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30 Cards in this Set

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Why was France a latecomer to colonization in North America?

Mainly due to religious conflicts

Samuel de Champlain

claimed Quebec for France which earned him the title “Father of New France”

Marquette and Joliet

catholic missionaries who explored the upper MS river and also made claims for France

Robert de LaSalle

went all the way down the MS river to the Gulf of Mexico; claimed all of the land touching the river and its tributaries for France; named it Louisiana in honor of Louis XIV

Who formed the Ohio company and what did they do?

a group of business men from Virginia; they claimed land in the Ohio River Valley

Largest French Fort in Ohio River Valley

Fort Duquesne

Robert Dinwiddie

governor of Virginia; sent George Washington with a small group of militia to drive the French out of the Ohio valley; Washington and his men were unsuccessful when fighting broke out starting the French and Indian War

Where all did the war spread?

West Indies, the Philippines, and Africa

What did Europe call the war?

7 Years War

Albany Plan of Union

proposed by Benjamin Franklin; called for the colonies to join together and develop a system of self rule; was rejected by the colonists and Britain but was important because it became a model for later government

Edward Braddock

British general that was sent with 2000 men to capture Fort Duquesne; he and 976 of his men were killed; this victory for the French set off Indian attacks from Pennsylvania to North Carolina

William Pitt

elected Prime Minister of Great Britain in 1758; convinced parliament ti raise taxes and borrow money; allowed him to hire Frederick of Prussia to fight the French in Europe so that the British army could concentrate on North America

Where did the British invade after early losses?

Canada and they began taking over French forts

James Wolfe

British general that attacked Quebec and defeated the French after fierce fighting; was killed along with Marquis de Moncalm (french commander) in the fighting so the French agreed to work out a treaty

Treaty of Paris 1763

ended the French and Indian War; had 2 major terms: 1. France gave Canada and all land east of the MS river except for New Orleans to Britain 2. France gave all land west of the Mississippi River including New Orleans to Spain

What did Americans do after the French left?

They began moving into the Ohio River Valley and the Indian tribes there became concerned


Chief of the Ottowas; led several tribes in a rebellion to prevent further loss of land to the white men; they were given blankets infested with smallpox by the British and the rebellion soon ended

Proclamation of 1763

prohibited settlement west of the Appalachian Mtns.

George Grenville

new prime minister of Great Britain that believed the Americans should pay their share of Britain’s debt from the war; ordered that the government strictly enforce the Navigation Acts

Sugar Act

increased the tax on foreign sugar imported from the West Indies; the Americans resented this tax because it was to make money not regulate trade

Quartering Act

required the colonists to provide food and housing for British troops

Stamp Act

placed a tax on all printed material such as legal documents, newspapers, and playing cards; they required to have a stamp to prove that the tax had been paid

Patrick Henry

introduced resolutions stating that the House of Burgesses alone had the power to tax the Virginians

Stamp Act of Congress

representatives from 9 colonies met in New York City; they petitioned parliament and the king to repeal the tax or else they would boycott British goods

Sons of Liberty

group organized to oppose the Stamp Act and enforce the boycott; their main leader was Samuel Adams; parliament repealed the Stamp Act

Declaratory Act

passed on the same day the Stamp Act was repealed; stated that parliament had the power to make any laws governing the American colonies

Townshend Acts

passed in 1767; taxed glass, lead, paper, paint, and tea imported into the colonies; the Americans were angry about the tax but they were more upset about the fact that British officials could use writs of assistance

Writs of Assistance

general search warrants that allowed officials to search a person or his property at will

Thomas Gage

protests grew so much that he was sent with 2 regiments to Boston to calm things down

The Boston Massacre

on March 5, 1770, 60 colonists surrounded 10 redcoats in front of the Boston Customs House; there was a physical confrontation and the British opened fire; 5 people were killed and 11 were wounded