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126 Cards in this Set

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The Swiss city-state of Geneva became a model of Protestant morality under the leadership of _____
John Calvin
What was the result of the Peace of Augsburg in 1555?
Each German prince could decide the religion for his lands
Anabaptists believed that infants should not be ______ because infants are too young to accept the Christian faith.
Humanist scholars differed from medieval thinkers in that humanists tended to focus more on _____ subjects.
The purpose of the Council of Trent was to direct the reform of the ______
Catholic Church
In the 1600s, Robert Boyle’s work transformed the field of _____
The inventor who perfected the microscope and was the first person to see cells and microorganisms was _______
Anton van Leeuwenhoek
The calculations of astronomer Johannes Kepler showed that the planets move around the sun in ___________
oval orbits
What was the primary event that trigged the formation of the Church of England?
Henry VIII wanted a divorce
The main goal of the Jesuits was to ______, _______, and _____ the Catholic faith.
Ming China, European traders paid for Chinese silks and porcelains in gold or silver instead of exchanging trade goods because the Chinese did not want inferior European _______
trade goods
After the Japanese, and later the Manchus, invaded Korea, the Koreans responded by _______ from their nation.
excluding foreigners
When the first European traders arrived in the 1500s, the Japanese responded by _______ trade with the West.
he voyage to Calicut by Vasco da Gama soon led to the creation of a vast trading empire for ______
How did Portuguese explorer Bartholomeu Dias seek a sea route to Asia in 1460?
He rounded the tip of Africa
In 1513, Spanish adventurer Vasco Núñez de Balboa reached the Pacific Ocean by traveling ______
overland through panama
To rule China effectively after seizing Beijing in 1644, the Manchus ______ the Confucian system of government.
Why did Japanese shoguns turn against foreign traders in the mid-1500s? Because they saw foreigners as a threat after ______ seized the ______
The Ming rulers allowed limited trade with Europeans under the condition that the Europeans would ______ at the end of the trading season.
To conquer the Aztec empire, Hernán Cortés ________ with conquered people who hated the Aztecs.
formed alliances
The conquistador who added the lands of the present-day countries of Peru, Ecuador, and Chile to the Spanish empire was _______
Francisco Pizarro
At the top of Spanish colonial society were the ______
Through the Treaty of Tordesillas in 1494, ______ claimed its empire of Brazil.
The English colonies of Massachusetts, Pennsylvania, and Maryland were mainly set up as havens for ________ groups.
persecuted religious
The first leg of the triangular trade route brought _______ goods to ______
Widespread inflation struck Europe in the mid-1500s due to the increasing amounts of ______ and _______ from the Americas.
What mercantilist policy was designed to protect local industries from foreign competition? ______ increased the ______ of imported goods.
The Spanish king maintained strict control over his empire through his _______ in Spain that monitored colonial officials.
Council of Indes
In Spanish colonial society, creoles were _______ of Spanish settlers.
Native-born descendants
To ensure that its colonies would be profitable, Spain established _______ for its colonies
strict trade laws
As a result of the Treaty of Paris in 1763, Britain gained ______ and all ____________ lands east of the Mississippi River.
Spain tried to change its American colonies with the New Laws of the Indies in 1542 which forbade the ______ and _______ of Native Americans.
The Mayflower Compact set out guidelines for governing the _______
Plymouth Colony
In their effort to gain control of the Incas, the Spanish _______ the Inca ruler Atahualpa.
captured (took him for ransom) and killed him after the ransom was paid
Joint stock companies allowed early European capitalists to _____ large amounts of _______.
What was a major threat to the empire of Charles V?
he was a Catholic, fought to suppress Protestantism
An important goal of Philip II of Spain was to defend the ______
Catholic Reformation
In 1598, the Edict of Nantes helped to ensure that French Protestants would not be _____
persecuted (Edict of Nantes said that Huguenots had religious toleration and other freedoms).
