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30 Cards in this Set

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Abraham Calof
Rachel Calof's husband. eventually became one of the wealthiest and most successful homesteaders.
Amendment XIX
Amendment 19- Womans Suffrage
Passed on August 26, 1920. TN gave it the last vote that it needed. p680
Andrew Carnegie
Iron maker and former railroad manager. in 1872 he built a huge steel mill outside Pittsburgh and used the Bessemer converter. p507 530, 562, 571, 645
Carnegie's libraries
1881 he announced that he would build a library in any city that would maintain it. He spent over 32.7 million on more than 1,000 libraries! 562
Carnegie as a cultural hero
Several books written in late 1800's told rags to riches tales. Carnegie wrote a best seller "Triumphant Democracy" 571
Andrew Carnegie; anti-imperialist cause
Steel king offered a $20 million check to pay for the independance of the Philippines. 645
After the Spanish-American war, this group of people did not wish to take over the Phillippines. 645
Booker T Washington bio
born in Va, April 5, 1856, mother was a slave and father was white. he was well educated and worked as a janitor. After graduation taught school.
Booker T as school director
1881, the Alabama legislature created a "Negro normal school" and chose Booker to be director.
Booker T as African American speaker wrote 4 books
*The Future of the American Negro (1899)
*Sowing and Reaping (1900)
*Up From Slavery (autobiography)(1901)
*Frederick Douglas (1907)
Booker T's "bottom up" philosophy
African Americans needed to start at working class and gradually make their way into mainstream America. Soon they would be considered equals. He believed in solid work ethic
Booker T's famous speech
1895 "The Atlanta Compromise" explained the negro question.
Booker T's secret side
Wrote letters protesting Jim Crow laws and and rescued people from Lynch mobs, indirectly.
Chinese Exclusion Act
1882. This made Chinese immigration illegal for 10 years. in 1892 it was renewed for 10 more years, than in 1902 it was made permanant
Chinese Exclusion Act repealed
1943. This act was finally removed, however, only 105 Chinese were allowed in annually.
Committee on Public Information
Formed in April 1917 by Woodrow Wilson, this was made to promote public support for the war. Printed literature, sponsered speakers, brought Americans together for the war effort
Compromise of 1877
election Rutherford B. Hayes vs Samuel Tilden. Tilden won election but republicans in Fl, La, SC, and Or, disputed it. without these states it would be up to Congress. the house was Dem. and the Senate was Rep. so that wouldn't work. Fraud was found and 5 Sen. 5 House and 5 Supreme court made a decision. 7 Dem. and 8 Rep. they gave the votes to Hayes. the two parties made several deals.
Deals made during the Comp. of 1877
1.Hayes would withdraw federal troops from the South
2.Hayes would appoint at least 1 southerner to his cabinet
3.Rep. would support bills for improving the South, particularly the railroad
Importance of Compromise of 1877
It ended the reconstruction in the South.
Dawes Severalty Act
1887. The president could divide Indian Tribal lands, giving each family head 160 acres, and smaller portions to others. The Indians would become US citizens.
Election of 1896
William Jennings Bryan vs William McKinley. Bryan delivered his 'cross of gold speech, but lost to McKinley by 600,000 votes. This began a shift in the Democratic party, which had once been known for its Jacksonian ideals, but now it favored a more positive gov't.
Election of 1912
Wilson-Dem. Taft-Rep. Roosevelt-new progressive party. Wilson won because he gained the traditional Democrat vote, while the Republican vote was split between Roosevelt and Taft. This election was a turning point for economic reform. 623
Florence Kelley
1859. Secratary general for the National Consumer's League. powerful woman. she began the white label Campaign
Florence Kelley's White Label Campaign
Meant that factory conditions had been inspected. borrowed from 2 sources, "white list in British Newspapers, and cigar-maker's union label. no child labor, no overtime, clean, safe working areas, state laws upheld. She b/v'ed this label promoted an American Standard of Living. Ended in 1918, when the United Garment Workers said it was used by anti-union corps.
Florence Kelley Protection Act
She thought her most important contribution was the Sheppard-Towner Maternity and Infancy Protection Act of 1921.
*fed. aid to states for impoverished mothers.
*lapsed in 1929 bc it interfered with state affairs
Florence Kelley literature
wrote a series of books, not widely read.
1907 published New Basis of Civilization. this was an enourmous influence and a new gospel for economists
Fourteen Points
Presidant Wilson proposed these as a basis for peace negotiations at Versailles in 1919. Included in the points were open diplomacy, freedom of the seas, free trade, territorial integrity, arms reduction, national self- determination, and establishment of the League of Nations. 683
Frederick Law Olmsted
designed New York City Central Park, he wanted to expose people to the beauties of nature. Chicago Columbian Exposition of 1893 this led rise to the "city Beautiful" movement
Frank Reade Jr
Dime Novel
George Washington Plunkett
Tammany ward boss, he was an irishman but helped every race. including jews and Italians. He declared he had no need for bribes and he favored an honest graft. He spent most of his money building wharves on Manhattan's waterfront.