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92 Cards in this Set

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How did early trade affect small towns along trade routes
the small towns prospered from the trading since they were near the trade routes--- they became great cities and eventually empires
who founded the empire of ghana
the soninke people
what is the capital of the empire of ghana
kumbi saleh
what determined the empire and the emperer's power in the empire of ghana
the amount of control over the gold trade--- the more control over the gold trade the more powerful you were
who were berbers
merchants from deserts that carried resources across deserts to savannas (where resources are not as abundant)
who were almoravids
group of berbers who attacked the empire of Ghana and seized the capital--- the attack forced Ghana to break up into smaller states
Who set up the empire of mali
Mandingos---- group of farmers who had lived under Ghana's rule until Ghana broke up-- they set up the empire of mali
who was the ruler of Mali and what are some important things about him
Mansa Musa

*ruler of Mali
*Adopted Islam from traders so the empire of Mali adopted Islam too
*Read the muslim holy book (Koran)
*Made a famous pilgrimage to Mecca-- earned him lots of fame and respect
what religion did the empire of Mali adapt
islam - b/c Mansa Musa was islamic
who as As Sahili
he was an architect from Spain that was sent to Mali to build mosques
what city did the empire of Songhai originate from
Who was the ruler of Songhai
Sunni Ali--- he had gained power over Gao so he was the leader of Songhai--- spent a lot of his life at war trying to capture Timbuktu and other trading cities
who was the ruler of Songhai after the first one died
Askia Muhammad--- he followed the islamic religion and made a pilgrammage to Mecca (like somebody else in these flashcards...)
how did the empire of songhai fall?
Morocco invaded Songhai and easily won b/c of their advanced weapons
Who was the ruler of the kingdom of Benin
the Oba
Who was thought to have set up the government of Benin
ewuare (spiritual mythical person...idk)
what is the capital of Benin
benin city
WHAT IS THE MOST IMPORTANT THING that helped to fuel the old empires of Africa, make new empires, and connect them all together
TRADING--- cultural diffusion, wealth, connects everybody together
what is a city state
a large town that has its own government and usually controls the surrounding countryside
who invaded Africa in the 1500's and took over many of the city states
the portuguese
what did Zimbabwe have a lot of
when did the kingdom of zimbabwe fall
why do hunting/gathering people live in small groups?
hunting an animal can only feed so many people, vrs a farm can feed many many people since you can grow lots of things
group of distinct kin who trace their descent to a common ancestor
people in africa lived in what type of families
what is a clan
people who all live together that can trace their lineage to a common people
who governed the typical african village and how were laws decided?
one single person governed the village (ibo)--- everybody in the village would try to reach a consensus ( a common agreement) whereas in our country it is impossible to make laws based on a consensus from everybody since we have tons and tons of people
where was farming popular in
savannas and river valleys
what is a substance farmer
a farmer that only grows enough to feed himself and his family and has little or no surplus
how would a farmer in Africa clear land for farming
the forest would be set on fire to clear away the majority-- then the debris and remaining shrubs and stuff get cleared away
what were the two popular types of economies in africa
herding societies and farming societies

farming=stay in one place
why were african women held in high regard
responsible for having children and teaching them

did the planting weeding and housework

some societies need women to hold positions of power (government)
in patriarchal societies what family did the daughter live with after married?
they would live with their husband--- like Okonkwo--- the girl would live with her children alongside her husband's other wives
when a man marries more than one wife
up to how many wives can you have in islamic law?
what is bride wealth and what two things are recognized when bride wealth is given
bride wealth is either money or cattle that is given as a gift to the wife's family ---- it recognizes that the marriage is official and it makes the husband promise that he will not mistreat his wife --- also honors the bride's family
what where the duties of an ashanti uncle
uncles lived with their newphews/nieces b/c according to the ashantis a child inherits all of its blood from its mother, so its not related to its father at all-- so a child is more related to its uncle on its mom side than its father-------the uncle is responsible for raising his nieces nephews like they were his own
Ashanti people belong to a ___ society
matriarchal (lineage was traced through the mother's side)
whats the difference between matriarchal and patrilineal
matriarchal--- lineage is traced through the mom's side

patrilineal-- lineage is traced through the dad's side
age grade system
kids that are born in the same year attend school together and do almost everything together--- an age grade is a group of kids that are all born in the same year
who were the two people who tried to look for a sea route from India to Africa --- which one succeeded-- and who employed them to do so?
Bartholomeu Dias (failed)

Vasco de Gama (suceeded)

they were employed by Prince Henry from Portugal to look for a sea route
when did the demand for slaves grow
when America was colonized
how were slaves in Africa different from slaves everywhere else
slaves in Africa were usually prisoners of war--- they were treated by their masters as family--- if the master died the slave inherited the property if nobody else was alive to claim it
why was slave trading so profitable
b/c the demand for slaves was high so the price was high too
how many africans died on the middle passage alone?
2 to 3 million
what did king affonso do?
he was a christian african ruler who went up to the Portuguese government and asked them to end the slave trade---- it didn't work
the movement to end slavery
who outlawed the slave TRADE first britain or us?