When the Huguenots left France in the 1680s, their departure seriously hurt the French _____
The Long Parliament met when Charles I requested funds to suppress a _____ rebellion.
What type of government was created in England by the Glorious Revolution?
Constitutional Limited Monarchy
As a result of the treaty known as the Peace of Westphalia in 1648, France gained territory on its _____ and ______ frontiers.
Peter the Great waged war against the Ottoman empire to gain a ________ on the Black Sea.
warn water port
Under the rule of Catherine the Great, Russia seized lands in ______
easter Poland
A major cause of conflict within the empire of King Charles was the suppression of _______ in the German states.
Under the rule of Philip II, the defeat of _______ at ___________ helped to increase Spanish power.
coast of greece (battle of lepanto)
After the death of his chief minister in 1661, Louis XIV governed France by taking ________ control of the ________
Louis XIV appointed royal officials from the middle class to his bureaucracy because they helped to ______ the power of the ______ and ________
the church
Finance minister Jean Baptiste Colbert helped to make France the wealthiest state in Europe by imposing _______ policies to bolster the economy.
The Tories were an English political party that ______ broad royal powers.
One result of the English Bill of Rights of 1689 was that the monarch could not interfere in _______
parliamentary debates
Frederick William I helped to unify Prussia after the death of his father in 1713 by giving the Junkers positions in the _____ and _________
By 1750, Prussia and Austria were battling for control of the _______
German states
What rules discoverable by reason did Enlightenment thinkers try to apply to the study of human behavior and society?
Natural Law
Enlightenment writers often faced _________ because they challenged the old order.
An enlightened despot was a ruler who influenced______ and______ change
Because the American colonies were home to diverse religious and ethnic groups, social distinctions were more ________ than in Europe.
The Battle of Saratoga marked a turning point in the American Revolution because the American victory convinced ______ to support the Revolution.
Enlightenment thinkers were influenced by the idea of natural law that emerged from the ______
Scientific Revolution
Diderot’s Encyclopedia was important because it spread _________ ideas.
Economist Adam Smith argued that, in a free market, business activity would be regulated by the forces of _______ and_______.
During the Enlightenment, government and church officials justified their use of censorship to stop enlightenment writers by saying God set up the ______
old order
One advantage of the colonists in the American Revolution was the diverse ______.
The Constitution created a federal republic, which divided power between _______ and _____ governments.
Louis XVI was forced to dismiss his financial advisor, Jacques Necker, when Necker proposed _______ the First and Second estates.
One important result of the Estates-General was the formation of the _______
national assembly
The National Assembly voted to pay off the huge government debt by selling ________ lands
When the new National Convention met in 1792, what form of government did the radicals create?
The Reign of Terror gave way to the Directory phase of the revolution in which the dominant political force was the ______
middle class and bourgeoisie
What war tactic helped the Russians defeat Napoleon?
scorching the earth so the French would have no food
The Congress of Vienna promoted the principle of legitimacy by restoring _________
the old rulers/ hereditary monarchs
In 1789, the delegates to the Estates-General that broke away and declared themselves to be the National Assembly were from the _________
third estate
The poorest members of the Third Estate were ________
urban workers
What form of government did the National Assembly create with the Constitution of 1791?
limited monarchy
When radicals took control of the Legislative Assembly in the fall of 1792, they extended voting rights to all ______
Robespierre believed that France could achieve a “republic of virtue” only through the use of _____
During the Reign of Terror, trials and executions were carried out under the authority of ________
Revolutionary courts
Under the Napoleonic Code men regained complete authority over their _______
individual rights
The Continental System was a form of __________
economic warfare
Napoleon’s final defeat was at the _______
battle of waterloo
A major goal of the decision makers at the Congress of Vienna was to suppress _______ throughout Europe.
nationalist fervor/ future revolutions
The cotton gin was a machine that could separate _____ from _____
The first factories developed in what industry?
