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58 Cards in this Set

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What was another name for the apts. the rich built for the poor?
Who built Port Sunlight????
W.H. Lever
Wat did W. H. Lever build???????
Port Sunlight
Wt 2 things did Port Sunlight include
An art gallery and public gardens
I wat form did the benefits spread to the lower classes?
Wat kind of govt. in great Britain???
Parliamentary was the govt. in where??
Great Britain
Wat representative body was England ruled by??
Who was ruled by the parliament??
Wat was the power of the French king broken by??
The French revolution
When did Napoleon proclaim himself emperor of France?
By when had Napoleon conquered much of Europe????
What happened in 1815????
Napoleon was defeated at Waterloo??
Who was napoleon defeated by?
The duke of Wellington
Wat were the three things that prince Metternich of Austria did?
1. Redrew boundaries
2. Punished France
3. Put kings back on thrones
Who feared the French ideas that spread through Europe?
The congress
Wat were the French ideas? (3)
(1) natural rights of man
(2) liberty, equality, fraternity
(3) idea of nationalism
Where gained independence from the ottoman empire?
When did Greece gain independence from the ottoman empire?
What did Greece gain independence from?
The Ottoman Empire
When did Belgium become independent from the Netherlands???????
Who became independent from the Netherlands in 1831????
Belgium became independent from what in 1831???
The Netherlands
Nationalism encouraged the formation of two new nations. Wat were they?
Germany and Italy
What is imperialism?
The movement of building empires?
What is the movement of building empires??
Wat was one of the major causes for WWII?
The race for colonies
Wat was the date for the building of the Eiffel tower??
Wat were the two problems in managing industrialism?????
1. Production
2. Marketing
Wat is capitalism?
When all property is owned privately by businessmen!
Wat is when all property is owned privately by businessmen?
Wat is socialism?
When there is an encouragement of govt. control
Wat is it when there is an encouragement of government control?
Wat are the three points of socialism??
(1) provides services
(2) heavy taxing pays for program
(3) individual worth and achievement and responsibility little value
Who was Marxism developed by??
Karl Marx
Who wanted to change society??
Karl Marx
What two books did kar Marx write?
Communist manifesto and das kapital
What is th definition for communism?
All people share in labor and goods from that labor
What is when all people share in labor and and goods from that labor?
When did Russians overthrow czar?
When could people afford purple clothes?
What was the decade called where everyone could afford purple clothes?
The mauve decade
What did Charles Darwin write?
Origin of the species
Who were the two preachers?
Moody and Spurgeon
Wh started the salvation army?
William booth
What was in the first half of the 1800s?
What was the love of freedom and nature?
What did sir Walter Scott write?
What did lord Tennyson write?
The charge of the light brigade
Who mixed classical and romantic elements?
We used folk songs?
Brahms and Chopin
Who was the leading composer of opera?
When was realism?.
The mid 1800s
What was in the mid 1800s?
What is realism?
How life really is; reaction against dream like romanticism
What were the two things dickens wrote?
(1) Oliver twist
(2) pick wick papers
What was at the end of the 19th century?
What did Debussy write?
Clair de lune