descendents of refugees from the haitian revolution

Why were rights of freed slaves limited?

southerners feared slave rebellions

What were slave codes?

strict state laws that controlled the actions of slaves

How did enslaved parents teach their children culture?


What were the effect on slave codes after the Nat Turner's rebellion in 1831?

they bcame tougher and southerners refused to discuss slavery in public

What was the Second Great Awakening?

a Christian renewal in the early 1800s

What was the common-school movement?

a belief spread that all children should be educated in the same place regardless of backgroun

How did Harriet Tubman assist the Underground Railroad efforts?

she helped many fugititve slaves to freedom

Why was the Fugitive Slave Act unpopular with northerners?

they felt it gave commissioners too much power and they didn't like the use of jury trials. also they were horrified that free black people were being captured and sent to the south

What did Harriet Beecher Stowe do for the abolitionist movement?

she wrote "Uncle Tom's Cabin" which exposed the harsh reality of slavery

What did Chief Justice Taney argue in the Dred Scott case?

that slaves weren't citizens of the US

What did Lincoln accuse democrats wanting in the Lincoln-Douglass debates?

of wanting to spread slavery to the West

What did did John Brown do in 1859 to help the abolitionist movement?

he attempted to steal weapons and bring them to local slaves to resist

What was the result of the John Brown plan?

most southerners feared more northern attacks

Why did the South secede?

they feared the southern way of life would be destroyed

What did Lincoln promise when he was elected in 1860?

not to start a war with the south

What did both confederate and union armies rely on early on?


What happened after the second Battle of Bull Run?

the Union was forced to retreat

What made southern warships so powerful that they ended the use of wooden warships powered by sail and wind?

they had thick metal plating

What did the Siege of Vicksburg do for the Union?

it gave them control of the Mississippi River

What slaves did the Emancipation Proclaimation free?

Confederate but not border state slaves

What happened to black soldiers if captured?

they were killed or forced into slavery

How did women assist in the war effort?

they provided medical care for the injured

Why was McClellan replaced by General Burnside for the attack on Fredericksburg?

he was to hesitant and had high inactivity

What themes did Lincoln's Gettysburg Address emphasize?

liberty, equality, and democracy

What convinced Northern voters that the Union was making progress in the war?

the Union capture of Atlanta

How did life change for black people in the South after the civil war?

they were free

How was the South's economy after the war?


Why was the South's economy bad?

many homes and businesses were destroyed, making jobs scarce