Thomas Malthus discouraged vaccinations because disease was a natural means of _______
controlling the population
David Ricardo’s “Iron Law of Wages” Says that wages will never _____ as long as there are more ______ than available _____.
“The greatest happiness for the greatest number” was a goal of _______
German socialists formed a social democracy in the 1860s in order to transition gradually from _______ to _______
Karl Marx despised capitalism because he believed that it created _________ for a few and ______ for many.
Railroads an improvement over canals because railroads did not have to follow the ______
course of a river
The putting-out system was a method of producing ______ in individual ______
The people who lived in tenements in industrial cities were part of the ______
working class
Most early factory workers were women because employers could pay women _____ than men
Jeremy Bentham believed that laws should be judged by whether they bring more ______ than ______
According to socialists, the solution to poverty and injustice was shared _____ by the people of the means of _____
The Concert of Europe was an agreement to support the ______
old order
The ideas of liberals were sometimes called “bourgeois liberalism” because liberals spoke mostly for the ________
middle class
Creating a homeland for people who shared a common heritage was a major goal of _____
After independence, Britain, France, and Russia pressured the Greeks to accept a German king because the European powers did not support the revolution’s ______ ideals.
In 1815, the Congress of Vienna united the Austrian Netherlands (present-day Belgium) and the Kingdom of Holland because the Congress wanted to create a strong barrier to ________
french revolutionaries
What major event occurred during “February Days” in France in 1848?
Louis Philippe abdicated, Second Republic was formed
During the “June Days” in France, the peasants attacked protesting socialist workers because they feared the socialists would _______
take their land
Toussaint L’Ouverture led a revolt that eventually resulted in independence for ________
Father Miguel Hidalgo’s “el Grito de Dolores” was a call to fight for Mexican _______
Napoleon’s occupation of Spain spurred ______ and his followers to begin the struggle for independence.
When Napoleon ousted the Spanish king in 1808 it encouraged widespread rebellion in _________
Latin America
As a result of the revolutionary uprising in Belgium in the 1830s, Belgium became an independent state with a liberal _______
Conservatives of the early 1800s believed in the restoration of _____________
the old order/monarchies
Liberals strongly supported laissez-faire economics as the best way to help _______ succeed
Milos Obrenovic was able to win Russian support for Serb independence because the Russians and Serbs shared a common ______ and _______
The Second Republic in France ended when _________ became emperor.
Louis Napoleon (III)
As a result of the 1830 revolt in Poland, Russian forces _______ the revolt.
The overwhelming majority of French voters supported Louis Napoleon and his Second Empire because many voters thought a _____ was more ______ than a republic.
Which revolutionary leader helped Argentina win freedom from Spain?
San Martin
Japan lacked many basic resources, yet it industrialized rapidly after 1868 because Japanese ______ leaders placed a high _____ on modernization.
A production method in which workers repeatedly perform one task in the manufacturing process is called the ________
assembly line
The population of Europe exploded between 1800 and 1900 in large part because _______ advances reduced the death rate.
The popular saying “A man’s home is his castle” reflected what middle-class value of the late 1800s? The cult of __________
The purpose of Normal Schools was to train students to be _________
Englishman John Dalton made an important breakthrough in chemistry by showing that each _______ has its own kind of _____
What theory applied the idea of natural selection to the development of business and society?
Social Darwinism
Romanticism can be described as a revolt against the Enlightenment’s emphasis on ______
The Wright Brothers’ flying machine was made possible by the invention of the __________
internal combustion engine
German doctor Robert Koch identified the bacteria that causes ________ in the 1880s.
tuberculosis and anthrax
The effectiveness of women involved in the temperance movement was limited because they could not _____ and were barred from most _____
In 1869, what chemist developed a table that became the basis for the periodic table of elements used today?
Participants in the Tennis Court Oath swore to continue meeting until they were able to bring about ________
a constitution for France