who outlawed SLAVERY first britain of us?
britain outlawed the slave TRADE and slavery first ---- however people still broke the law and shipped slaves illegally to the US
when did the demand for slavery go down?
during Britain's industrial revolution--- the need for manual labor goes down b/c machines can do it
when the demand for slaves went down the demand for what went up
raw materials from africa ----- when the industrial revolution began raw materials were needed to fuel the factories
how did the slave trade destroy Africa economically?
healthy men and strong men were taken away to be sold as slaves-- now there is nobody else to work the farms in Africa
what did Mirambo do?
african ruler that handed over african slaves to Europeans in return for guns---- then he gained a lot of power and took over an area called Tanzania
what did Tippu Tib do
he was an african who profited from and made an empire based on the slave and ivory trade
what is diaspora
scattering of ppl everywhere
what is the significance of sierra leone and liberia
sierra leone--- set up by the british where freed slaves were sent to live

liberia--- set up by the US where freed slaves were sent to live
what did richard burton and john speke do
they tried to find the source of the nile
what did rene caillie do
tried to find the legendary city of timbuktu
what did david livingstone do
christian missionary who "discovered" waterfalls in the zambezi river and named them Victoria Falls
what two countries remained free from European rule by WWI
ethiopia and liberia
what are some reasons why europe needed africa even after slavery was abolished
1) needed the raw materials to fuel the factories during the industrial revolution
2) needed africa to sell their manufactured goods to (creates dependence)
3) needed africa to increase political power-- more land=more power
4) needed africa to spread christianity to which was deemed the superior religion
what helped the Europeans gain control over africa
1) medicines protected them from foreign diseases
2) advanced technology gave them a huge advantage when it came to weapons
suez canal
built in egypt in the 1860's by the french
who gained control over the Congo
King Leopold II of Belgium
what happened at the Berlin conference
europeans made decisions on how to best split africa amongst the European countries-- not a single african was present at the conference

new borders were drawn and the land was divvied up
why was Leopold such an evil man
he forced the people of the Congo to meet a certain quota of rubber each month-- if not they were severely beaten and punished-- he was basically stealing the rubber and the african's labor without paying them
12 million people died in the Congo because of what?
the fighting and the resistance with the british
why was it hard for africans to gain independence
they did not have the proper weapons to beat the europeans
what did menelik II do
ethiopian ruler who hired europeans to train his army (to acquire the right weapons)
what happened at the battle of adowa
ethiopians won the battle against the europeans b/c of the training they had received from the europeans --- the ethiopians won their freedom
what helped europeans win control over africans
they introduced diseases like smallpox that killed cattle and africans
what was happening in south africa
boers (dutch settlers) and the british competed for power
who ruled the Zulu empire in south africa
what two republics did the boers make in south africa and what was so special about them
orange free state and transvaal--- they had a lot of gold there
what happened in the boer war
the british defeated the dutch and gained control over south africa
the desire for global domination
what years did the berlin conference take place in
what effects did the berlin conference have on the africans
the new borders that were drawn brought people of difference cultures together and sometime enemies were drawn together----not good
how did europeans justify the colonization of africa
social darwinism--- a science that proved that africans were inferior
what did christian missionaries do
1) "civilized" and converted many africans to christianity
2) brought health clinics, schools, churches etc
henry morton stanley
determined to explore africa and find david livingstone--- eventually he met up with livingstone and said the famous line "dr. livingstone i presume"--- then he wrote a book called how i met livingstone
what were the two weapons that gave europeans a huge advantage
the maxim and gatling machine gun
what european country had the largest amount of land in africa
how did henry morton stanley help Leopold acquire the congo free state
henry was hired by leopold to explore the congo--- along the way he made treaties with the africans which let him claim all of congo for leopold
how did the berlin act affect a



slave trader

african villager

merchant-- act gave traders 100% freedom to travel trade wherever they wanted to

missionary-- act made missionaries respect religious toleration-- basically no missionaries allowed

slave trader-- act made slavery illegal and it banned the slave trade

african villager-- act gave europeans complete control over the government of whatever land they controlled

military--- act encouraged military to get involved and hold power over an african territory by force
how did the europeans take over africa's government
they made laws based on right or wrong--- not based on a consensus like africa used to do it
direct rule and indirect rule and which type did britain use
britain used indirect rule
direct--- i make the rule and i'll make you follow it

indirect-- i make the rule and you'll make everybody else follow it
what type of economy did europe introduce in africa
a money economy--- so it also forced african's to pay taxes
how did a money economy affect africa in a negative way
*africans grew cash crops instead of food (b/c before africans were self sufficient farmers not cash crop money making ppl)
what role did religion play in african culture
africa was very culturally diverse (islam, christianity, Judaism)

africans respected nature b/c of religion b/c their religion reflected their culture

religion taught them morals and lessons and taught them why things were

religion united ppl
what did diviners and healers do
they were religious people who connected the africans with their religion---very highly respected

diviners---interpreters between the divine world and africa---why did this person get sick?? ask the diviner and he will connect with the god and ask

healer---herbal medicines and healing methods to cure the sick (connected to religion)
what type of religion did africans observe
monotheistic or polytheistic

one guy created everything
what is jihad
islamic rulers thought that islamic teachings had become corrupt so they called for a jihad which is a holy war that is meant to purify islam