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44 Cards in this Set

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Manufacturing Capacity

North and South built many factories to supply army with weapons, ammunition, etc. Once war was over, these factories could be used to make other goods.

Wall Street

Government had used what to raise money for the war? (There was good financial infrastructure now available to finance companies.)


This is a more modern form of currency used.

What color does a dollar have? There's an Australian restaurant called the Out__________.

High tariffs

This protected domestic industry. They could be so high because the North controlled politics, and they were able to raise them during the Civil War without southern intervention.

Immigration; labor supply

Due to high ________________, the population of the US doubled from 1860-1900. (Abundant _______________.)

Homestead Act of 1862

Large farms developed out west thanks to the _______________________. Increased food supply was able to feed cities and it increased demand for manufactured goods.


They required lots of steel and coal to build/run and they made it easier to transport goods over long distances (thus making industry more profitable).


Government policy to let business go unregulated (no labor laws, unions, corporate taxes, etc.)


Formation of ________: giant corporations like Standard Oil (John Rockefeller) and US Steel (Andrew Carnegie) helped increase production.

Sherman Anti-Trust Act of 1890

Was supposed to break trusts, but it was never enforced, so trusts grew huge.

Bessemer Process

A cheap method to make steel that enabled it to be mass-produced.


Powered houses and factories.

Thomas; light bulb

Patents encouraged inventors such as ______________ Edison, who patented the __________________ in this period.


One positive impact of industrialization was that whole new industries were created, such as the _________________ industry.

Deflation; monopolies

One negative impact of industrialization was that farms struggled because of _________________ (prices going down; made debt harder to pay off) and railroad ___________________ charging too much to ship their crops.


In rural areas, anti-monopoly and anti-deflation groups spring up, creating the _______________________.

1873, 1893 and 1907

Financial panics occurred in ________, ________ and ________.

Chinese Exclusion Act of 1882

No Chinese person could enter the US for 10 years.

Political machines

Run cities by arranging for people to get various jobs in exchange for favors.

Robber barons

Business men such as J.D. Rockefeller and Andrew Carnegie were seen as ___________ ___________.


Journalists who wrote about social issues are called ____________________.

Upton Sinclair

Wrote "The Jungle" about the meat-packing industry.

Ida Tarbell

Wrote about the Standard Oil Company, eventually helping its trust to be destroyed into separate businesses (Exxon Mobil is one).

Pullman Strike of 1894

Workers protested in the _________________ (250,000 railroad workers; the first almost-national strike), but Grover Cleveland sent in troops to make them go back to work.

Jane Addams

_________________ ran the Hull House, a charity that was largely seen as a model for welfare reform.

Theodore (Teddy) Roosevelt

Vice President under McKinley, then McKinley is shot in 1901 and ________________ becomes president.

Northern Securities Company

First real suit using the Sherman Anti-Trust Act against the ______________________________, which had combined all the northern railroads under one trust.

Coal strike

Roosevelt invites both parties to the White House rather than siding with business.

Expedition Act of 1903

Gives government lawyers so that they can go after monopolies/trusts.

Elkins Act of 1903

Regulates railroads, keeps them from charging more to some people and favoring monopolies.

Pure Food and Drug Act

Largely in response to "The Jungle".

Department of Commerce and Labor

Monitors/collects data on all businesses, regulates interstate trade. Puts an end to laissez-faire.

Newlands Reclamation Act

Conservation: establishes ________________________________ to preserve the environment.

William Howard Taft

Hand-picked by Roosevelt to be the next Republican president.

16th Amendment

Allows government to impose income tax.

17th Amendment

Direct election of senators (no longer elected by state legislatures).

Bull Moose

The Progressive Party/ _________________ Party, created by Roosevelt and called the _________________ Party because after he is shot in the chest, he says he feels "as fit as a __________________."

Federal Reserve Act of 1913

____________ creates the _______________________________ to stabilize the economy/banking system. This acts as a bank to other banks, lending them money when they need it. It also controls how much money is in the economy, so they can prevent deflation.

Underwood Tariff Act of 1913

Drastically lowers tariffs and replaces them with an income tax.

Clayton Act of 1914

Essentially replaces the Sherman Anti-Trust Act, since it was too weak.

Federal Trade Commission Act of 1914

Protects consumers and regulates every business in US.

Federal Child Labor Act of 1916

Makes it illegal to sell anything made by children under 14 years of age.

18th Amendment; moonshining; speakeasies; Al Capone

Wilson passes the ________________________ during WWI to save grain. This leads to _____________________ and _____________________ (places where alcohol was sold illegally). This contributes to organized crime, such as __________________ in Chicago.

19th amendment; women's suffrage

Men are fighting in WWI, so women go to work. This leads to increased momentum for the right to vote.