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34 Cards in this Set

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Christopher Columbus
Genoese sea captain made daring voyage from spain in 1492. He landed on in island in Caribbean.
October 12, 1492
Pinta caught sight of shoreline. By dawn landed ashore in Caribbean.
los indios
term mistakingly applied to all native peoples of the Americas.
Lands controlled by another nation
Vasco Nuñez de Balboa
Spanish explorer marched through modern day panama and became first European to gaze upon the pacific ocean.
Hernando Cortés
1519 spaniard landed on shores of mexico. Claimed new lands for spain.
Aztec capital
Montezuma II
Aztec emperor convinced that cortes was a god wearing armor.
Native woman translator helped cortes learn some natives resented aztecs
Francisco Pizzaro
1532 another conquistador marched small force into south America conquered incan empire.
Incan ruler
Incan capital
Spanish settlers to America
System Spanish forced native Americans to work within. Natives farmed ranched or mined.
Juan Ponce de Leon
Spanish explorer 1513 landed on coast of modern day florida and claimed it for Spain.
1680 pueblo ruler who led a well organized rebellion against spanish
New France
Marquette and Joliet
French Jesuit priest and trader who explored great lakes and upper mississipi claimed entire river for france.
Colonists claimed land named in honor of king.
1620 group who founded second English colony Plymouth. Persecuted for religious beliefs
Also sought religious freedom from England’s Anglican church established larger colony near Massachusetts bay
Dutch West India Company
dutch merchants claimed the region along the hudson river hudson bay and hudson straight and then formed the dutch west india company.
New Netherlands
Dutch holdings in north america
French and Indian War
1754 dispute over land claims in ohio valley led to war between british and French on north America continent.
Native American ruler also known as king Philip led attack on colonial villages throughout Massachusetts.
Atlantic Slave Trade
Buying and selling of Africans for work in americas

Triangular Trade
Africans transported to the Americas part of transatlantic trading network

european goods to africa exchnaged or africans sent to america america sent goods back to europe.
Middle Passage
Voyage that brought captured Africans to the west indies and later to north and south America
Columbian Exchange
Global transfer of foods plants and animals during colonization of americas
Economic system based on private ownership and investment of resources such as money or for profit
joint-stock company
worked much like modern day corporation with investors buying shares of stock in a company
new economic policy. Countries power depended mainly on wealth.
balance of trade
in which it sold more goods than it bought.