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60 Cards in this Set

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what played a central role in the southeren econmy and ure?
what were the souths thre major cash crops?
rice, tobacco, indiago
what new southern cash crop boosted the economy?
what were two types of cotton imported from the West indies in 1785?
long-staple or black-seed
what was the advantage of long-stable?
long white fibers, which could be removed from the seeds easily
What was difficult about short-staple cotton?
short white fibers made it hard to get seeds out
about how long did it take to remove the seeds from just one pound of cotton by hand?
1 day
what did Eli whitney invent to help make the process of taking out seeds quicker?
cotton gin
ylinder filled with rows of wire teeth. Worker would spin the cylander by turnign a . used to remove seeds from short-staple cotton
cotton gin
large scale farmers who owned more then 20 slaves-built gins tyhat could harvest lots of cotton
from south carolina to east texas had formed what is known as the cotton kingdom and _________(the region that grew most of country's cotton crop)
cotton belt
Nutt and others experimented with cotton production were part of a larger movemant through the south that promoted ________, or the use of scientific techniques to improve crop production.
scientific agriculture
publication that informed farmers about the latest advances in agricultural research
Farmer's Register
list 2 reasons that cotton was inexpensive to grow.
1)harvested cotton didnt persish over time
2)cotton was light; didnt cost much to transport
what country was the souths main forgeign trading partner?
great britain
crop brokers who managed the trade betweenplanters and their customers
common southern food crops
corn, sweet potatoes, wheat, rice, and sugarcane
who invented a new sugar-processing system
((processed sugarcane into granulated sugar))
Etienne Bore
what was Bore's nickname?
"savior of louisana"
only factory in the south that made iron products
Tredegar Iron Works
who took over Tredegar Iron works?
Joesph R. Anderson
In the 1st half of the 1800's, about how many white southern families owned slaves?
one third
male planter focused primarily on raising crops and left the running of____
their wives
most white southerners were yeomen, meaning that they were _____
small landowning farmers
unlike the planters, yeomen___
worked side by side with slaves
which was a central to southeren social life?
wut is the percentage of the southerne population that was madwe up of very poor landless whites?
whic hsouthern city attracted many writers who gathered to discuss their poems, short stories, and essays?
much of the work in southern cities was done by___
by 1860 more than half of all free african americans lived in the ___
the center life of the free urban african americans was___
the church
why would white people discrimminat free black people?
feared the blacks would encourage rebellions amoung slaves.
list three things that black people could not do
could not vote, travel freely, or hold certain types of jobs
when all the slaves worked on the same task at the same time,usually from sunup to sun down
"gang" systems
slaves recieved very poor____ and ____
clothing and shelter
what would some slaves have forfood?
piece of corn bread for breakfast and dinner
wut would slave holders brib slaves with, to encourage their obedience?
food or better conditions
how many hours would slaves work a day in the fields or in the house?
12-14 hours
stories wit ha moral, which taught lessons about how to survive under slavory
what branch of chistianity was slaves
emotional christian songs that blended african and european traditions
what r 2 ways slaves would protest?
1)worked slower to increase hours in the fields
2)running away for a few days
why would slaves run away temporarly
1)visit relatives
2)avoid angry slaveholders
began on august 1831. Turner led a group of slaves in a plan to kill all of the planter families in their country.
Net turner's rebellion
how many white people were killed and how many black people were killed in the Nat Turner's Rebellion?
the center life of the free urban african americans was___
the church
why would white people discrimminat free black people?
feared the blacks would encourage rebellions amoung slaves.
list three things that black people could not do
could not vote, travel freely, or hold certain types of jobs
when all the slaves worked on the same task at the same time,usually from sunup to sun down
"gang" systems
slaves recieved very poor____ and ____
clothing and shelter
what would some slaves have forfood?
piece of corn bread for breakfast and dinner
wut would slave holders brib slaves with, to encourage their obedience?
food or better conditions
how many hours would slaves work a day in the fields or in the house?
12-14 hours
stories wit ha moral, which taught lessons about how to survive under slavory
what branch of chistianity was slaves
emotional christian songs that blended african and european traditions
what r 2 ways slaves would protest?
1)worked slower to increase hours in the fields
2)running away for a few days
why would slaves run away temporarly
1)visit relatives
2)avoid angry slaveholders
began on august 1831. Turner led a group of slaves in a plan to kill all of the planter families in their country.
Net turner's rebellion
how many white people were killed and how many black people were killed in the Nat Turner's Rebellion?