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50 Cards in this Set

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Q: What was the Enlightenment dedicated to?
A: The principle of human progress.
Q: What too things developed significantly during the Enlightenment?
A: Both the arts and writing developed signnificantly during this time.
Q:Why did the philosophes believe the study of history was important?
A:Because understanding the past could help avoid repeating mistakes, thus leading to a better future
Q:What did music and other arts of the enlightenment period represent?
A: The order and stability of classical art.
Q: Jacques- Louis David's paintings did what?
A: They emphasized duties of the citizen, personal sacrifice for the common good and nobility of the human spirit.
Q:What three distinct styles mark the art of the eighteenth century?
A: Classicism, Rococo, and Neoclassicism.
Q: Classicism had what features?
A:Simple and elegant lines, emphasized stability, and inspirations from bible stories as well as Greek and Roman mythology.
Q:Rococo had what features?
A:Delicate lines, emphasized movement,emphasized feelings about the present, and stressed more comtemporary themes
Q:Neoclassicism was about?
A: Portraying noble causes and being inspiration to supporters of the french revolution.
Q: What did the physiocrats aim to do?
A: Remove economic privileges/ restrictions in order to make trade more efficient.
Q:What sort of things did the enlightened despots do?
A:Established state factories to promote new industries and improved peasant postions by reducing nobility obligations.
Q:What did enlightened despotism do?
A: Introduced important reforms in the 18th century and led to greater reform in the 19th century.
Q:What was one difficulty faced by enlightened despots?
A: They're countries were highly regional and reluctant to give up power to the crown.
Q:The enlightened despots set about to do what?
A: To centralize power to the crown and people the crown put in positions of power.
Q: Why is it easy to indentify some of the leading enlightened despots?
A: It is easy to identify because they were given the title " The Great"
Q: What were the enlightened despots?
A: They were monarchs interested in principles of the Enlightenment. They were people of action.
Q:What did Enlightened despotism reflect?
A:It reflected some of the key principles established by the philosophes.
Q: Why were they called Enlightened Despots?
A: To indicate that they were enlightened and that they ruled absolutely.
Q:What was one of the main features of the Enlightened Despots?
A:They claimed their power based on secular principles.
Q:What was one thing enlightened despots believed?
A: That humanities history was ugly and based on conflict and oppression.
Q:Who were the Physiocrats?
A:A group of writers, led by french economist Francois Quesnay, who applied enlightenment principles to economics.
Q:Who was Scot Adam Smith?
A: He wrote "An inquiry into the nature and causes of the wealth of nations"- the most important enconomic work of the time
Q: What did Scot Adam Smith argue?
A: He thought that wealth was not distributed amoung society for common good due to highly regulated economics.
Q:What were salons?
A: Gatherings organized by enlightenment interested women were dicussions about such things took place.
Q:What was the job of the salon hostess?
A: To keep the conversation going and have participation from all at the gathering.
Q:What were salons an example of?
A:The changes in society brought about by the Enlightenment.
Q:What was the gender argument of the philosophes?
A:That women had an important role to play despite thier emotional and intellectual differances from men.
Q:Why did the philosophes believe that society could be made better?
A: Because they thought if humanity improved its institutions than society would improve.
Q:What did Rousseau's novel "Emile" agrue for?
A: It argued for educated to be reformed so students would think freely, not just memorize facts.
Q:What did Rousseau suggest in his novel "Social Contract"?
A:He suggested that the human race isnt bad, corrupted society just pushes people to do bad things.
Q:Who were the Physiocrats?
A:A group of writers, led by french economist Francois Quesnay, who applied enlightenment principles to economics.
Q:Who was Scot Adam Smith?
A: He wrote "An inquiry into the nature and causes of the wealth of nations"- the most important enconomic work of the time
Q: What did Scot Adam Smith argue?
A: He thought that wealth was not distributed amoung society for common good due to highly regulated economics.
Q:What were salons?
A: Gatherings organized by enlightenment interested women were dicussions about such things took place.
Q:What was the job of the salon hostess?
A: To keep the conversation going and have participation from all at the gathering.
Q:What were salons an example of?
A:The changes in society brought about by the Enlightenment.
Q:What was the gender argument of the philosophes?
A:That women had an important role to play despite thier emotional and intellectual differances from men.
Q:Why did the philosophes believe that society could be made better?
A: Because they thought if humanity improved its institutions than society would improve.
Q:What did Rousseau's novel "Emile" agrue for?
A: It argued for educated to be reformed so students would think freely, not just memorize facts.
Q:What did Rousseau suggest in his novel "Social Contract"?
A:He suggested that the human race isnt bad, corrupted society just pushes people to do bad things.
Q:What is the origin of "philosophes"?
A: It is the french word for "philosophers" and aknowledges the French origins of the movement.
Q:Why and who wrote the encyclopedia?
A:Denis Diderot, Jean-Jacques Rousseau and Francois Marie Arouet wrote the encyclopedia as a way to get a more detailed work than the dictionary.
Q:Who wrote "The Historical and Critical Dictionary" and when was it written?
A: The dictionary was written by Pierre Bayle in 1697.
Q:What principles did Pierre Bayle apply that were of Enlightenment thought?
A: He had healthy scepicism, no distinctions on religious or state matters and beliefs in the test of reason.
Q:Why was the test of reason a guiding principle of the enlightenment?
A:Because it stripped away emotion and superstition, this was threatening to societies leaders.
Q:What were the benefits of the crown?
A:Benefits included being at the top of the social heap, actions without consultation, and power to impose and collect taxes.
Q:What were the benefits of the Clergy?
A: Exempt from many laws. Special church courts which delivered lighter punishments.
Q:What were the benefits of the Nobility?
A:Exempt from many taxes and payed reduced rates for others. Could not be sued,and had priority at most events.
Q:What was wrong with this society of ranks and privilages?
A: It was resistant to change and society was mostly unaware it had different options.
Q:What was the structure of society in these times?
A: Social structure was divided by class. It went through from the monarchy at the top to peasants at the bottom.